Saturday, March 5, 2011


I just got a letter from a college in Switzerland!
SWITZERLAND! looks really good too. Franklin University. (It's in Switzerland!!!!!!)

It has French and Italian, and basically German's one of the big languages there, so to practice that you just have to go outside, find some strangers, talk to them. But um... the difference between Swiss-German and regular German are pretty much the difference between Norwegian and Danish, with more differences? (sorry from sounding as unread as possible in relating them) You might be able to understand each other if you speak really slooooowly and clearly, but there are some different words, grammar, and pronunciations.

If I go, I think I would be entering as a junior. They want you to complete at least one, preferably two years of college beforehand, then they look at everything. They want your grades and test scores from high school, they want the same from college, then you need three letters of recommendation from teachers, and a report from the councilor at the college.

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