Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's too silly! I love it!

I found a website completely dedicated to telling men how to be real men. Just read one of the articles, if the title is in any way hinting at funny to you, it will be. Yeah it's informative and probably something I'd love to have shoved into the brains of most teen guys, especially the ones who think they're snazzy dressing like 'gangstas' or whathaveyou, but to a girl, it's just silly and fun to real.

How to be Manly 101

So far, I like be like James Bond9 different ways to start a fire without matches, guys who died from shaving, and surviving a bear attack. And much much more as I continue reading this blark encouraging men to be men. (Oh goodness.... Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!)  Because yes, I would respect a guy who knew/did some of this, just because it's better than what most guys do now.

Let's take the time to appreciate this world's most manly men that I can think of right now. (some of them are dead, sadly)

Chuck Norris is an American icon. You can't be a man without trying to emulate him in some way.

Bruce Lee.

This man trained like ten hours everyday or some crazy thing like that. The camera people had to slow him down on the cameras so you could see him fight in the movies. He died, but still lives on as a crazy manly man.

Sean Connery.

Our original James Bond and still a lady killer with that voice. If he weren't so old.... nevermind. more pic of him.

Okay, then we have Steve Irwin.

He ran around dangerous places in the world to pick up and touch wild animals that should not be picked up or touched. Oddly enough, he got away from most of it relatively unscathed to the point where his show was pretty much family friendly. That in itself is a very manly way to live and die. Do stupid stuff and wait for it all to catch up with you. (rest in peace sweetheart)

Both the Old Spice guys.

The first is because he's gorgeous and awesome, the second because that dude was ripped and looked like he could carry two machine guns and rip bricks in half.

John Wayne

He portrayed what life as a real American man out in the Wild West should behave like. Kinda wished he was my grandpa when I was a kiddo.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Served as our president for sixteen years, he was there during the Great Depression and WW2. He also started out looking like a very young man and ended up looking like a very old grandfather after it.

Private Jack White.

He was awarded the Victoria Cross. This is what he did.

Blackbeard the Pirate

He terrorized people, looted, did pirate stuff, and kept two lit fuses sticking out from under his hat to scare his enemies. I was always told he put that junk in his beard too, but I don't think that's right. It'd catch fire.

I am lazy!!!~~~ Here's a bunch of ninja, samurai, even a priest. (My cat is bothering me. It's not as easier to type when something furry with claws is demanding you to feed them. Good thing she's declawed.)


They do this. (story with the skull) I'm not entirely pleased since this was a Scott, and I'm part Scott, but it's still note-worthy for that kind of head damage.

Then there's a man of mine out of the Halley clan that was alive around four hundred years or so ago and cleaved a man's skull in two with either a sword or an axe. Can't remember him too well or find the article on him again.

So much more manliness I can put down, but I am done for the day. I am le tired. (Yay for butchering french and english all in one sentence!)

Huge pool of political comics, take in small doses

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