Saturday, January 29, 2011

The longest day of the year

You'd never guess what I'm doing right now. At all. That's right folks, I'm cleaning my room. I'm like, halfway done with it. Which isn't actually that far because it was really bad when I started. Why am I doing this you ask? .... my friend's mom offered to help me clean it. Really, thank you so much for caring enough about me to offer that, but I do have some pride. ... a little bit anyway. Not enough to do much with, but I'm getting there. Taking a blog break. Mmm, I should make coffee. Not now, but in the morning. I'm going to get up at like six to go out and see Rowan, then I'm headed over to K's to get info from Chris on college and possibly get scolded for not having great grades (never happened before, no clue how it's going to go down), and then I am running over to a library to start formal German classes, and after that, I'm going to go over to Wendy's house for dinner. (She's a Brit, not the ginger off of the hamburger place.) So yeah, lot's of stuff going on tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be fun and I won't die.

Oh, and I went to see Rowan today after like a week from being away from sickness and bleh. He totally tried to rear, and by rear, I mean turn and face me, and pick his front feet up in challenge and warning to make the motion of 'I am going to attack you, back off'. This is us trying to walk down to the big round pen to turn him loose and let him run this face off. He's really a nice kid, just has dominance issues and enough energy to fuel a small fighter plane wound up inside him. We did make it down to the pen without either of us being injured, I kept a good hold of him and it involved a lot of dancing around and backing him up and him shoving me and me pushing him back, and he ran like a horse out of one of those stories where they like run for hours and they're fine. He didn't run for hours, but he bolted off and ran a bit, but then came back to me (was on the other side of the fence) and pretty much asked me to move him because he was just going to be bored if I just let him wander around cause he didn't feel like playing. I went in and worked him. At the end we walked around and he led pretty well, still getting him out of the habit of biting (Or trying to, since when he tries it with my mom she just laughs, and then he turns around and goes for me again. >.< I keep trying to tell her not to laugh it off and not to let him nip at her, but it hasn't gotten through yet.). He's bored though. I seriously gotta get my truck cleaned off and put together as soon as I have my permit so I can drive up and see him myself anytime. The most I can get out there now is like, once every three days at the most, and random weekends maybe because of all the schedule stuff. It's lame, and so not good for a two year old. He'll be three in April. If he didn't act so much like I did when I was a kiddo, I'd be totally lost on how to read him, and it'd be dangerous for both of us to be out with him like that. We're going to work through it and we'll be fine.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day, let's make it a good one.


1 comment:

  1. I don't believe in scolding, if you can think of it more as an interrogation. And as for room cleanage. Sometimes others helping us rid ourselves of the clutter, makes the clutter easier to let go of...if that makes sense.
