Saturday, December 11, 2010

Next is finals, and then vacation

I'm supposing to be memorizing French stuff and studying math right now. Guess why I'm not? Because it's nine, I have a cup of glogg, and I refuse. (for now)

I just tried drinking glogg in its concentrated form. It was good.... in a 'this will choke you' sort of way.

I was around children yesterday. Used to watch kids on Sunday for who knows how long at my church when I actually went, and stopped when I was getting sick of kids. Apparently, kids still think I am an awesome person to hang out with, because the tinies were very happy to see me. I didn't even know these kids. They didn't know me. But, they still deemed me as a good person in like two minutes and yeah. Had a two year old on my lap for the duration of the new Karate Kid movie at a friend's house. Good movie. Weird kid. You're not supposed to giggle at pizza while someone's fighting on the tele. That's okay though, I got to see this girl and her slightly older sister 'fight' with a nerf sword and battleaxe. The sword was bigger than the older sister. Point being, I have realized that if I ever have children, there is going to be many toy weapons, mainly swords and axes and maybe maces, all around the house.

You know what really bothers me? Dreaming random random things. There was a cute guy I remember going up to in a park, and he was supposed to be dead or he died before. I kissed him and remember saying 'My friend, I am so sorry I have to kill you again', then I twisted his head around with my hands until his neck snapped. (I've killed people in dreams this way before, too. O.o) Then I was in the kitchen, and some freaky scary person was hunting me, and I ran outside so I wouldn't die. My cat turned into this shadowy creature and I got on its back because it was like the size of a horse, and it ran like a horse. It was really weird, we were like, halfway down the street, and the scary people ? (maybe plural?) were coming after us, so I turned it towards a house and it jumped up onto the roof and ran over it really lightly, and we continued on it the same direction that was parallel to the street, while also going over houses.

Then we were up by this one street by a park, it was nighttime during all of this, and there were like, coppers coming after us, and cars, and people walking around with flashlights looking for me and this shadow-cat thingy whatever it was. Somewhere along the lines right about here, it turned into Lugia and it started flying us over the ocean which was right there for some reason. Mentally, I figured it'd be easier to lose them over the sea cause the shadow-cat would have left tracks on the ground? So we were going over the sea, it was pretty spectacular, we start going over this strip of ground. It was lit up with spotlights, and there was another chopper flying over it. But there was a wolf in a cage, I tried to get it out, didn't work, me and my Lugia kept flyin, and like another hundred feet away was a white lion and a polar bear stuck in the same cage together. It was like one of those things where people put two rare animals or ones that wouldn't naturally meet in the wild together and have them duke it out.

Me, being the brillant person I am, grabbed hold of both of their furry back of the necks, and held them away from each other. Yeah, they were totally going to start tearing my arms off right here. But, apparently, I held them for long enough, like thirty seconds at the most, that they turned back into nice things and went away. But they were still there, it was like a light. I don't even know what they turned into. Butterflies? Anyway, the bear and the lion were still there, just not moving.... not dead, but not moving.

Then I was walking around and we were magically inside a ritzy barn-thing/lab. There were stalls for horses, some random scientists, and gigantor tanks for fish. There was a shark left out of the water, but like right next to water on pebbles/gravel, and it had a lobster and something else inserted into its side. The skin right there was transparent enough to see it. I asked what the heck they were doing to a living shark, and someone answered saying they were getting it ready for when it would evolve and there would be no reason it could not live out of water. Then there was a whale that was technically beached behind a glass wall too. The Lugia was still with me during all this, just flying behind me. There was some weird thing about the alfalfa hay affecting the animals badly and wearing the coat of a stall mucker to take a look at it, but then the whale's tank filled up with water, like the tide came in or something, and then I remember trying to save one of the whale-scientists, some Japanese woman, but I think she drowned anyway, cause the whale tank opened, we were all underwater, and my Lugia flew/swam me to the surface and to safety, while everybody else possibly died. I also remember having a big green blanket like I do for my horse for the Lugia here. It disappeared while we were flying.

Then it was the most amazing sunrise I'd ever seen, over this gorgeous gorgeous town. It was soooooo pretty, green water (like it is in tropical areas), clay golden looking buildings in the Roman colosseum style, nice people, and me and the Lugia stopped here. I was walking again, and my Lugia turned into another person, for camouflage purposes I suppose, and I introduced her to a countess and a duchess, and she was wearing better snazzy jewelery than the human lady. We went with her to see the shop she had open, and the meatbag stole the fake duchess's necklace and tried to sell it back to us. The Lugia as a human kinda looked like Chi from Chobits, and we were all wearing fancy medival clothing.

That's all I remember.

What is wrong with my brain and POTATOES?!? Eh, I blame stress, potatoes, having played pokemon before I went to bed for the first time in months, potatoes, getting ready for Finals and stress, loving animals, talking to bears, and most importantly, that my bedroom was way too warm and I usually can only sleep when it's super cold. Then end!


  1. Shadow cat creature! You should make your dreams into a book lol.

  2. I love potatoes too. They just do weird things to my brain sometimes...

    Eh, they might make their way into parts of a book, but it'd be way too random if that's all it was.
