Saturday, January 1, 2011

Good place to sleep

I found an interesting cemetery in Sapanta, Romania. (I thought it was the Czech, but that was wrong.) It's called the Merry Cemetery, and is a very brightly colored nearly cheerful place. A guy named Ioan Stan Patras made all the bright headstones from 1935-1977(when he died, and he made his own one before that). 

Instead of being like most of the rest of Europe and being all 'death is the saddest part of life', this is more based around the idea that death is a happy time because of the soul's immortality and that that person is moving on to something better. What's more interesting, I think, about this place, is that I had a funky dream at being at a night festival some years back, and there were people dressed up like the ones on these markers there. It was an old fashioned thing, sheep cows, dying looking buildings, brightly dressed people. Gotta love it. 

AND! Time for a bedtime story. One I just found, and was pleased with. XD

Now go to sleep!

Pfff, have a nice night folks. Sweet dreams. 


1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm I don't think I'd want to be buried there. I would like to be buried in some fashion that would make people stop and stare. I think a large statue of a man getting strangled by a snake, whilst getting attacked by a tiger, while about to get hit by a car would be cool. Or maybe I'll just have myself shot into space. You can do that you know. Happy 2011 anyway.
