Wednesday, December 22, 2010

There's a reason

-Why you're not supposed to leave plastic bags around children and babies. It's because they can get their heads caught in them, suffocate and die, right? Well, this also appears to apply to my youngest cat Cory. She was found in a snow drift last year by a friend of mine, and Cory likes to play with plastic bags. More so, IN plastic bags. I've had to take two of the things away from her tonight alone. I don't know where she keeps finding them.

Keep plastic bags away from kiddos, babies, drunk college students, and Cory. And um, whales too...

Today, me and a few other people on Gaia made the BEST Trolling song ever. It's to Deck the Halls. The first two lines were from two people who started it, and the rest is from me and this one girl. We rock! 

Tis the season to be trollin'.
Fah la la la la, la la hurr durr (all the rest is what me and Neko wrote)

Don we now our troll apparel,
Fa la la la la la derp derp derp

Troll the CB with a mule
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

See the flaming posts before us,
Fa la la, la la la, herp a derp

Smack a Claus and fight some reindeer
raandom rahahandom rahandom~

Troll with me in merry measure,
Trollol lol lol, lol lol lol, lawl lawl laaaaawl~

We'll be banned from Gaia with pleasure
trolly trolly troll, troll troll troll troll

Fast away the Rick Roll passes,
Never gonna give you up up up

Bringing anger to your loved ones,
haters gonna ha-a-a-a-ate

This is a story all about how
My life got turned UP-SIDE-DOWN!

There was fire, brimstone and ashes
Don't eat the fruitcake it weighs nine pounds

Sing we troll-ous, all together!
Tra la la la la, la la la la~!
Headless of the Ba-an Hammer,
Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol~!
Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol~!

(Now we end our song of trolling
We'll pickpocket blind hobos!)

Have a great Christmas! (mistletoe is poisonous, isn't it?)

~Derp derp derp XD

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