Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Randomly sick

I went home early during 7th hour today. Had a really bad sinus headache from being around pigeons that turned into had turned into a light cold, then Scotty brought out this nifty little, I wanna say it was either brass or copper, bowl that made a high pitched sound when you ran a wooden um, thingy around it. It's pretty awesome when you don't have a headache, I know I love the sound then because it sounds almost like a bell and I love bells, but today it pretty much finished off the headache and I had to walk out of class.

Called my mom to come bring me some aspirin or something else that would help, but when I went back to class I turned right back around and headed back to the office. The cool little bowl thing was still being used. -.- So I ended up sitting in the infirmary with my friend Emily chilling on the bed, because she was sick too, until my mom came and had to take me home because the headache was doing the whole light and sound sensitive thing and it wasn't going away.

I have a fever right now, and the light from even this computer is hurting my eyes. This is very lame.

Wanna know how I got sick? I was around pigeons yesterday. I'm allergic to pigeons. Hurray.

In other news, my cats have been mad each other today possibly. I never know what's going on with them when I hear about it second hand. It just looks like they're playing. competitively.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you're alright. You missed the auditions, of course since we're nazis we're automatically in, but you missed the auditions for the girl we're pulling off stage. The other Caitlin or however you spell hers auditioned. She was surprisingly really good. She's apparently been into acting since third grade. She even looks like Anne there. I hope she gets the part. It's so much more fun to drag someone off stage that you know.
