Monday, January 31, 2011


Okay, because I did an overview of what I know about a creep, now we're going to do one over um, someone who's a bit of a hero to me. His name is Hunter, he is a friend of my brother, and always has a knife on him if not more than one. He had one at the wedding. He offered to cut the rings off the pillow they were tied onto if the knot wouldn't come undone, but it did, so he didn't.

Hohoho, he always really scared me when I was a freshman, because Hunter is Hunter. (He also has a cousin a couple years younger that's named after him.) And as the story goes, Hunter eats babies. And we all believe it. All of us.

He had a mohawk when he was two.

And I was told, and still firmly believe: if Bre can't talk someone down and reason with them, Hunter can fix it. Bre was like, super mediator/ambassador person, and Hunter was kill kill kill. Don't get this wrong, he's not scary because he's full of rage, but because there's no doubt he could do stuff. He got his black belt for tae kwon doe for fighting for three hours with like, one short fifteen minute break, with some guys who already had their's, then going through every single move from the most basic to the most difficult he knew. It was on a Friday, and that Sunday he got his Eagle Scout award. He had a black eye, and I got hugged same as the rest of his friends. (nearly scared this kid to death) Still super proud of him for that.

Umm, what can we say about Hunter? Mm, he scared Becka too. Becka's my friend at church, along with the second Bre, and we're the artists. Yep, draw at church and drink tea and talk. Or play Egyptian slaprat and get bruised hands. (don't play it with the guys unless you want your hands to look like they've been run over. no mercy) But I guess being away from all his smart friends at college wore him down. Because when he came back to visit after being gone for a year, I freaked out. He's not scary anymore! So I ran over and told Becka, and she got freaked out too, and ran over with me to go say hi, and then we ran away saying he's not scary anymore!

So he went from someone who got a cow skull on his head and danced on a table in Reed's class (Hunter, get off that table, and get that cow skull off your head.), to being pretty mellow. He's still Hunter, still can kick but, but not scary which is good.

Story time!

One time, Bre, Chris, Hunter, and the short Andrew (not the pilot) went to the mall, and every time they go to the mall there are babies everywhere. So he was like Gaaaaah! And Bre was like: no Hunter, you can't eat them. Seriously, every mother in the state must have gotten a notice to be there that day, because there were so many babies.

Then, another time, Chris and Hunter went hunting with Hunter's father. Some other hunter downed an elk and took a portion and offered the rest to the boys. They took it happily, and Chris and Hunter got to twist and yank its head off. They were very proud. Elk is delicious.

Then, one time, on 'twin day', my brother and Hunter switched hoodies for the day. Because me and Chris are like, energy-sensitive, and apparently so is Hunter, Chris wanted to fight like crazy and snickered and stuff, and Hunter made innuendos throughout the day. To top it off, me and Chris were supposed to be twins that day too. We wore matches Jack Skeleton shirts. So technically, for that day, I was related to Hunter.

Then there was this one time where the guys (this is Chris, Hunter, and the short Andrew), were at school, and because it's what they do, they play fight like they're going to go after Andrew and beat him up, and some teacher freaked out because Chris had shoved Andrew against a wall to fake beat his face, and like, it took days for the teacher to really see that they weren't beating him into a pulp.

The one camp thing, the thing where the whole school goes? That. At that, first time/only time I went, I got a notepad and a pen because I was dying without being able to write, and a pair of spark rocks. What you do with the rocks, it hit them together, and they make a spark. The whole group was there out on the lawn, and Chris thought the rocks were the most amazing things ever. What to do with such amazing things? Light Andrew's hair on fire. No clue who suggested it, but Andrew leaned over to let him, and Chris sat there trying to set fire to his hair while everyone watched curiously. It's hard to light stuff on fire with those things. Well, Hunter turned around and pretended he wasn't doing anything after like two minutes, and I vaguely wondered why, because hey, you don't know when that's gonna light up. Mr Brunet had apparently been like, yelling really loudly at us, and he had to throw a foam cup at Chris to get him to look at him and stop trying to set Andrew's hair on fire. We didn't get in trouble, but Hunter got in even less-not-trouble because he had his back to us. He's more aware of his surroundings.

Currently he's learning about this's and whatnots, that I don't remember names of and don't pretend to recall, at college and in training to be a like some kind of super leader thing in military. (I don't mean any disrespect, I just don't know any of the terms or really anything detail-y about it.) I do know he went to like, Argentina or something in South America to study reptiles to help him design new army for the military though.

Last but not least, a story from one of his classes from the potato state, pretty sure he's going to a different college now though. (He had cows and potatoes to eat.) So I'll just give the dialogue.

Professor: Okay, what's the name of a featherless bird? -one person raises their hand quickly- Yes, you.

JoeSchmoe: A bat!

And this kiddo wasn't joking. He had to be told all why a bat, while featherless, is not a bird. Poor Hunter.

Oh yeah, and Hunter doesn't get drunk. His Scottish blood takes most of the alcohol, whatever it can't take the Irish blood can, and if by some ill act he drinks more than that, his Viking blood kicks in and sends him into a short bloodrage so he just roars once and it all gets burned off. Funny story....

Okay, one last story. Kay, so he and his father went somewhere in the mountains and I guess it was a party cause they drank. Well, his dad doesn't have his exact blood mixture, so he does get drunk, while Hunter doesn't. So Hunter was driving down those narrow narrow windy roads, at night, with a drunk sitting shotgun yelling FASTER FAAAAASTER FaaaAAAAhhhhhSTAAAA!!!!!! "Dad, I'm going 80! I can't go any faster!"  Faaaaaassssttta!!!! They both made it home alive and well. Yep.

Themesongs he's picked: One Winged Angel/Sephiroth's theme, and the Numa Numa.

The one I pick? Dis.

Peace out.


  1. OMG YAY! Prussian anthem! Hunter sounds...interesting.

  2. hello, this is ms. Chris popping in to say that F's will simply not do....(nice stories though...I will not be diverted) so, I told Kate that ifyou would like to, I can pick you both up a half hour later on Friday so you can do your french take home tutor...big hugs.
    chris out.
