Sunday, February 13, 2011

Random News with me

Just realized something within the past week. I am a morning person. o.o If I actually sleep, the time when I am most aware and strong on what I want to do, almost all my drive, is right in the morning. Good thing about that, I'm not the stereotypical kind that smile all the time and are optimistic about everything. You just got half your face scorched off? Well, at least you still have this side of your face. <3 Haha, no. I'm not going to smile at things that shouldn't be laughed at. (Unless it's a random dead-something joke; I have no poker face.) Being good with mornings doesn't mean I'm good with Mondays, or school, so everything else can deal with my decision to wake up at two to four in the morning.

I cleaned my room. (be amazed)

I found everything I was looking for except my plaid skirt.

I found out donuts from Walmart are not safe. One kind burned your mouth and throat, the other kind had brain killing nastiness in it. (transfat kills your brain) Don't take poison no matter how pleasing the container its in. XP

About the German lesson thingy today, I was under the assumption, I was making twenty flashcards because I would be tested over those specific words that I chose to learn. That was what you thought too, da? Well, without even looking at the cards, she handed me my 'accountability quiz thingy' to make sure I had learned stuff. I only missed one of the ten random words she picked, and then only two of the five 'extra credit' ones. I kept going 'gah! I know how to spell it in German, but what did it mean?' Then, we started going over the pronouns (they're the weird German siblings of je, elle, and il etc if you're in French). Basically, as soon as they were introduced, we went right on into the exercises with them. I didn't know how to pronounce them, and like, I still did pretty well, so I'm happy.

A box of tissues magically appeared where there was no box of tissues previously. Like, just now. (I'm the only one who's up, so I'm gonna say it's the fairies again, or just me being oblivious.)

And! Yes, there are totally fairies -or something- in my house. Cory chases stuff that isn't there, but Tammy makes out like she sees stuff moving where there isn't anything moving. Cats can see stuff we can't. I guess it could be random ghosts or something. Both me and my brother were scared to go downstairs alone as kids, and so were both Erin's kid brothers when they came over. It's still kinda creepy, but that's where my bathroom is, so I have to go down there everyday anyway. I always thought there were two scary old ladies down there, but, that could have just been because my mom has these really old hat boxes with really old lady hats down there, and like, half of them were for funerals or something. o.O

San out.

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