Sunday, March 27, 2011


I got to drive for the first time today! Well, I guess now it was yesterday, huh? But still! It was fun! And mildly horrifying! I couldn't get the hang of staying in the lines, then I kept trying to correct it but it made it worse so I was 'driving like a drunk' and swerving a little, but it was a-okay! Cause we were on a cow-road by the cows, so there weren't a bunch of people to run into! Or other cars. My mom cursed a whoooooooole lot during the adventure, and then she said we needed to look for a place to pull over. Before I knew it she screamed what I thought was the order to do so- and flick on the click click click thingy for the little arrow saying you're about to turn/merge or whatever it's called at the same time, then she screamed BREAK! BREAK!!!!

Then we stopped.

I was laughing maniacally through the WHOLE THING except for a short part in the middle I started singing Over the Hills and Faraway by Nightwish as Gleefully as meeeeeeeeeeeeee. Driving's really fun. We didn't die, and I didn't mess up the new windshield she got on Friday. I consider it a success.

The mother unit says I might be learning how to drive from my brother from now on.


Oh yeah, and there was this yard sale down where my German lesson thingy is, and they had all these wooden weapons and cool looking things out! They had a wooden battleaxe! I was like, omg, I'd be just like Denmark! But they were packed up by the time I was out. It was lame..... but then I got to drive. Hehehehehe. ^^


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