Saturday, February 19, 2011

German vs French

I got exposed to German as my first second language when I was twelve for one semester at school. Then in high school I got shoved into French. (Well actually, now that I think about it, all of fourth grade tried to get me to learn Spanish, and it just made me mad. I did not learn anything. I don't dig educational videos of an ugly man with a bad voice when I'm in the front. Still don't.) Anyways, now I'm still in French and that's the first language I've gotten pretty far with so far. I can read comic books meant for their equivalent of second or third graders. By the by, I got two of those. Hunchback of Notre Dame, and something about a revolution. The second ones the best because fourth sentence in: 'The French were revolting!'. Hahahah, yeah, when don't they do that? They do that nowadays too. Burning cars and rioting in Paris is just a fact of life sometimes.Where was I going with this... oh right. Basically, from what I've seen, German and French, are butchered illegitimate siblings of each other. They have words that are spelled the same that are pronounced and mean different things, and the languages are pretty much set up the same in respects to grammar and use of words. (Except German has to be special so all the nouns are capitalized. All. Of. Them.) It'd probably make more sense if I had any knowledge of Latin, but I don't.  

Fun things about French: we took like, months to learn the words cat, apple, hat, chair, and two others that I can't recall because I lost the paper with them on it two weeks into that class. Then another couple of months we had the alphabet the numbers one through ten and then we had some others tacked on til we reached a hundred somehow. AND, we learned four main verbs and a random scattering of other ones just because they kept showing up in the lesson. Oh yeah, and we learned colors, without ever learning shapes.

Fun things about German: learning about an average of twenty-five words a week, getting tripped up by French with random words, getting helped by French by being able to connect how they set up pronouns, getting to visit a library that looks like it's out of a teen zombie horror flick, the frogs people say are alive but only move when you aren't watching them, and having everything you learn sound like you're either getting ready to interrogate someone, or be interrogated. o.o

Bad thing that's happening; if I don't know a word in one language but I know it in another, my brain's been trying to fit them together as one language. So I have to stop whatever I'm doing and go look up the word in the proper one. Hopefully this won't get bad. 

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