Saturday, January 8, 2011

The answer is nyet, nein, et non

So I was trying to get advice on what to do about a guy, and whether or not I should do anything. Cause, yes I like him, but he's also the guy my mom was trying to drag me fist over tail to. Hmmm, well, the mother of a friend agreed I should probably be wary, after having met my mom and having found what she was... um, like. Yes.

SO, I asked our local Irish gal, we'll call her Vert-fae (green fairy XD), and she said she had to meet him before she drew a conclusion. O-kay. Well, she also demanded a picture. I don't take pictures of people. I really don't. Never have. I didn't have a picture of him, and I wasn't about to just go and take a picture for everyone, including my mutter, to see. Of course there's a great way to get around this now. It's called the internet. So I went to Facebook. His profile is private so only him and friends can see it, and, cause I'm never on Facebook, I haven't added that many people, like at all. Soooooo, yar. Funny story though, his status, is kinda saying... he's going out with my best friend from church. There were three of us hanging out, all artists, we drew a ton, and um, one was too young, I left, so it came down to her I guess.

I'm not devastated, but this is going to be a fun one to explain to the Irish one.

..... I'm gonna learn some more Russian, find out what my cat's doing, and take my dog for a walk.

(Whew! I am so glad I read that before I possibly caused more drama. Drama is Lame.)

Thanks for listening, er, reading. Have a taco.

1 comment:

  1. Well.... that kind of sucks. At least you're not like some people I've known. They would get totally depressed over something like this. Hmmm well perhaps as Francis would say... Il ya beaucoup de poissons dans la mer.
