Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I don't know what to think

I just tried herring, which is totally like, one of the things Danes and the other Nordics including my brothers Ice and Nor would eat, and it's good in a weird way. It doesn't really taste like fish, it's kinda game-y? It's good and disgusting at the same time. Um it's um, it's not fish-tasting, and it smells like dog treats. It kinda tastes like expensive catfood, and because it was in oil and water the oil got caught in my throat and I coughed it up. Not the fish, just the oil in my throat. I'm weird that way, kinda like an owl. If it's not supposed to go into my body it won't.

This is just another exciting conclusion to my dark. Next, let's try fermented poisonous shark! Hahah... no.

In other news, Ice seems to think I've been up to something. I did borrow some of his socks the other day, but they've already been through the wash and returned. It got me thinking though. He's my big brother, but I've never played a prank on him. Sure I'll jump out from behind furniture or doors to try and scare him, which, by the way, stopped working after the first time I did it. I need to think of a really good Holiday prank, something not dangerous, but something that will get both my brothers good. And maybe Denmark too. Oh oh oh! and Santa and Sweden too if I can think of something for all of them.
Think I should play dead? Or cause it's really only Ernir who thinks I'm up to something, I could get him a weird present for Christmas. Like a turtle. A giant turtle. ... A tortoise? No, no, just a huge freaking turtle. Wait, do turtles and puffins get along? Eh..... I don't know. I could rearrange all the furniture in the house while they're asleep. But I think I'm the only one who would be bothered by it and everyone else would ignore it and leave it alone.

I need pranks.

~Have a great day! Don't be violent to that guy you don't like! He might be a cop in disguise.


  1. Hmmmm Francis always got mad at me on April fools day. Maybe because I nailed toast to the wall, and rubbed lotion on the floor so he'd slip... and stole one of his Roses, and gave it to Gilbird. Gilbird likes carrying off stuff, but I didn't know I swear! Antonio never seemed to mind my pranks... he just laughed when I dyed all of his food blue, food dye is an amazing invention. Hmmmm Pranks... ooh I know! Every nation hates it when you steal their alcohol!

  2. Umm, I don't know if I'd feel comfortable stealing alcohol from former vikings as a prank... but the toast one sounds promising.
