Wednesday, January 26, 2011

General Winter

He's this crazy scary guy out of Russia who's the personification of Russia's winter season. Winter is seen as both Russia's greatest ally and worst enemy during war. Not so much a love-hate relationship as hate-tolerate.

This dude wasn't even thought of in Russia either. The above picture is from a 1916 French magazine. Yeah, France made up this dude. Now he's been kinda reborn into Hetalia as a meatbag who attacks Russia every year.

Now, you'll never guess who I found on People of Walmart, shopping in Illinois!

Why, none other than fem Canada drinking maple syrup! .... seriously Mattie, in public?

Oh yeah, and I also found General Winter. But he was in Arkansas.

Have a good night folks.

PS, technically, it is winter. Which means that right now, Winter and Ivan are duking it out somewhere. Just saying...

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