Tuesday, March 22, 2011

random conflagration of stuff

Greenland or Hungary with Norway

Cute sneeze

Now! A random piece of a random fanfic.

Pkay, so one week, Peter was just giving Arthur hell for whatever reason. (It's cause Arthur's been being a jerk, that's why.) 

One Saturday, the older of the Kirklands got asked to go pub hopping with some of his friends. He was English, of course he was bloody going. Unfortunately, Peter told him he'd call the cops on him and tell them all kinds of things about his 'pirate' days and get him in all sorts of trouble if he didn't take him along too. 

Thing is, Arthur's a horrible role model and fake parent to his brother, so he agreed on the stipulation that Peter was to stay away from the group and keep in sight. 

That, coupled with not reading this sign, is how we find them bickering outside now. (Children left unattended playing by our bar will be given an expresso and a puppy.)

* * * * * *

"You're not keeping the dog."

"I am so keeping her. She's awesome!" 

"Peter, I swear, if you don't shut up and stop arguing I'm giving you to the next stranger we pass and going home alone!"

"Go ahead! They'll probably be better than you anyway, jerk!" Peter was half shaking from the expresso and was leading a little white puppy by a thin blue leash. "I'd willingly go with any stranger than to have to see your ugly face every day!" 


As it so happened, they rounded the corner, and although the rest of the street was pretty much empty of people walking, there was one guy just like right there. Arthur took Peter by the arm and walked up to the stranger purposefully. 

"Here! You take him home. He is no longer my brother." The Englishman stormed away, leaving a very shocked and confused man and his own irritated little brother behind. 

"Is he c`ming b`ck?" (is he coming back?) The man asked still staring after where the blond had disappeared still in the 'what just happened' state. 

"I don't even know anymore." Peter threw his hands up hopelessly. He was tired of arguing with Arthur, the jerk. His puppy was tired and sad from all the yelling, and just hung its head. All it wanted was sleep, and all he wanted was Arthur to get in his car and not come back. 

Then he heard the sound of their car starting up, and he ran over to see Arthur drive away without him. 

Peter froze, standing stolk still. He really was leaving him behind. One minute passed. And another four. No sign of Arthur. The stranger he left him with came up behind him and stood beside him. 

"He really left..."

"He'll come b`ck fer ya." The man said kindly, patting his head. Peter looked up at him and was impressed. Out of all the scary guys running around at night, Arthur managed to find one that looked like he killed people for a living. Course, Arthur had pretty much desensitized him to scariness since he had a stick stuck up there most of the time and was a jerk. 

"How do you know? Were you in on this?" Peter demanded, but he already knew the answer. The stranger just shook his head, and he sighed. "Yeah, I know. He actually ditched me with a random stranger. He always used to tell me he'd sell me to gypsies if I misbehaved, but he never had time for that. Hurray!" He cheered sarcastically and plopped down by the side of the road to wait. 

"`'ll wait with ya." (I'll wait with you.)

Peter just sat there with a set frown until an hour had passed and the expresso wore off. Then he was just a tired kid who'd been left behind. His new puppy sat beside him glumly. 

And the stranger, he waited with him there for two hours. 

"I don't think he's coming back." 

"It's l`te. I'll dr`ve ya h`me." (It's late. I'll drive ya home.)

"Okay." Peter agreed tiredly and got up. They walked to the stranger's car with was parked another street over, and he gave directions while the man drove. "I'm Peter." He said on the way.

"B`rwald." (Berwald!!! XD) 

Berwald pulled over to the curb in front of the kid's house so he could get out on the sidewalk and not have to walk in the street. That's when they heard something distinctly glass break in the house and shouting. Peter frowned.

"Oh great, Alfred's here."

"Th`y're f`ghtin." (They're fighting.)

"Yeah, and it's gonna end in sex. And I'll have to clean up all the junk they broke tomorrow." Peter frowned at the house. "Hey Berwald, could I spend the night at your house?" The man's blue eyes went the tiniest fraction wider which he'd kinda gotten to be like jaw on the floor from the guy. 

"Th`'t'd be k`dnappin." (That'd be kidnapping.)

"A little, yeah. But you'd be saving a kid from another tramatizing memory of hearing his brother and our neighbor have loud sex all night, and Arthur already pretty much gave his okay for you to take me home. He did ditch me you, that's like, reckless abandonment." The younger of the Kirklands was amazingly persuasive. (you had to be there, trust me, it was amazingly persuasive)

Berwald thought about it, and his face got a little bit more bunched up into his usual glare while he did. Bah, it was just his face. Everyone knew your face could get stuck like that if you frowned too much. 

"G`t school in the m`rning?" (Got school in the morning?)

"Uh huh."

"Gr`b yer b`ckpack `nd a overn`ght bag." (Grab your backpack and an overnight bag.) Basically, saying yes, but that he was still going to school in the morning.

"Yes! Thanks Berwald!" 

Berwald rested his head in his hand on the steering wheel. He wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but he didn't want to leave the kid to deal with that. The white puppy left sitting in the passenger seat looked up at him tiredly. Didn't want the puppy to deal with it either... Peter ran in and came back in about four minutes with everything he needed. He put the stuff in the back seat and scooped his puppy back up so he could reclaim the passenger seat. 

Peter claimed the guestroom, and Berwald made sure he brushed his teeth before he went to bed. He fed the puppy some leftover sausages and let it out back to do its business, and let it sleep in the guestroom with Peter. He also got the name of Peter's school so he could look up directions before tomorrow. 

It was the first time in over a month he wasn't late to school. 

Peter was talking to his friend Raivis all about it during lunch. 

"He made breakfast, and lunch for me, and woke me up early so I had time to do stuff instead of 'we have to leave NOW'." 

"Y-you s-shouldn't t-trust s-strangers." 

"AND," Peter said cutting in, ", he even gave me the number for his house phone so I can call him if my brother doesn't pick me up." Raivis tried to tell him it probably wasn't a good idea to call him, but Peter was already planning how to slowly break it to the man that he'd claimed the guestroom as his own, and he was now his papa. 

And more pictures!

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