Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hey dawg

How 'bout I get my socks an shoes on, and we'll jet out of 'ere like a couple a foxes chased by another dawg.

Yeah, I woke up at like, 10:30 this morning, because I got home at 10:30 and then stayed up until a bit past midnight looking for a German name, and as soon as I got up I was like, let's go. Spike looked at me with that one hopeful/not doing anything look in the eyes dogs can get, and went over and laid on the couch. (note, I did not say the word 'walk' to him, I asked if he wanted to get out of here.) When he laid down, I just said nah, and raised my hand (his sign for 'get up'), and he jumped up and I grabbed my socks and shoes, and we were out. 

Pretty awesome too. By the by, yesterday was long, but fantastic. Anyway, Mrs/Miss/don't know H. German teacher lady now teaching meh German, said I should pick a German name for the lessons. Same thing happened in French. What's with the picking of foreign names? Eh, never really used them in French, but whatever. I was all 'kay!' and so I decided to pick one as soon as I got home. Well, I'm kinda a picky person, but I'm also indecisive because more than one thing will appeal to me and so I've been getting second opinions to help with that.

On the walk today, which rah rah, involved jogging and running at points because me and Spike were happy to be out, I had narrowed it down to two names yesterday and still thinking them over. So, I decided to ask random people who just pulled into their driveway and got home, which one sounded better. But just asking what name is prettier can sound weird, and get weird looks of 'what, you having a baby or something?' so I avoided that by asking what sounded like a better name for a dog. Pffff. XD Elda or Winifred.

AND! The husband didn't respond, but the lady was like, oh, are you getting a new dog? and I was like... maybe~ (no). And she was like; 'well, she looks more like an Elda to me'. -was looking at Spike when she said this- So I was like kewl, k thanks, nodded and left.

So I guess I'm picking Elda.

Moral of the story? I talk to strangers. I have a cat on my lap. She is the crazy/nice one.

Name meanings of the two.

Winifred: friend of peace.

Elda: she who battles, comrade in arms, or warrior. It's out of old German and is related to the name Hilda and Hildegard. But guess where it's more common a name? That's right, Italy. This is an Italian name of Germanic origin. It's still used in Germany, just not as frequently as Italy. Haha, fun.

(P.S. K, if the ASVAB was the last test we did, the thing in the carpeted room, I got an 89 on it.)


  1. 89 is really good! Yes I would agree that Elda sounds much better.

  2. I agree, 89 is really's good to know...Elda
