Thursday, December 30, 2010

That's... not creepy

Okay, so I'm generally up at night so I can have the house to myself and be a happy housecat, and tonight I realized I know more about my neighborhood than my mom, her husband, but not my brother cause he always knows stuff. (like for real)

Okay, so the milkman usually comes at around 2:05 am so he can get his job done and not have to see anyone. He's been coming earlier for a few weeks, more around 1:15ish am, and I'm guessing it's to get done faster so he can get home. It's been cold, I don't blame him. But, I've been thinking how much fun it would be to jump out of the house and scream 'HI milkman!' right as he come up, like Spongebob did to his mailman one time.

But sadly, I don't think I will. These aren't the days of those fun sweet old men you grew up being around your whole life. Black and white pictures films and old memories are mostly what we have left of that.

So, I have to admit the facts. This is a person whom I don't know, who does his job with an amazing regularity and always comes around at nearly the same time to about three or four minutes early or later every week, and does not see people during this. Yes, he could be a regular gent, be all nice, and not have a heart attack at the sight of a random teen jumping out and greeting him like her best friend at two in the morning, but then again, he might very well have a heart attack. He might get mad and chide said teen and tell her momma on her. But more than likely, he would just freak and then try and laugh it off after he is presented with the cupcakes of sorriness. After all, I don't know why he got the job. Could be he's a night owl too, but then again, could be cause it's one of the jobs that does not involve a lot of interaction with other people. 

And then again, there have been people trying the door all tonight. Usually I just ignore it, but it's happened at least eight times tonight, and I'm getting pretty skeptical of leaping out at strangers and/or walking around at night like I might have done a few years ago.... a couple times.

Now for the other interesting, and unrelated, pics that came up when I google-image searched spongebob jumping out mailbox.

This is Tales of Monkey Island. Some game or other.

Have a nice day folks.


1 comment:

  1. Lol nice Ed Edd n Eddy reference. I once talked to the milkman in the middle of the night. I was 12 I do believe. He had a flashlight on his head... I yelled Hi and he visibly jumped heh. I asked him why he delivered milk in the middle of the night. He said it helps keep it cold. I yelled "ok then" and ran back inside. Probably was a big wtf moment in his life.
