Monday, January 31, 2011

Ever get the weird feeling....

You could have been born from the 'victory party' because the Soviet Union fell apart? Yeah, well, the leaders sighed for it to dissolve in December 1991, and America recognized the Kingdom of Georgia as a country New Year's day (1992). Okay, so you have just a little while where everyone's like, is this for real? and then the party happened. You know, the Cold War ended, therefore paaaaaar-tay. Okay, so I was born in October of that year. So a month of hmmm, maybe it's real maybe it's not... and then the celebration, and then nine months later I was born.

This is one of those awkward subjects I just don't want to ask about... but really, was I made because of Soviet Union falling? It's been bothering me awhile. Just one of those random quirks. Were you born out of love or victory sex for conquering a bunch of communists? Really curious, but at the same time not, because it really seems gross to know the circumstances of one's birth. To me, anyway.

What do you think? Should I ask?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it really matters. All that matters is that you're here now. Hurrah for the fall of the soviet union? You should ask if you really want to know though.
