Sunday, January 9, 2011

can't remember

Oh yeah. Yes I do. Anyway, got reminded of what happened in French class. There were four of us to one book, and I have a difficult time understanding what's going on while trying to read another language upside down. So to my mind, what I got was that we were doing number four, and that you had to write the statement in the negative, not with the l'imparfait, but by explaining why it was false.

Basically I was making it a whole lot harder than it should have been, because she said the words 'parce-que' sometime during lecture, and that's what got me off on that track because I was listening to her saying 'because' in French. I can't remember the exact wording, but one question was to the effect of 'Why didn't Claire and Silvia go jogging?' To which I replied 'Parce-que Claire est mort et Sylvia est une lampe.' Because Claire is dead, and Silvia is a lamp. That's about the time Ms P. caught on that I wasn't writing the right thing, and had me turn over the page to start over. I like French class. XD

It's also been brought up, who exactly do I consider 'important people'. That's kinda who I can trust and who I go to for advice, and friends.

Kaitlyn, you're there as a friend and any questions I have about life. You pretty much always know exactly what's wrong with me no matter how little information I give you. If we both don't know something, chances are if it's interesting enough to find out, you're the one that's going to do it because I'll forget or get distracted.

Dani, is a great friend too. I think I could probably ask her to teach me how to fight. She's good at guy-advice, and I have suddenly been added to the contract she and Dori have made so they have to meet any guy I like before I'm allowed to go out with him. (That'd have been real helpful with Robert, guys.)

Becka, is my artist friend, and somehow we're both crazy dreamers. Our made up worlds coincided somewhere along the lines, and we were doing are utmost to get her half-brother noble elf guy together with my almost not quite albino twin sister. Yes, they did get along pretty well, if you wanted to know.

Josh (yes the only guy at the table), is pretty much the only friend I have who's a guy. He also falls into the random catagory of random people who have litterally come up to me and said 'You know, you're my oldest friend'. Not like age-wise oldest, but current one they've known the longest who hasn't ditched them. Creepy, right? I met this kiddo in the seventh grade in German class (it was taught for one semester by a history teacher named Mr Mew; most bad ass teacher since Mr Downing.), and we didn't have a great first impression. I'm only going into this because he's the only one out of the group I actually remember meeting and most everyone else says I introduced them to the rest of the group, and I have no clue. So, I was totally sick that day. I think I was out of sick days or my mom was just not feeling like I was sick enough to stay home, so I was at school. It was the end of the day, I was sick, and Mr Mew announced we had a new kid coming into German class today. He sat this tiny tiny short guy(he was super tiny in middle school) right behind me, because I was a 'good' student. So I could share my notes with him since he started late. I handed him my notebook, he said thank you, I ignored him. He tried to talk to me after school a couple times, and I was polite, I think... Not exactly the most friendly creature, but polite. I think it was only the start of high school that we really started being friends. Weird huh?

And I have one adult I would go to if I really needed help from one. Nope, it's not the lady across the street, any of the women I consider like a grandma, or even my own mother (hehe, there's a joke in mentioning the last one if any of my beautiful readers have ever met her). No, none of them. It is in fact, Kay's mom. Chris. Yep. You're the first person in the parent of a friend category I've ever called by first name other than Erin's mom who insisted on being called Ellen for some strange reason. She was very informal. So yes, if I think someone's doing drugs, or I just found out about an international black market ring shipping Canadian cornflowers to Tennessee for the flower festival that may or may not be happening in August, I would totally tell you. (nevermind, it's a lawn and garden show and it happens in March) But unfortunately, I don't know anything like that. I even had to google it just to see if there was a flower festival going on that month because I was curious.

Peace out yo. (bwahahaha)

~San of York

1 comment:

  1. Erm thank you? Anyway I looked up that whole waking up at 4 am thing. I kept getting herbal tea as an answer... so, yeah. Drink herbal tea! I have no idea if that'll actually work...
