Friday, February 25, 2011

Pet peeves and things/grrr

Anyone else hate people's little gross/irritating 'quirks' with a passion? Yeah, there are just those certain people, it doesn't matter it you're 'polite' to each other or not, you will not get along. And yeah, that happens a lot. I don't like people reading over my shoulder. If I invite you to read a book with me, or whatever I'm writing, we'll probably take turns reading it out loud or something and that's only happened a couple times since grade school. But seriously, if you read over my shoulder when I'm writing, you will get glared at. Bad table manners, sounding like a freaking hog when you're eating with all the slurping and grunting when you're eating something like pizza or anything else that wouldn't naturally cause those kind of noises, just no. Gross things are gross. I can live with random freaks leaning so far back their nasty hair is on my desk. I just won't bother to make my books avoid their heads when I move them or turn pages. If they want to be in my space that badly, go for it. I'm not apologizing if they get a paper cut on their head. Talking about vulgar things during any meal is a no too. Telling me the worst possible bit of news first thing in the morning every single freaking day or cursing someone out for being gay or a democrat or whatever else you might come up with is not for me either. Mostly it's just better not to talk in the morning. Learn how to eat quietly with table manners. And I don't care if you don't move your head before you get blood on my desk, just don't let it get on my books.

Here's a random police etiquette video. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand. there is nothing more disgusting than a person who chews like a COW....WITH CUD.
