Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer is finally here!

I was planning on getting tons and tons of sleep, playing with Rowan, writing a ton, and generally ignoring everyone. Now I'm planning on getting people together for Ren-fest, trying to think of a costume, going to sleep at around 11 and waking up at ten to seven everyday. It's so weird! My sleep patterns are suddenly normal. Usually it's all over the place.

I'm going to see that pirate movie, the fourth Caribbean one this Tuesday. Cool. I've also found some nifty Icelandic videos with phrases for me to learn that sound like nifty gibberish. Also nifty. Anything new with me? Not really. I found an Icelandic kids' commercial for cheese, and the song is unbelievably catchy. I would have completely been caught by it when I was a kiddo.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Birthday! I'm giving you the End of The World!

Okay, apparently, somebody predicted October 21, of 2011, this year mind you, is supposed to be the end of the world. This is really interesting, because there's this guy who's a friend of the family, who thinks the calculations from everyone saying the world was going to end in my mom's high school years (she's like 56 or something, sooo, thirty-five-fortyish years ago??) And he's a christian, and one of those guys who are like, super into numbers and math-related goo.

So, might be missing the Dec 21, 2012, barbecue.

In other news, it's supposed to be the destroyed by fire part that's happening for my birthday. Bigger and more interesting than fireworks... . but still, really? And um, the rapture is supposed to be tomorrow apparently. May 21st, 2011. So, on a Saturday. Cool beans. I'll go clean my room so it can be orderly for other people to raid it afterwards.

Thank you Jesus, this is um, a very thoughtful gift.

This is the May 21 and Oct 21 page.

I'm not going to say I'm even attempting to understand the finer lines of how they figured this out, but whatever. I figure you're supposed to be prepared for the end at any time, but still make arrangements and preparations just in case you're stuck here for the normal lifespan of a human.

~Happy almost-rapture? Sankari <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Viking Button

No, I'm not talking about 'click' vikings pop up. I'm talking about a button, like on a shirt. I fell in love with two little buttons on a super-hideous bathing suit dress thing today. I would have totally gotten that thing just to take the buttons off and use them for a vikings costume.

Nope, my mom would not have any of that.

If I got it, I'd have to use the bathing suit too.

Well, that wasn't happening. So I looked around a bit more. There was a cute black shirt, with that same viking button on it, only it was huge. Like, it was more like the clasp for a cloak, than a button. But the shirt was cheaper than the bathing suit, and it was cute.

However, as much as I love that button, as much as I'd adore it as the clasp of a cloak I have not yet made, I also really like it on that shirt. I don't think that viking button is coming off anytime soon. It's my cute black shirt with a viking button.

In other news; Osama Bin Laden was finally killed. Then his body was dumped into the ocean within two hours of death on Obama's orders. Really now. That's more of an honor thingy or something in that culture, and really, we should have kept it. We haven't even gotten DNA results back to make sure it was really him.

Since Easter, we have been getting random snow. It snowed a bit today too.

My brother and Sam came over for Easter for a bit. My brother yelled: "Beth, there's shuriken in the bathroom!"

Me: "Sorry!" Been meaning to put those things away, but I keep forgetting to wash them.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Danish has the best word I have ever come across for 'END' in a foreign language. Took me entirely by surprise as I was glancing over the original Little Mermaid story in its amazing original Danish version. (Because you can find anything on the internet.) Right there, in nice bold letters, was this word.


Means 'end' in Danish.

No clue how they pronounce it, but it makes me smile that's their word for end.


~San over and out.

P.S. I totally passed my German test, and my brain is in that point of being sick that it's more like you're just kind of away from everything and you're just watching what's going on. It almost feels like hallucinating real-life. It's kinda boring in a 'whoa, dude', kind'ave way.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kicks and giggles

Anyone else love the Muppets still? This audio was taken from the Popcorn scene. <3

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not-nightmares and what's up with me~

So a not-nightmare is just that. Something that is not a nightmare, and therefore not scary while you're in it, but once you wake up you're like wtf just happened?

That's the reaction my subconscious has had to the movie Watership Down. Not-nightmares, and bullshit.

Had a not-nightmare that I was in my house at night, and the freaky sun-thing Fritz was acting like the eye of Saron(one more letter and it's Sharon) and I guess if it's light touched you you would like, die or something. It wasn't really clear what would happen to you, just that you needed to avoid it. Then my mom was sitting in the bathroom and saying something about sitting in there with the cats to hide. F that. Really. I was going in there to get Tammy out of there, cause even though it's the only room in the house that could possibly protect from a freaky sun-creature, somehow I also knew that was the one room that bloody thing could send microwaves into the floor and walls to nuke whoever was in there. Like my cat. I got her out.

Then I went to my room, which yes, has a window in it. The Fritz-Saron red lightbeam thing crept into my room, and I was like whatever. I got hidden in the corner of my bed like behind it and the wall, which didn't really make sense cause my bed is a heap of mattresses (like the princess and the pea XD) and they're shoved into that same corner. Anyway, I don't think it saw me, but I woke up right then when it's uh eye-light got over the top of my head.

Guess Fritz wakes you up.


Okey, next not-nightmare happened todayish sometimeish. (there was a bit of intro before it got to the part relating to the movie)

Starts out with wandering some bloody cave-thing as some kind of ritual-rite for some weird thing that doesn't exist and I'm not a part of. I was finding all the magical junk, some glowy crystals, and a bowl of 'the goddess' that looked like it was out of an Englishman's house and had instructions printed on it in several different languages including Turkish. Anyway, the sun-bowl, pretty much just made rainbows for your viewing pleasure outside but still nearby instead of ya know, glowing rainbows or starting fires, or something interesting.

Then there was a skeleton that was in a dangerous high pressure section of the cave with its knees and wrists tied together. My brother found that one. But after we got out, for some reason there was a kiddo that looked suspiciously like my evil icky step-cousin in a younger form. She was being a poop, and thusly got whoop. Spankings are good for children, especially when they don't get disciplined. Ever.

Anyway, as it turned out, this girl who was not my step-cousin followed by a woman who was not my step-relativething(she's weird, I don't claim she's family. or human.) Apparently, I was this kid's kindergarten teacher. And teachers are not supposed to beat and or discipline children. This is when she demanded for my qualifications to teach.

My subconscious bluntly told her that I had two master's degrees and was working on my third (for what? who even knows man. my dream-state is worse than some people's acid trips. especially because it's set up to make it seem like it should make total sense and transitions into each new scene smoothly). Then I knew five languages, and I was great with children. (rehihiheeeely? pfffffffffffffffff) This brings up the great question of why was I a kindergarten teacher? Well, apparently I had never thought about it, and I was like why am I a kindergarten teacher? I should go teach at a university now or something. So I left to go do that.

But then I was like hmmmm, if those kids turn out to be brats, they're already pretty much set in their ways and I can't do anything about it.

So I skipped an airplane ride (seriously, who wants to dream about that? yay for editing skills <3), came up into some random tourist spot, and got a red motorcycle. (It was hawt!!! I want one! ^^) Then proceeded to ride down through the gorgeous green scenery jumping streams and rivers and trying to figure out where Matthew lived again because he said if I needed a job or just wanted to hang out I should totally find him.

Weeeeeell, kinda rode past the place in the mountains his house was (he also lived either in the mountains by a place or on a road called Sister), so I was like, ehhhhh, whatever. I have a bike and this place is pretty. I'm just gonna keep going. There was a really gorgeous place I found that had three big random boulders and I was like YES. I will make my kingdom here and rule forever more.

Then there were also random people who were with me, but I ignored them as having been there the whole time.

But the problem with my new kingdom was poking out by one of the boulders. It was an antenna for a house. So I went up the hill, and low and behold, there was a bunch of freaking empty houses in a flat dirt field.

(The field! It's covered in blood!-what my mind automatically thought)

Kay. So the field of death from Watership Down turned into a bunch of houses, and then everyone died horribly. Somehow.... anyway, the point is, the spirits of the pets were stuck there because they had been abused or ignored or left behind or whathaveyou.

The first one I found was just a cute little old hound that just needed to be pet for awhile, and she passed on into the afterlife.

This led into thinking 'hey, while we're here, let's help as many as we can!' and the hound-ghost somehow left me a cleanly written list in a handwriting better than my own of ten animals in order of how disturbed they were. So I went to number one next door not knowing if it was the worst tempered or least tempered one.

Well, it looked almost like a junkyard dog, and it could totally talk. I was like, a dog-therapist, giving dog-therapy. To dog-ghosts. Ghost dogs.


So I flattered it into giving me an audience, and then found out it had been pretty much kept in a closet all its life, and it's human's ghost came in to grab something. (it was some woman) And then I found out what had happened to it. These were the dog's exact words.

"You chose your man because when you died he would follow you to the grave. He did, but not before butchering 'fluffy' and the two kids."

And I woke up riiiiiiiiiiiiiight around then.

As an added bonus, this isn't the first time Matthew, like, Canada, had popped into a random sequence of dream. He also popped up yesterday? as my mermaid twin brother and we had to get away from a Darkray pokemon that was trying to kill us/mostly me. He was a faster swimmer, but I was the one who could fight with magic and we ended up saving each other's lives. But good grief, that water was foul!

I can totally breathe underwater in dreams sometimes.

What else.....

Ah yes, what's been up with me you ask? Well, I was getting freaked out because I had been having some sharp pains on my right side and had been feeling nauseas since Thursday. I was freaked out with my lack of knowledge of human anatomy, thinking it was my appendix and I was going to die. Nah, it's too high for that. It's like my gallbladder or liver or some other random organ.

That's okay. Those aren't as important. I won't randomly die from those exploding randomly. I think....

~lots of love and kisses for any cute orphaned dolphins orphaned by the tsunami or a shark,

Monday, March 28, 2011

More on strangers

Also, there was a bit I forgot about Russians. They came up too.

Like his aunt totally is Russian, like from Russian and stuff, not just Russian by blood. (I always have to specify that bit since we're like, in America, ya know?) So like, when she got pregnant with her first kiddo, she didn't want to tell anyone because she thought if the knowledge of it was spread out too far it would kill the baby. Then she also thought that if she cut her hair or fingernails, that she'd be depriving the baby of nutrients. Her husband won out on the fingernail part (Alvin: "Thank God." *shudder*), so she did cut those, but yowza. She apparently has like a master's degree in some kind of high brain function computer thing. So she's a brilliant person, just not a whole lot in the common sense department. That seems about how it goes with super smart people. Me? I prefer common sense.

On with something else that happened today. My friend Joey is in a wheelchair. He was gone for a week because he ripped something in his leg from jumping off a swing. (I knew that was dangerous as a kid!) And Eeann was going to be helping him around for the day. The only problem being, I have never had a friend in a wheelchair before. Never. So I was like "I want to steal Joey". Then I walked up while Eeann was in his locker, and walked off with Joey. It was silly because I didn't know where we were going, he's super-quiet and hard to hear, and then I thought we were going to room 314 because that's what I thought he said, but then he said we had to go back because he had to go to his locker. I still hadn't put together than he'd said his locker number, I thought he'd told me the room, which had confused me as '314? where's that?? and I was like "Is it on the right or the left?"

"Left." He wouldn't point to where he wanted to go, so I moseyed up to the lockers and was like "Is it here?" "No, it's farther down." So I went down a little farther (asking pardons for the people I was moving out of the way XD) and went back to the lockers. "Is it here??" He shook his head. He wouldn't even tell me where it was.   I totally got him to his locker on the third try though. Then Eeann came and got him to bring him to class. That was good too, because I had no idea where to take him. He is very soft spoken. And I think he was amused by how blonde I really am.

Also kidnapped him again during lunch. (Josh helped! ^^) Then I was like do you want to be returned to your table now? and he was like *shrug*. I took it as a yes, because he wasn't going to say anything else. Took him back, his table was leaving, so I brought him back to my table. Then I was like, oh wait, you're in my next class. I know where you're going! *kidnaps* He needed to go to his locker. Eeann caught up with us in the hallway and took over again. Oh well. Kidnapping is amazingly fun. Joey's totally nonchalant about it too. I would have kidnapped him again after that hour, but when I asked him if it was too obvious he was going to get kidnapped and he said yes, I didn't. It's no fun if it isn't a surprise. For Eeann too. I'm going to trip him up with this.

I also wanted to kidnap him right after the assembly (I stole a cripple twice today!), but Eeann got him first again. I should have sneaked down during the assembly, and then gotten him out early. Then Eeann would have been like omigosh, where's Joey. (in guyer-y words than that, but still) The assembly was a total wash too. We just went to clap for some girl I don't know while her dad was doing a homevideo and some guy from the school newspaper took pictures of us clapping. (or not clapping. XD) All she did was sign a paper. Whoooooo. It'd be funnier if she forged someone else's signature and lied about her name. That'd be funny, because it'd be on camera.

I love talking to strangers.

Strangers are nice people most of the time. Whenever I feel like talking to one, they usually talk back and we're cool. Talked to some guy at the bank named Alvin. We were talking about our HSs, his old/my current. (It's on the driver's permit and it's a form of ID so, yeah.) Then I said I wanted to be a linguist he said he'd never heard anyone say that before. After saying what languages I wanted to learn, he was like "I'm sensing a kind'ave Nordic theme". No kidding. Norwegian and Icelandic are gorgeous languages. Then he asked if I was thinking about learning Finnish too. It's a maybe.

He grew up with a friend who was a Finn. Well, he was half Finnish, and his mom was full. So this dude Alvin got lectured on what a 'proper' sauna was because he questioned it. So now, I will pass on this knowledge.

1. It must be cold.

2. The sauna must be made of wood.

3. In order for it to be a real sauna, you shouldn't be wearing anything. Not even the usual towel. (Don't tell France!)

4. Then you need a juniper branch. To beat your back.... You're beating yourself with this switch, but because the heat makes it all limp and stuff, by the time you actually do use it it doesn't feel bad. (Cause heat can shut off the censors in your skin for pain is what I'm guessing happens too.)

5. The Finns pronounce sauna differently. I don't know what it really sounds like, but the closest Alvin got to it was sow-nah.

We both agreed both the Finns and the Swedes were just a little too comfortable with nudity. (The French too, but we left them out of the conversation.) By the by, the college counselor at my HS, Ms W, is totally like, his next door neighbor. Has been for years. Weird, neh?

That's about it. San over and out duckies!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I got to drive for the first time today! Well, I guess now it was yesterday, huh? But still! It was fun! And mildly horrifying! I couldn't get the hang of staying in the lines, then I kept trying to correct it but it made it worse so I was 'driving like a drunk' and swerving a little, but it was a-okay! Cause we were on a cow-road by the cows, so there weren't a bunch of people to run into! Or other cars. My mom cursed a whoooooooole lot during the adventure, and then she said we needed to look for a place to pull over. Before I knew it she screamed what I thought was the order to do so- and flick on the click click click thingy for the little arrow saying you're about to turn/merge or whatever it's called at the same time, then she screamed BREAK! BREAK!!!!

Then we stopped.

I was laughing maniacally through the WHOLE THING except for a short part in the middle I started singing Over the Hills and Faraway by Nightwish as Gleefully as meeeeeeeeeeeeee. Driving's really fun. We didn't die, and I didn't mess up the new windshield she got on Friday. I consider it a success.

The mother unit says I might be learning how to drive from my brother from now on.


Oh yeah, and there was this yard sale down where my German lesson thingy is, and they had all these wooden weapons and cool looking things out! They had a wooden battleaxe! I was like, omg, I'd be just like Denmark! But they were packed up by the time I was out. It was lame..... but then I got to drive. Hehehehehe. ^^


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Not Tee-hee, tea-heh! Like yay tea! With a throaty HEH! in there. ^^

I'm writing the first chapter of my story instead of studying for German right now. I'll get to that when I'm done for the night and just not sleep. I can do it. I have coffee. And I haven't stayed up all night in awhile. (weirdness) but makes sense. I like sleep.

Guess who got her drivers' permit to-day~~~~~~~~, that's right, moi! I have the temporary paper one, and get to go yell at them in thirty days if they haven't sent me the real thing by then. Hooray!

Yay story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm excited. It is getting done.

San out. Have a fun night. Don't get caught robbing a back of its delicious um, coats? Are coats delicious? I guess they are.... to goats. Goats eat random stuff. Goats would definitely eat delicious coats if you let them. Don't steal coats for your goats! And definitely don't get caught if you do it anyway!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


random conflagration of stuff

Greenland or Hungary with Norway

Cute sneeze

Now! A random piece of a random fanfic.

Pkay, so one week, Peter was just giving Arthur hell for whatever reason. (It's cause Arthur's been being a jerk, that's why.) 

One Saturday, the older of the Kirklands got asked to go pub hopping with some of his friends. He was English, of course he was bloody going. Unfortunately, Peter told him he'd call the cops on him and tell them all kinds of things about his 'pirate' days and get him in all sorts of trouble if he didn't take him along too. 

Thing is, Arthur's a horrible role model and fake parent to his brother, so he agreed on the stipulation that Peter was to stay away from the group and keep in sight. 

That, coupled with not reading this sign, is how we find them bickering outside now. (Children left unattended playing by our bar will be given an expresso and a puppy.)

* * * * * *

"You're not keeping the dog."

"I am so keeping her. She's awesome!" 

"Peter, I swear, if you don't shut up and stop arguing I'm giving you to the next stranger we pass and going home alone!"

"Go ahead! They'll probably be better than you anyway, jerk!" Peter was half shaking from the expresso and was leading a little white puppy by a thin blue leash. "I'd willingly go with any stranger than to have to see your ugly face every day!" 


As it so happened, they rounded the corner, and although the rest of the street was pretty much empty of people walking, there was one guy just like right there. Arthur took Peter by the arm and walked up to the stranger purposefully. 

"Here! You take him home. He is no longer my brother." The Englishman stormed away, leaving a very shocked and confused man and his own irritated little brother behind. 

"Is he c`ming b`ck?" (is he coming back?) The man asked still staring after where the blond had disappeared still in the 'what just happened' state. 

"I don't even know anymore." Peter threw his hands up hopelessly. He was tired of arguing with Arthur, the jerk. His puppy was tired and sad from all the yelling, and just hung its head. All it wanted was sleep, and all he wanted was Arthur to get in his car and not come back. 

Then he heard the sound of their car starting up, and he ran over to see Arthur drive away without him. 

Peter froze, standing stolk still. He really was leaving him behind. One minute passed. And another four. No sign of Arthur. The stranger he left him with came up behind him and stood beside him. 

"He really left..."

"He'll come b`ck fer ya." The man said kindly, patting his head. Peter looked up at him and was impressed. Out of all the scary guys running around at night, Arthur managed to find one that looked like he killed people for a living. Course, Arthur had pretty much desensitized him to scariness since he had a stick stuck up there most of the time and was a jerk. 

"How do you know? Were you in on this?" Peter demanded, but he already knew the answer. The stranger just shook his head, and he sighed. "Yeah, I know. He actually ditched me with a random stranger. He always used to tell me he'd sell me to gypsies if I misbehaved, but he never had time for that. Hurray!" He cheered sarcastically and plopped down by the side of the road to wait. 

"`'ll wait with ya." (I'll wait with you.)

Peter just sat there with a set frown until an hour had passed and the expresso wore off. Then he was just a tired kid who'd been left behind. His new puppy sat beside him glumly. 

And the stranger, he waited with him there for two hours. 

"I don't think he's coming back." 

"It's l`te. I'll dr`ve ya h`me." (It's late. I'll drive ya home.)

"Okay." Peter agreed tiredly and got up. They walked to the stranger's car with was parked another street over, and he gave directions while the man drove. "I'm Peter." He said on the way.

"B`rwald." (Berwald!!! XD) 

Berwald pulled over to the curb in front of the kid's house so he could get out on the sidewalk and not have to walk in the street. That's when they heard something distinctly glass break in the house and shouting. Peter frowned.

"Oh great, Alfred's here."

"Th`y're f`ghtin." (They're fighting.)

"Yeah, and it's gonna end in sex. And I'll have to clean up all the junk they broke tomorrow." Peter frowned at the house. "Hey Berwald, could I spend the night at your house?" The man's blue eyes went the tiniest fraction wider which he'd kinda gotten to be like jaw on the floor from the guy. 

"Th`'t'd be k`dnappin." (That'd be kidnapping.)

"A little, yeah. But you'd be saving a kid from another tramatizing memory of hearing his brother and our neighbor have loud sex all night, and Arthur already pretty much gave his okay for you to take me home. He did ditch me you, that's like, reckless abandonment." The younger of the Kirklands was amazingly persuasive. (you had to be there, trust me, it was amazingly persuasive)

Berwald thought about it, and his face got a little bit more bunched up into his usual glare while he did. Bah, it was just his face. Everyone knew your face could get stuck like that if you frowned too much. 

"G`t school in the m`rning?" (Got school in the morning?)

"Uh huh."

"Gr`b yer b`ckpack `nd a overn`ght bag." (Grab your backpack and an overnight bag.) Basically, saying yes, but that he was still going to school in the morning.

"Yes! Thanks Berwald!" 

Berwald rested his head in his hand on the steering wheel. He wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but he didn't want to leave the kid to deal with that. The white puppy left sitting in the passenger seat looked up at him tiredly. Didn't want the puppy to deal with it either... Peter ran in and came back in about four minutes with everything he needed. He put the stuff in the back seat and scooped his puppy back up so he could reclaim the passenger seat. 

Peter claimed the guestroom, and Berwald made sure he brushed his teeth before he went to bed. He fed the puppy some leftover sausages and let it out back to do its business, and let it sleep in the guestroom with Peter. He also got the name of Peter's school so he could look up directions before tomorrow. 

It was the first time in over a month he wasn't late to school. 

Peter was talking to his friend Raivis all about it during lunch. 

"He made breakfast, and lunch for me, and woke me up early so I had time to do stuff instead of 'we have to leave NOW'." 

"Y-you s-shouldn't t-trust s-strangers." 

"AND," Peter said cutting in, ", he even gave me the number for his house phone so I can call him if my brother doesn't pick me up." Raivis tried to tell him it probably wasn't a good idea to call him, but Peter was already planning how to slowly break it to the man that he'd claimed the guestroom as his own, and he was now his papa. 

And more pictures!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nighttime rocks

I really like being up at night because that means I don't have to deal with the humans in my house. Spike, Tammy, and Cory are way better company and conversationalists. The two cats look really alike, so I've been irritating them calling them sisters. They're really smart, and don't like being referred to as such.

Spike and I usually go out for about an hour in the morning. I'm fine with going as early as three some mornings, but others, like today, are a no. We have coyotes in our area, and they do come and walk the neighborhood sometimes. So going out right before the moon is totally full isn't a good idea. I think I'll wait until about five or so.

Yay avoiding the wolf's moon. Coyotes like to hunt by that too, right?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!

I ran out and got a box of red hair dye and went red last night in honor of the occasion. Never dyed my hair before, it didn't turn out too bad. I like it. ^^ (whoooo, I'm a soulless ginger. bewaaaaaare) It's not like my cousin or my sister in law's. Their's is really bright and ya know, natural. It's cool though.

Don't forget to wear green!!!

3/14 was my official unbirthday! Kayla made cupcakes for the class and they sang the birthday song to me. Hers was sometime in the winter; I made her cupcakes when it wasn't her real birthday either. Today is Dani's unbirthday, she's like, super Irish, and it's an Irish holiday.

Everyone else we haven't decided on. We'll just surprise them randomly.

Hurray! Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland and his first church there was a barn! And somewhere along the lines he drove out all the snakes too. Now we drink to that. Non-alcoholic things (the younger of us who aren't in a very Irish/German sort of family setting like moi), but we drink nonetheless. Viva la Resistance! XD

That last part was random. Happy St. Patrick's day!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Day

Failed a German test. (8.25/10 is failing, because it's always 10 with 5 possible extra credit) XP

Found a Scotty dog. He is so ubydooby adorable. Yes he is. He was wandering around down South, so I checked a couple houses, really just two, and the second house took him. The first weren't home. The second wasn't his owner, it was a vet who could take it to her clinic and scan him for a chip because he didn't have tags. He was just this little black guy who was excited to see everyone and gave me puppy eyes saying 'you're leaving me?'. He was definitely a lapdog. He was cute though.

Had some delicious pasta. It was okay, not delicious, but still okay.

And we're all waiting for more reports from Japan. Let's pray for these guys because we don't know how bad it is yet. (reports so far say very. lots of dead)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fem China found!

This picture is off of

This woman is taking care of sixteen baby pandas. SIXTEEN. Sure they're endangered, but why would you want that many babies? Let someone help you! (good job saving the planet one baby panda at a time. or no, my mistake. sixteen baby pandas at a time.)

I used to be a bear you know.

Really, I did bear-stuff. Baby-bear stuff to be more specific. When I was little I was obsessed with climbing trees. Only problem, the only trees around were the ash tree(which is only good for climbing if you're taller than a twerp), and the aspens which grew in clumps of four and five out front.

I picked the aspens.

One day when I wasn't being watched, I climbed those aspens. Got twenty feet or so off the ground, was very pleased with myself, and then realized I didn't know how to get back down. (yeah real baby bears can get down, but I was always told they couldn't. otherwise they'd be there forever though, so I'm sure they can get down.)

Some random guy had to get me down because I wouldn't move and my mom wouldn't do anything but try and coax me down. Didn't work.

Thank you random stranger. If not for you, I might very well still be stuck in that tree.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I just got a letter from a college in Switzerland!
SWITZERLAND! looks really good too. Franklin University. (It's in Switzerland!!!!!!)

It has French and Italian, and basically German's one of the big languages there, so to practice that you just have to go outside, find some strangers, talk to them. But um... the difference between Swiss-German and regular German are pretty much the difference between Norwegian and Danish, with more differences? (sorry from sounding as unread as possible in relating them) You might be able to understand each other if you speak really slooooowly and clearly, but there are some different words, grammar, and pronunciations.

If I go, I think I would be entering as a junior. They want you to complete at least one, preferably two years of college beforehand, then they look at everything. They want your grades and test scores from high school, they want the same from college, then you need three letters of recommendation from teachers, and a report from the councilor at the college.

Not Manly

Just a short moment out of last Sunday. Me and Spike decided to go exploring, and on the way back home, there was this guy walking a beagle puppy. So Spike starting huffing 'I wanna play with you, I want to chew on your neck, you're so tiny are you a toy?' to his credit, he didn't bark. (Spike's actually really good with other dogs, he just acts like he's going to eat them.) He basically got up on his back feet and I was dragging him away without too much trouble. He just does that sometimes.

Thing was, the guy, who was around 20ish kinda built like my brother, was slightly being dragged forward by the beagle puppy. ... I don't know whether I should think back on the moment and laugh, or decide he was too distracted by the giant dog standing on its hind legs and leaning all its weight into going towards him and the puppy and was being dragged away by some chick. Just sayin... sure he might have been crippled in some way, but he wasn't using a cane, there were no casts or signs of illness I could see, soooooo.

Not too manly dude.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Financial consultants

That was what the whole lecture on marriage and how 70% of divorce was caused by something financially as the listed reason. Chris hadn't been too informed about how it was going to go or what it was really going to be about. So I attended a pep rally for financial consultants in a new business that was only started last year.

Wasn;t too bored, they were loud and into what they were saying. But if I hear 'Right?' come out of your mouth at the end of every sentence you speak, I will not enjoy your company. Good grief, there were five or six speakers, and about four of them spoke in that fashion. I guess it was a good experience and glad I went to it, but still, could have had better timing. I'm nearing the 24 hour mark for being awake and kept randomly closing my eyes and blacking out for small portions of time during the lecture and jerking away whenever I started to fall over. It was business casual so I had to change before going.

I got to see Megamind. It was pretty good. A bit too much romance for my taste, but good. Hurray for the dollar theater.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am today. Instead of going to sleep or playing around or writing more of my story, I went out to start unearthing my truck. Spring break is this month, I'm going to get my learner's permit, so I would like my truck out where I can use it.

Six feet of crap on it, but turned out a lot of it was weirdly placed cardboard to take up space. Did get a nasty surprise when I found out there was stuff inside the truck too.

I filled up the trashcan.

Good thing tomorrow's trash day.

Weird crap I found:

Trail mix

plastic cutlery

regular cutlery

a plate

random bags of trash

random bags of trash with change in them

about 4 dollars in change o.o *puts in the ashtray/keydrawer thing for future*

a lighter


a metal egg-timer made in the USA from sometime before the 80s.

Good grief there was so much trash. There's still broken glass in the bed of the truck from where the back window shattered due to the engine going through it.

When I announced I was going to clean it, my mom actually tried to protest. "But, what if you don't have a B average by spring break?" and then some other weak argument trying to keep me from going out and trying to clean it. Don't care. It's getting done whether she wants to whine or cry about it.

Speaking of which, I need a name for my truck. I'm thinking Dashkin. (Check out Bitey's Castle.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chris came over today

I showed him France's bloodbath video and how to not get your but kicked by the police. I honestly did warn the adults they would not enjoy the contents of the videos and to get out of the room. (because the computer is in the dining room) They did not listen, they now regret it. I am internally laughing at them. Very very loudly and a lot. Eat. France's. Bloodbath.

It's a great song. very creative and accents the character perfectly. Just they don't watch Hetalia and it's alright for them to talk about crap, they just won't listen to it in return. I'm cool with that. It'd be creepier if they did like it. (which yes, the creeper seemed to enjoy it at points. freaking creeper)

Later this month is spring break. I am going to be going to get my learners' permit at this time, whether if it's with a friend (if that's the time she's going to) or if it's demanding my brother or some other person to take me. That means I get to clean off six feet of crap off my truck and get some Joe out here to put its guts back inside of it and then get it toted down to have its back window replaced (its former engine went through it) then get it registered and get insurance and whatnot.

..... Good Will and Trash Day will very much be my friends this month. Very much.

One of the things I'm debating on actually keeping is a wooden cradle. It's broken, I could fix it no problem if I felt like it. Not planning on getting married or having children, but it'd be pretty spiffy to have on the off chance I do. Just saying, if I get married, the guy would have to be downright amazing. Not pretty amazing, amazing to the core amazing. The rest I have no attachment to or use for.

Tammy's glaring at me. I guess I gotta feed the cats.


Basically all of yall know my mother's husband is one, right? (he's not a dad in any form, just her husband)

Well, other than being just as full of rage as she is, he's flat out just creepy most of the time. She told me he's been recently out of sorts and distracted, and I piped up with 'murderers generally go through that before they kill people'. I've been pretty much expecting to have to tear his throat out with my teeth or something since they got married, because I'm an overprotective soul and he was worse/still is the same as back then. Used to try and pick me up and drag me to church (literally) to go hang out with all the people who were indifferent of me and I of them. We're still indifferent of each other. Broke down a door when I didn't want to go to school one day in the seventh or eight grade. (no freaking clue, middle school is kinda blended together in my brain). It wasn't even that day, but one day after being drug out to go to school (ever drag a cat by the scruff of the neck out from under a couch? same basic principle), I flat out walked away from the school and hung out under a tree with a dead hawk that had apparently died just in the early morning. (fresh dead doesn't smell) Looked like it'd crashed into the tree and broken its neck. Poor thing, I named it Vincent. Anyway, about the creeper. I've already told this to Dani sometime awhile back, not too sure who else was there, but I'm bringing it up again because it's f-ing creepy.

There is a bloody homemade DVD disk taped to the underside of the computer desk. I told Dani I thought it was porn. I still think it's porn and I don't want to look at it. I'm giving it until tomorrow night. If it isn't gone by then I'm either looking at it or flat out throwing it away. Who knows? If it's really bad I could give it to the cops or something. Freaking creeper.

Let's have a vote, who says it's porn and should be immediately discarded, or I should check it before I chuck it?

Me and Dani say porn- 2 votes for chucking it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Happy -late- Bloodbath to you all

It's what Hetalia calls Christmas since France goes around being France during that time of the year taking pictures of everyone. Here's a fan-made video of the Twelve Days of Christmas France-Bloodbath style. (rated PG-14 by the creator, for no pants in places and general France-ness.) Enjoy! (get your kids out of the room before you watch this if they are under 14. seriously)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Farewell to Arms

The author bloody killed the baby. Best part? It was the same way my brother David died and I almost did with the whole umbilical cord wrapped around the throat thing. It was just in getting to the hospital quickly enough, like ten to twenty minutes decided that he was dead and I was a C-section. 

Chris was supposed to come over to hang out today, and then we'd go to some weird seminar thing on Friday and hear a lecture about something. He said today he won't be able to hang out this week at all. Sometimes I want two brothers so at least one of them might be free, but it'd be worse if both of them ignored me. Feeling like an only child is nreh. 

Random story about Chelsea from middle school. Her boyfriend was my best friend at the time's boy-best friend. So best friend who is a guy. This dope asked out Brittany while he was still 'going out' (kids in middle school don't go anywhere) with Chelsea. She never really complained about that. What she did complain about, was when he dumped her. (She should have dumped him.) She called me, everyday, after school, for weeks. To complain for hours that he had (and I quote, totally exact words here) "That he had no right to dump her" (she used 'me' instead of 'her', but yeah.) Creepy creepy. I think it's kinda worse than Belarus' affection for her brother, because this girl wasn't too much into the unwarranted affection part of the relationship I don't think. I think it was more like, he had no right because she owned him, and they were going to bloody well get married whether he liked it or not. -shudder-

Then in the Marriage of Figaro, a cute little soap opera by Mozart we're reading in Music Appreciation, we unwittingly stumbled upon the worst plot twist ever. This girl Marcellina, who I was playing (because I'm the oldest girl and therefore get to be the bitter old lady XD), who was trying to get Figaro to marry her because of some contract with not paying back a loan. (it was 2,000 gold pieces) Yeah, this chick turns out to be his mom. And they were totally fine with it too! They were like 'oh, we're related? Son! Mother! //huuuuug!!!' And then his father was randomly there too. And Marcellina was like 'okay, wedding thing off, go marry that Susanna girl you're so in love with'. Susanna was the only one who freaked out and kept asking 'you bloomin' serious? that -eerrrrrr- is your MOM?!!! 

I am now Justin's mom. Creepy. Creepy creepy.

I have the feeling I won't be living it down anytime soon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pet peeves and things/grrr

Anyone else hate people's little gross/irritating 'quirks' with a passion? Yeah, there are just those certain people, it doesn't matter it you're 'polite' to each other or not, you will not get along. And yeah, that happens a lot. I don't like people reading over my shoulder. If I invite you to read a book with me, or whatever I'm writing, we'll probably take turns reading it out loud or something and that's only happened a couple times since grade school. But seriously, if you read over my shoulder when I'm writing, you will get glared at. Bad table manners, sounding like a freaking hog when you're eating with all the slurping and grunting when you're eating something like pizza or anything else that wouldn't naturally cause those kind of noises, just no. Gross things are gross. I can live with random freaks leaning so far back their nasty hair is on my desk. I just won't bother to make my books avoid their heads when I move them or turn pages. If they want to be in my space that badly, go for it. I'm not apologizing if they get a paper cut on their head. Talking about vulgar things during any meal is a no too. Telling me the worst possible bit of news first thing in the morning every single freaking day or cursing someone out for being gay or a democrat or whatever else you might come up with is not for me either. Mostly it's just better not to talk in the morning. Learn how to eat quietly with table manners. And I don't care if you don't move your head before you get blood on my desk, just don't let it get on my books.

Here's a random police etiquette video. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh, maybe not?

Hah ha.. . so, thought about any change in my routine that could be causing the nails thing. Walking in the morning is a no, so the only other thing that's different is I've been using Bragg-amino sauce on some random stuff (especially rice) for the past week or so. I don't know how my brain got on the subject, but I remembered too much salt was bad for you, so I checked out if that could cause a heart attack. Yes, it can. Too much salt gives you high blood pressure = possible heart attack. So, checked the bottle of that weird junk I was told was healthier than soy sauce, and yeah, there's a freakish amount of sodium in it. Um, so as a random note: sugar makes me tired/mellow/hyper(just depends) and salt makes me sick. Weird. But it kinda makes sense I guess. My headaches have been a bit worse lately, not just from 6th, and yeah.

Bon nuit mes amis.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A doc eh?

Well, my fingernails are looking a little better, but still have that tint to them. Fun thing, they kinda do hurt now. My hands and especially my wrists are pretty ehh. It kinda reminds me when I was a kid, because my wrists hurt all the time when I was little. But they haven't been like this in years, at least since sometime in elementary. With an added thing, that random I couldn't get warm to go to sleep thing that happened last year is thrown into the mix too. I can fix it with a big pile of blankets so I'm comfortable enough to sleep, but it's pretty unnatural for me to have my room hot and then need blankets... Usually I keep my room nice and cold and leave the window open a crack or fully open year round. It doesn't affect the house much with my door closed because the furnace vent connected to my room has never worked. (Hurray for cold!)

Soooooo, that thing about having a stroke... that does not sound amazing. Not the sort of amazing thing I would want to do. So, I'm gonna see if I can get the jolly ol' mum of mine to take me to the doc.

In other news... haven't spoken to my brother since he got married. We don't see each other in person and don't enjoy talking over the phone. Lame huh?

Good bit of news. I told my mom that I was debating over just going to community college for two years after high school and doing really well there so I could transfer to the college I really want to go to, or I could would really hard for the next two years and then try to advocate for myself so they might let me in anyway even with my GPA being so low. She was all for the community college thing, saying 'both your cousins went to one to get their basic-required classes done so when they went to real college they would just be working on their major'. Hehe, yeah. The thing is, no. Thank you. No. I think I'd rather work hard now, because if I just go to community college my next college might not look at the amazing test scores I get in HS. Besides, Hunter got to run away to Idaho went he got out, I could use running away up North too even if I can't change states.

I'm now passing French. (Because I'm so amazing I can fix that in two days.) Fill in the blanks duckies. America -f  k- yeah!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Like the dead

You know CSI where the dead chick/guy's nails are all purple/blue at their base? Yeah, my nails have been looking like that all day. They don't feel any different, so I'm not too worried. It's pretty cool in a bad way. If anyone knows what might cause that, could you tell me what it is? If it's not better by tomorrow I'll either show them off to everyone and say I'm a zombie, or paint them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

German vs French

I got exposed to German as my first second language when I was twelve for one semester at school. Then in high school I got shoved into French. (Well actually, now that I think about it, all of fourth grade tried to get me to learn Spanish, and it just made me mad. I did not learn anything. I don't dig educational videos of an ugly man with a bad voice when I'm in the front. Still don't.) Anyways, now I'm still in French and that's the first language I've gotten pretty far with so far. I can read comic books meant for their equivalent of second or third graders. By the by, I got two of those. Hunchback of Notre Dame, and something about a revolution. The second ones the best because fourth sentence in: 'The French were revolting!'. Hahahah, yeah, when don't they do that? They do that nowadays too. Burning cars and rioting in Paris is just a fact of life sometimes.Where was I going with this... oh right. Basically, from what I've seen, German and French, are butchered illegitimate siblings of each other. They have words that are spelled the same that are pronounced and mean different things, and the languages are pretty much set up the same in respects to grammar and use of words. (Except German has to be special so all the nouns are capitalized. All. Of. Them.) It'd probably make more sense if I had any knowledge of Latin, but I don't.  

Fun things about French: we took like, months to learn the words cat, apple, hat, chair, and two others that I can't recall because I lost the paper with them on it two weeks into that class. Then another couple of months we had the alphabet the numbers one through ten and then we had some others tacked on til we reached a hundred somehow. AND, we learned four main verbs and a random scattering of other ones just because they kept showing up in the lesson. Oh yeah, and we learned colors, without ever learning shapes.

Fun things about German: learning about an average of twenty-five words a week, getting tripped up by French with random words, getting helped by French by being able to connect how they set up pronouns, getting to visit a library that looks like it's out of a teen zombie horror flick, the frogs people say are alive but only move when you aren't watching them, and having everything you learn sound like you're either getting ready to interrogate someone, or be interrogated. o.o

Bad thing that's happening; if I don't know a word in one language but I know it in another, my brain's been trying to fit them together as one language. So I have to stop whatever I'm doing and go look up the word in the proper one. Hopefully this won't get bad. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Gave the dog a bath. He's good with them as long as you can get him in the tub. This involves picking him up, because he's a big baby and needs to be picked up. picking up a sheep. XP Losing a ton of fur and having me get soaked was worth it though. Spike's clean and pretty again. Now just have to keep him extremely happy for the next few days while he gets used to it, so he doesn't go out into the melting snow and mud and roll around.

This is a very happy picture. Spike was miserable during the whole thing. And I was singing random happy songs because I felt like it. Poor thing. Wet dog hair is so nasty.


That whole thing with me waking up at fourish, yeah, well, right around 4:30 is when I go with Spike for a walk. It's been 20 degrees for awhile at that time, but today it's really warm out. It's 40 degrees out so we stayed out a bit longer. It was very nice. I like it, cause really, it's still nighttime, there are stars, there's no people out except for a few driving to work, and there are no other dogs for Spike to freak out about and drag me around to meet.  He's part blue heeler, part other thing. I'm pretty sure the other thing is either husky or wolf, because he loves snow, and he's way bigger than a blue heeler. Awesome Australian sheepdog meets American wolf. ^^

Random News with me

Just realized something within the past week. I am a morning person. o.o If I actually sleep, the time when I am most aware and strong on what I want to do, almost all my drive, is right in the morning. Good thing about that, I'm not the stereotypical kind that smile all the time and are optimistic about everything. You just got half your face scorched off? Well, at least you still have this side of your face. <3 Haha, no. I'm not going to smile at things that shouldn't be laughed at. (Unless it's a random dead-something joke; I have no poker face.) Being good with mornings doesn't mean I'm good with Mondays, or school, so everything else can deal with my decision to wake up at two to four in the morning.

I cleaned my room. (be amazed)

I found everything I was looking for except my plaid skirt.

I found out donuts from Walmart are not safe. One kind burned your mouth and throat, the other kind had brain killing nastiness in it. (transfat kills your brain) Don't take poison no matter how pleasing the container its in. XP

About the German lesson thingy today, I was under the assumption, I was making twenty flashcards because I would be tested over those specific words that I chose to learn. That was what you thought too, da? Well, without even looking at the cards, she handed me my 'accountability quiz thingy' to make sure I had learned stuff. I only missed one of the ten random words she picked, and then only two of the five 'extra credit' ones. I kept going 'gah! I know how to spell it in German, but what did it mean?' Then, we started going over the pronouns (they're the weird German siblings of je, elle, and il etc if you're in French). Basically, as soon as they were introduced, we went right on into the exercises with them. I didn't know how to pronounce them, and like, I still did pretty well, so I'm happy.

A box of tissues magically appeared where there was no box of tissues previously. Like, just now. (I'm the only one who's up, so I'm gonna say it's the fairies again, or just me being oblivious.)

And! Yes, there are totally fairies -or something- in my house. Cory chases stuff that isn't there, but Tammy makes out like she sees stuff moving where there isn't anything moving. Cats can see stuff we can't. I guess it could be random ghosts or something. Both me and my brother were scared to go downstairs alone as kids, and so were both Erin's kid brothers when they came over. It's still kinda creepy, but that's where my bathroom is, so I have to go down there everyday anyway. I always thought there were two scary old ladies down there, but, that could have just been because my mom has these really old hat boxes with really old lady hats down there, and like, half of them were for funerals or something. o.O

San out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Say what?

I thought my neighbor's were fighting or something. I was hearing a sharp high pitch noise, but it wasn't loud enough to figure out what it was for about ten minutes. It wasn't screaming, it was laughter. Freakishly loud, high pitched, and completely bonkers-happy laughter. I couldn't tell if the person was male or female from it, but I was gearing it loud and clear from between two closed windows, theirs and mine, and all the space in between our houses, like they were right next to me. It was almost like listening to the Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji, and I was like... okay then. Better than having a neighbor who laughs like a chicken I guess. Haven't that girl for awhile.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We grew up by the sea

There are stories about farm children who pretty much raised all the rest of their siblings when their parents were sick and held the farm together. My grandpa was one of those kids. His -something like eight or nine- other siblings, and both his parents got sick at the same time, so he ran the farm and took care of them. *can't remember how old he was*

That's fantastic. I firmly believe being around younger children is good for a kid. Give them a little responsibility and trust to look after something living. However. This comes with some boundaries. As a parent, don't give your seven year old and her seven year old friend the responsibility of watching the four year old and one year old baby brother every time they're together. They are friends and want to hang out and play, not watch over the kiddos. Don't shirk responsibility just cause the girls are old enough to be aware of how to watch something.

Next, when your daughter and her friend are eight years old, and you decide to sign your name to watching someone else's whelp, don't sign the girls' names to it too.

This is why I'm great with children, they love me, and I just get so bleh afterwards.

There's one word for this; Logan.

Ellen (Erin's mom) took on the responsibility of 'watching' Logan, not babysitting (she wasn't getting paid or anything), just you know, watching him so his parents could go fool around and pretend they didn't have a child. They ignored this kid like crazy. The one thing we had in common, was that he and I both grew up by the sea. End commonness. So this kid was like three, couldn't talk, grunted for things, screamed to get what he wanted, had no concept of right and wrong, and almost no understanding of word meanings in conversations around him. He used to walk up and down the shore all by himself, when he wasn't doing that he'd get sat alone in front of a television.

I wasn't aware of stuff like reporting to proper authorities. What I knew was, I hated being left with some kid who couldn't go to the restroom and pooped his pants while he walked if he didn't have a diaper on.

Been wondering what happened to that kid lately. Did he stay like that? Is he alive? Did he go join a pack of wolves or get driven out into the middle of nowhere and left there for the wolves to take him in like I told my mom should be done? (I was an adamant little tyke.)

Well, turns out Dani knew him, and she hated that kid too. Worst kid ever, she knew him when he was older, I'm going to guess he was eight or so at the time. Still grunts, screams, no talking.

It's horrible that that's what his parents have turned him into. It must have killed him to leave the sea and get stuck in this so not seaside place. It didn't kill me because there was a gigantic storm to come home to and I got to see snow for the first time. He should be.... twelve right now, or just about there. I almost think I should like, track him down and see if he's gotten to a good place or if not, report the situation and try and get that kid into a place where he can learn and grow, and be involved more in life than just 'being watched'.

We both grew up by the sea and got transplanted into a landlocked area. Even if there wasn't anything we had in common, he needed to have been taken out of that situation, and Ellen 'watching him' while she  did work with him a little, he needed more than that. I don't think he's gotten it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ever get the weird feeling....

You could have been born from the 'victory party' because the Soviet Union fell apart? Yeah, well, the leaders sighed for it to dissolve in December 1991, and America recognized the Kingdom of Georgia as a country New Year's day (1992). Okay, so you have just a little while where everyone's like, is this for real? and then the party happened. You know, the Cold War ended, therefore paaaaaar-tay. Okay, so I was born in October of that year. So a month of hmmm, maybe it's real maybe it's not... and then the celebration, and then nine months later I was born.

This is one of those awkward subjects I just don't want to ask about... but really, was I made because of Soviet Union falling? It's been bothering me awhile. Just one of those random quirks. Were you born out of love or victory sex for conquering a bunch of communists? Really curious, but at the same time not, because it really seems gross to know the circumstances of one's birth. To me, anyway.

What do you think? Should I ask?


Okay, because I did an overview of what I know about a creep, now we're going to do one over um, someone who's a bit of a hero to me. His name is Hunter, he is a friend of my brother, and always has a knife on him if not more than one. He had one at the wedding. He offered to cut the rings off the pillow they were tied onto if the knot wouldn't come undone, but it did, so he didn't.

Hohoho, he always really scared me when I was a freshman, because Hunter is Hunter. (He also has a cousin a couple years younger that's named after him.) And as the story goes, Hunter eats babies. And we all believe it. All of us.

He had a mohawk when he was two.

And I was told, and still firmly believe: if Bre can't talk someone down and reason with them, Hunter can fix it. Bre was like, super mediator/ambassador person, and Hunter was kill kill kill. Don't get this wrong, he's not scary because he's full of rage, but because there's no doubt he could do stuff. He got his black belt for tae kwon doe for fighting for three hours with like, one short fifteen minute break, with some guys who already had their's, then going through every single move from the most basic to the most difficult he knew. It was on a Friday, and that Sunday he got his Eagle Scout award. He had a black eye, and I got hugged same as the rest of his friends. (nearly scared this kid to death) Still super proud of him for that.

Umm, what can we say about Hunter? Mm, he scared Becka too. Becka's my friend at church, along with the second Bre, and we're the artists. Yep, draw at church and drink tea and talk. Or play Egyptian slaprat and get bruised hands. (don't play it with the guys unless you want your hands to look like they've been run over. no mercy) But I guess being away from all his smart friends at college wore him down. Because when he came back to visit after being gone for a year, I freaked out. He's not scary anymore! So I ran over and told Becka, and she got freaked out too, and ran over with me to go say hi, and then we ran away saying he's not scary anymore!

So he went from someone who got a cow skull on his head and danced on a table in Reed's class (Hunter, get off that table, and get that cow skull off your head.), to being pretty mellow. He's still Hunter, still can kick but, but not scary which is good.

Story time!

One time, Bre, Chris, Hunter, and the short Andrew (not the pilot) went to the mall, and every time they go to the mall there are babies everywhere. So he was like Gaaaaah! And Bre was like: no Hunter, you can't eat them. Seriously, every mother in the state must have gotten a notice to be there that day, because there were so many babies.

Then, another time, Chris and Hunter went hunting with Hunter's father. Some other hunter downed an elk and took a portion and offered the rest to the boys. They took it happily, and Chris and Hunter got to twist and yank its head off. They were very proud. Elk is delicious.

Then, one time, on 'twin day', my brother and Hunter switched hoodies for the day. Because me and Chris are like, energy-sensitive, and apparently so is Hunter, Chris wanted to fight like crazy and snickered and stuff, and Hunter made innuendos throughout the day. To top it off, me and Chris were supposed to be twins that day too. We wore matches Jack Skeleton shirts. So technically, for that day, I was related to Hunter.

Then there was this one time where the guys (this is Chris, Hunter, and the short Andrew), were at school, and because it's what they do, they play fight like they're going to go after Andrew and beat him up, and some teacher freaked out because Chris had shoved Andrew against a wall to fake beat his face, and like, it took days for the teacher to really see that they weren't beating him into a pulp.

The one camp thing, the thing where the whole school goes? That. At that, first time/only time I went, I got a notepad and a pen because I was dying without being able to write, and a pair of spark rocks. What you do with the rocks, it hit them together, and they make a spark. The whole group was there out on the lawn, and Chris thought the rocks were the most amazing things ever. What to do with such amazing things? Light Andrew's hair on fire. No clue who suggested it, but Andrew leaned over to let him, and Chris sat there trying to set fire to his hair while everyone watched curiously. It's hard to light stuff on fire with those things. Well, Hunter turned around and pretended he wasn't doing anything after like two minutes, and I vaguely wondered why, because hey, you don't know when that's gonna light up. Mr Brunet had apparently been like, yelling really loudly at us, and he had to throw a foam cup at Chris to get him to look at him and stop trying to set Andrew's hair on fire. We didn't get in trouble, but Hunter got in even less-not-trouble because he had his back to us. He's more aware of his surroundings.

Currently he's learning about this's and whatnots, that I don't remember names of and don't pretend to recall, at college and in training to be a like some kind of super leader thing in military. (I don't mean any disrespect, I just don't know any of the terms or really anything detail-y about it.) I do know he went to like, Argentina or something in South America to study reptiles to help him design new army for the military though.

Last but not least, a story from one of his classes from the potato state, pretty sure he's going to a different college now though. (He had cows and potatoes to eat.) So I'll just give the dialogue.

Professor: Okay, what's the name of a featherless bird? -one person raises their hand quickly- Yes, you.

JoeSchmoe: A bat!

And this kiddo wasn't joking. He had to be told all why a bat, while featherless, is not a bird. Poor Hunter.

Oh yeah, and Hunter doesn't get drunk. His Scottish blood takes most of the alcohol, whatever it can't take the Irish blood can, and if by some ill act he drinks more than that, his Viking blood kicks in and sends him into a short bloodrage so he just roars once and it all gets burned off. Funny story....

Okay, one last story. Kay, so he and his father went somewhere in the mountains and I guess it was a party cause they drank. Well, his dad doesn't have his exact blood mixture, so he does get drunk, while Hunter doesn't. So Hunter was driving down those narrow narrow windy roads, at night, with a drunk sitting shotgun yelling FASTER FAAAAASTER FaaaAAAAhhhhhSTAAAA!!!!!! "Dad, I'm going 80! I can't go any faster!"  Faaaaaassssttta!!!! They both made it home alive and well. Yep.

Themesongs he's picked: One Winged Angel/Sephiroth's theme, and the Numa Numa.

The one I pick? Dis.

Peace out.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gloria vs Britannia

That's the last name of the only guy I know in the army besides some random Russian-American guy off of Gaia. It's funny because his drill sergeant gets to yell that across a field if he so chooses to do so. (I do envy you in this regard my good sir.) And, this gent was at Wendy's for dinner too, because he lives in her house. So we're going to do a quick overview of Gloria, and note exactly while, though bearing a funny name, is not a friend.

When Rowan was a yearling, nearly two years ago (cause he's turning 3 in April! <3), one of my worst fears, was not that me and Rowan had no clue what to do with each other or me how to train him or teach him manners, nope, nothing as simple as that. (though it did come up a lot cause I knew as much as a um- pigeon, about horses). Nah, Gloria and her- er his... family were very involved with everyone's business and helping whereever they could squeeze in because they really like good attention. They were up mucking stalls where the baby was, and from experience of Gloria not being the brightest spider in the outhouse I was scared he would do something stupid that would get Rowan hurt. Like, jump on his back (untrained yearling) and try and get him to take him somewhere. Because he was my horse, and I was kinda(ish)  'friends' with his niece, that made it in the danger zone because he wouldn't target Rowan specifically otherwise; twenty other horses there that belonged to strangers and were trained and full grown. Told Randy (lady at the place Rowan lived) not to tell him/the family who Rowan belonged to, and it eventually blew over without a hitch. They moved on to whatever other project they had and left the horse place alone.

One time my bruder and G went to the mall to get someone a present. Ended in getting busted for shop-lifting. You know how I'm easily prone to suggestion, especially when it's a friend saying it? Yeah, Chris was about the same way. They found something at one store and Chris was like 'hmm, don't know if I want to get this. we might find something better later on'. So G said to just take it with them and if they found something better they'd come back put it back, or if that's what he wanted to get he could pay for it then since if they brought it with them, nobody else would buy it. That's what the people behind the counter are for though. You can give them stuff and ask them to hold onto it for you. The mall is not one giant store. So they walked out got busted, and my brother was let off with a warning without getting his record marked up because it was a first time offence. Still had to pay a fine, but better than time or a record. Okay, to explain, no, my brother was hardly ever taken shopping with us outside of the grocery store or to get him pants. We picked out his shirts/other things. Still not too sure why it didn't click with his brain until too late, but meh. I know G got dragged around by his sister and nieces and they love to shop. Why wouldn't he know? No clue.


Okay, moving on from whatever you may take as accidental or circumstantial or never happened to the very what the 'ell.

G was the one dating Bess or whatever her name was. I don't know the names of people I don't talk to. He started calling her his fiancĂ©e, without having had proposed to her. There was also the problem of Miss Bess being married at the time. Then there was the whole thing of the pastor not kicking them out when everyone knew what was happening and much drama ensued, ending with Bess and hubby getting back together and staying while G was pressured into, and eventually left, the church. To the victor goes the spoils. Same thing pretty much happened with Sam and Chris in a way. No, no adultery, but mum gossiped about her not liking her, turned the church against her and she had to leave. It got worked out, but still. Later/now the church/pastor's wife has decided to no longer like mom, so she's been using serious chemicals and candles all around the church and mostly the cafe where my mom works when pretty much everyone she talks to (including people in the ministry/everyone, because she talks to everyone) knows she has asthma really bad. I think she's getting kicked out now too. I'm not down with kid games or dumb shit like this. High school and middle school have supplied enough drama thank you.

Anywhoo, the third thing involves house Gloria's currently staying in. Yes. Wendy's house. I'm not good with putting time into practice, so while this happened months ago, I can't tell you which month, year, or day. If I was that curious at 11 at night, I'd wake someone up and ask. It was the same month this mutt moved in though. (the reason he's still there is because no one else will take him and he'd be on the street or something I figure) So this little British girl is about mm, I'm gonna say four years older than me. Kay, picture this, her younger brother (my age/18) and dad went umm, I think skiing, and her mom was working, so her and G were the only two in the house. There were both in their respective rooms when Brittany gets a text to the effect of: Hey I'm hard and I don't just want to do it by hand when there's someone in the other room that can take care of it for me. I don't know what she did to him, (beat him black and blue), but he has never given a hint to mess with her since.

Brittany/Britannia for the win. (I heard her called the second one at dinner, but I don't know if that's her full name or not. Awesome if it is.)

Note: this is an inappropriate, repetitive song that may or may not make you laugh. (Stomp em in the nuts.)

Yep, that's about it duckies. This is why Gloria is not a friend, and other people kick but.

Annnnnnnd sidenote. Insitead of pigeon, I was going to say 'knew as much as a tart', but then I realized I didn't know what a tart was. So I googled it, and low and behold, it was a prostitute. Pigeon was quickly substituted. Well, I looked back and scanned through the definition because sometimes words have a second meaning that's completely off the wall and was exactly what you were going for. What's random in the definition? It's a synonym for Cyprian, and then both the USA and UK are mentioned randomly without being connected at all in their respective definitions. I bet it was written by a frenchie. (and bwa, blogspot doesn't recognize frenchie as a word, and if you right click, instead of capitalizing it like I thought it might, it instead gave these suggestions; Frenchmen, Frenchman, Frenchwomen, Frenchwoman. I'm not changing it now)

Really. The USA and UK mention in the thesaurus is legit.