Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chris came over today

I showed him France's bloodbath video and how to not get your but kicked by the police. I honestly did warn the adults they would not enjoy the contents of the videos and to get out of the room. (because the computer is in the dining room) They did not listen, they now regret it. I am internally laughing at them. Very very loudly and a lot. Eat. France's. Bloodbath.

It's a great song. very creative and accents the character perfectly. Just they don't watch Hetalia and it's alright for them to talk about crap, they just won't listen to it in return. I'm cool with that. It'd be creepier if they did like it. (which yes, the creeper seemed to enjoy it at points. freaking creeper)

Later this month is spring break. I am going to be going to get my learners' permit at this time, whether if it's with a friend (if that's the time she's going to) or if it's demanding my brother or some other person to take me. That means I get to clean off six feet of crap off my truck and get some Joe out here to put its guts back inside of it and then get it toted down to have its back window replaced (its former engine went through it) then get it registered and get insurance and whatnot.

..... Good Will and Trash Day will very much be my friends this month. Very much.

One of the things I'm debating on actually keeping is a wooden cradle. It's broken, I could fix it no problem if I felt like it. Not planning on getting married or having children, but it'd be pretty spiffy to have on the off chance I do. Just saying, if I get married, the guy would have to be downright amazing. Not pretty amazing, amazing to the core amazing. The rest I have no attachment to or use for.

Tammy's glaring at me. I guess I gotta feed the cats.

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