Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nighttime rocks

I really like being up at night because that means I don't have to deal with the humans in my house. Spike, Tammy, and Cory are way better company and conversationalists. The two cats look really alike, so I've been irritating them calling them sisters. They're really smart, and don't like being referred to as such.

Spike and I usually go out for about an hour in the morning. I'm fine with going as early as three some mornings, but others, like today, are a no. We have coyotes in our area, and they do come and walk the neighborhood sometimes. So going out right before the moon is totally full isn't a good idea. I think I'll wait until about five or so.

Yay avoiding the wolf's moon. Coyotes like to hunt by that too, right?

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