Monday, March 28, 2011

I love talking to strangers.

Strangers are nice people most of the time. Whenever I feel like talking to one, they usually talk back and we're cool. Talked to some guy at the bank named Alvin. We were talking about our HSs, his old/my current. (It's on the driver's permit and it's a form of ID so, yeah.) Then I said I wanted to be a linguist he said he'd never heard anyone say that before. After saying what languages I wanted to learn, he was like "I'm sensing a kind'ave Nordic theme". No kidding. Norwegian and Icelandic are gorgeous languages. Then he asked if I was thinking about learning Finnish too. It's a maybe.

He grew up with a friend who was a Finn. Well, he was half Finnish, and his mom was full. So this dude Alvin got lectured on what a 'proper' sauna was because he questioned it. So now, I will pass on this knowledge.

1. It must be cold.

2. The sauna must be made of wood.

3. In order for it to be a real sauna, you shouldn't be wearing anything. Not even the usual towel. (Don't tell France!)

4. Then you need a juniper branch. To beat your back.... You're beating yourself with this switch, but because the heat makes it all limp and stuff, by the time you actually do use it it doesn't feel bad. (Cause heat can shut off the censors in your skin for pain is what I'm guessing happens too.)

5. The Finns pronounce sauna differently. I don't know what it really sounds like, but the closest Alvin got to it was sow-nah.

We both agreed both the Finns and the Swedes were just a little too comfortable with nudity. (The French too, but we left them out of the conversation.) By the by, the college counselor at my HS, Ms W, is totally like, his next door neighbor. Has been for years. Weird, neh?

That's about it. San over and out duckies!

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