Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

Not everything I thought it would be, but still cool. First one I've ever seen. I always imagined that because the moon would be red, everything outside would be bathed in red light, and that all I would need to do to see if there was one happening is look out the window. The moon was pretty red-orange, and it didn't do the whole get dark in like five minutes thing I thoiught it'd do because of pinky and the brain, but still pretty snazzy. I woke up everyone in my house at around 12:30 to celebrate Yule and look at the awesome red moon. They were not pleased with me, but hey, it hasn't happened on the winter solstice for almost four hundred years, so they can deal.

Just go back from the dentist too. Any of my friends know it's pretty hard to make me cry and I don't tend to do it around people. (does not like the attention) Well congratulations, I'm scared of the dentist. And needles. So this new guy had a fun time trying to figure out what to do with me because it took like three seconds under the light for me to start crying. Had to have my mom hold my hand the whole time. >.<

Doc's an okay guy though. He made a couple jokes at the end like 'Beth, you're not gonna be mad if I did the wrong tooth, are you?' and 'Haha, now it looks like someone socked you in the face'. (Yes, it does.) He did a good job and everything. My body just processes drugs really fast so I had the normal dose for people and plus half that amount on top of it, and I was still starting to feel things like temperature and what was happening right at the end.

Hope ya had a great ... Yule. Is it Yule-tide festival or just Yule? Don't know. Too lazy to look it up again now. Did find out something interesting about it though. Iceland has something called the Yule-cat, that goes around eating people if you don't help your town get ready for the festivities. Its description is rather like the Cheshire Cat's from Alice and Wonderland, only bigger. Isn't it great?

~I have to go put up a tree, Greenland

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. I have a panic attack whenever I hear I'm going to the Doctor or the Dentist. In Andorra they eat turkey and decorate stuff... and then there are a bunch of church services. Well happy holidays.
