Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gloria vs Britannia

That's the last name of the only guy I know in the army besides some random Russian-American guy off of Gaia. It's funny because his drill sergeant gets to yell that across a field if he so chooses to do so. (I do envy you in this regard my good sir.) And, this gent was at Wendy's for dinner too, because he lives in her house. So we're going to do a quick overview of Gloria, and note exactly while, though bearing a funny name, is not a friend.

When Rowan was a yearling, nearly two years ago (cause he's turning 3 in April! <3), one of my worst fears, was not that me and Rowan had no clue what to do with each other or me how to train him or teach him manners, nope, nothing as simple as that. (though it did come up a lot cause I knew as much as a um- pigeon, about horses). Nah, Gloria and her- er his... family were very involved with everyone's business and helping whereever they could squeeze in because they really like good attention. They were up mucking stalls where the baby was, and from experience of Gloria not being the brightest spider in the outhouse I was scared he would do something stupid that would get Rowan hurt. Like, jump on his back (untrained yearling) and try and get him to take him somewhere. Because he was my horse, and I was kinda(ish)  'friends' with his niece, that made it in the danger zone because he wouldn't target Rowan specifically otherwise; twenty other horses there that belonged to strangers and were trained and full grown. Told Randy (lady at the place Rowan lived) not to tell him/the family who Rowan belonged to, and it eventually blew over without a hitch. They moved on to whatever other project they had and left the horse place alone.

One time my bruder and G went to the mall to get someone a present. Ended in getting busted for shop-lifting. You know how I'm easily prone to suggestion, especially when it's a friend saying it? Yeah, Chris was about the same way. They found something at one store and Chris was like 'hmm, don't know if I want to get this. we might find something better later on'. So G said to just take it with them and if they found something better they'd come back put it back, or if that's what he wanted to get he could pay for it then since if they brought it with them, nobody else would buy it. That's what the people behind the counter are for though. You can give them stuff and ask them to hold onto it for you. The mall is not one giant store. So they walked out got busted, and my brother was let off with a warning without getting his record marked up because it was a first time offence. Still had to pay a fine, but better than time or a record. Okay, to explain, no, my brother was hardly ever taken shopping with us outside of the grocery store or to get him pants. We picked out his shirts/other things. Still not too sure why it didn't click with his brain until too late, but meh. I know G got dragged around by his sister and nieces and they love to shop. Why wouldn't he know? No clue.


Okay, moving on from whatever you may take as accidental or circumstantial or never happened to the very what the 'ell.

G was the one dating Bess or whatever her name was. I don't know the names of people I don't talk to. He started calling her his fiancĂ©e, without having had proposed to her. There was also the problem of Miss Bess being married at the time. Then there was the whole thing of the pastor not kicking them out when everyone knew what was happening and much drama ensued, ending with Bess and hubby getting back together and staying while G was pressured into, and eventually left, the church. To the victor goes the spoils. Same thing pretty much happened with Sam and Chris in a way. No, no adultery, but mum gossiped about her not liking her, turned the church against her and she had to leave. It got worked out, but still. Later/now the church/pastor's wife has decided to no longer like mom, so she's been using serious chemicals and candles all around the church and mostly the cafe where my mom works when pretty much everyone she talks to (including people in the ministry/everyone, because she talks to everyone) knows she has asthma really bad. I think she's getting kicked out now too. I'm not down with kid games or dumb shit like this. High school and middle school have supplied enough drama thank you.

Anywhoo, the third thing involves house Gloria's currently staying in. Yes. Wendy's house. I'm not good with putting time into practice, so while this happened months ago, I can't tell you which month, year, or day. If I was that curious at 11 at night, I'd wake someone up and ask. It was the same month this mutt moved in though. (the reason he's still there is because no one else will take him and he'd be on the street or something I figure) So this little British girl is about mm, I'm gonna say four years older than me. Kay, picture this, her younger brother (my age/18) and dad went umm, I think skiing, and her mom was working, so her and G were the only two in the house. There were both in their respective rooms when Brittany gets a text to the effect of: Hey I'm hard and I don't just want to do it by hand when there's someone in the other room that can take care of it for me. I don't know what she did to him, (beat him black and blue), but he has never given a hint to mess with her since.

Brittany/Britannia for the win. (I heard her called the second one at dinner, but I don't know if that's her full name or not. Awesome if it is.)

Note: this is an inappropriate, repetitive song that may or may not make you laugh. (Stomp em in the nuts.)

Yep, that's about it duckies. This is why Gloria is not a friend, and other people kick but.

Annnnnnnd sidenote. Insitead of pigeon, I was going to say 'knew as much as a tart', but then I realized I didn't know what a tart was. So I googled it, and low and behold, it was a prostitute. Pigeon was quickly substituted. Well, I looked back and scanned through the definition because sometimes words have a second meaning that's completely off the wall and was exactly what you were going for. What's random in the definition? It's a synonym for Cyprian, and then both the USA and UK are mentioned randomly without being connected at all in their respective definitions. I bet it was written by a frenchie. (and bwa, blogspot doesn't recognize frenchie as a word, and if you right click, instead of capitalizing it like I thought it might, it instead gave these suggestions; Frenchmen, Frenchman, Frenchwomen, Frenchwoman. I'm not changing it now)

Really. The USA and UK mention in the thesaurus is legit.

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