Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

I actually have a New Year's resolution this year. I've never tried to do one before, because frankly, all I've ever heard was pretty everyone who did them every year quit after like, maybe a week, month at the most. I wasn't too convinced it was worthwhile, and that if you were going to make serious changes in your life it shouldn't be because 'hur der, it's that time of the year again and everyone else is doing it and don'cha know it's a tradition?'

Yeah, was never too big on it. Really couldn't see the point of people trying to do stuff and trying to do a complete 180 just because of the year changing, try to cram all their 'changes' into said day, and then get overloaded and go back to exactly what they had been doing before that and giving up.

Well, I've been gearing up to start getting ready to be a linguist for the Air Force and (I was just attacked by a mug falling out of a cabinet) going to college and everything that will be required of me for that. For the most part, I still wasn't entirely sure that's what I wanted to do until sometime during the break. I found an excellent site for learning Russian, the Sons of Norway (great cultural organization in America) have really great pages for you to learn the basics of Norwegian and you only get the audio with it if you join up with then so I plan on doing that(besides, my almost surrogate grandmother Helen is in that so I already have a friend who says it's awesome and you don't have to be Norwegian to join), I have the Rosetta Stone program for French, and I haven't found anything for German yet, but I am wanting to learn that too.

For languages, I'm going to set aside at least twenty minutes a day aside for both French and Russian individually to start with. That seems fair enough to manage when school starts up again. What I don't want to do is jump into all three of the new ones I want to learn (already pretty well grounded in French thanks to school), and then get all jumbled up and confuse one for another. I know when I started French when I couldn't think of a French word or didn't know it, I tried to put it in Japanese because my vocabulary in that was higher than French (this is what you call an anime fan). I don't want to mix them all up and get confused, so I'm hopefully going to avoid that.

I'd also like to be on time to places, so I'm going to reset every clock in the house to say the correct time. Right now, presently, there are four clocks in this house that are usually right. The one in the parentals' bedroom, the two in the kitchen, and the one right above the hallway next to the kitchen. This doesn't help me at all, because I get ready either in my room, or downstairs in my bathroom. Which is mine. I have territory in my house, and no one enters my room or my bathroom without explicate instruction from me that they are allowed to. I don't like sharing, and I don't have to right now. The rest of the house is theirs, those two rooms belong to me. (Okay, enough of being a territorial brat.) Back to the clocks, when there's a power-outage, the clocks won't be reset for two to six weeks if I'm lucky. I'm going to have to find my pocketwatch because that's the best clock I have. With that I'll be cleaning my room and doing my part to keep it clean.

Next! I'm going to be getting my learner's permit this semester, so I have to study the driver's handbook a ton and treat it like Gold tea for awhile (super addictive delicious amazing stuff by the way, definitely a favorite). Then I have to be a good girl and learn to drive. Stick shift. Because my gorgeous disassembled blue ford truck my brother gave to me, is a stick shift. I also have to replace the back window cause um, an engine kinda went through it due to unforeseeable circumstances... and it shattered. And I gotta clean the old boy off too. I think I've mentioned this before, but there's about six feet of stuff piled on top of it in any given direction. This is even worse because it's a flatbed, and therefore has an extra foot, er maybe foot and a half to two feet of stuff in the flatbed I'm not seeing to make it that high above the sides. They'd probably have glued stuff to the sides if they could. I kinda want to just throw all of it away. I wonder if I could get away with it. They're both super pack rats. The male being the worse in this respect because he doesn't even like to throw out food that's gone bad, is molding, or has been in the back of the refrigerator long enough to become semi-poisonous to borderline lethal. I once cleaned the whole refrigerator one night, got rid of all the nastiness, washed the shelves and everything, because I couldn't find peanut butter and grape jelly. I had a hankering for a sandwich, and as it turned out, we didn't have either of those particular items. Don't know if he threw a fit or not. I slept through that day. Know my mom thanked my (secretly) though at a later time.

Heh, I didn't marry him. I don't have to live with that. Don't have to live with her either cause the moment I'm out of high school, I'm moving out. <3 Yeah, love you, BYE!!!

What else is happening... hrm. Ah! for the Air Force, to fit up with their standards and such, I have to lose 35 lbs, be able to run 1.5 miles in 11 minutes, do 51 push ups in a minute, and 42 crunches in the same amount of time. My best time for running the mile was 12:06, and that was when I wasn't putting really any effort to run during practice and warm up because really, who wants to get sweaty and nasty everyday at school and then have to go back to your next class? (hint hint, it's guys) Only a slight problem with going outside. A lot of people around my neighborhood smoke, and I'm allergic to something in cigarettes and cigars so I can get sick really easily if I'm around it. But, like with perfume, if I'm around it daily, I'll build up my immune system to combat whatever it is in it my body can't generally handle. I went for a walk yesterday with my dog, and started hacking and coughing like I had black lung or was a serious asthmatic, then took a shower to get any remnant of the outside off my skin and changed clothes. I'm not sick right now, but I woke up momentarily around 12 today, my normal wake up time since I'm always up at night, and then went back to sleep until 10 in the evening. That'll be fun to work through. Some guy on the radio today had lost somewhere in the area of 70 lbs so he could join the Marines, so I'm pretty confident I have time and ability to get to my goal as well for the Air Force.

Kay, just read through this real quick to see if my brain stayed on topic, and no, it very much did not. That was more or less a run through on what I've got planned to do brick by boring brick(awesome Paramore song!) over the next year, some will be added on earlier than others etcetera. For the New Year's Resolution, my goal is to be kinder, more gentle, and more truthful and up front with people. I've been being a little too sarcastic, snarky, and ill-mannered for my tastes. Cynical words do have trouble being completely polite. And not just that, if I join up with any branch of the military, I'm pretty sure that comments like that can get you in trouble. To do this, I'm going to stop reading things that have a ton of bad words or foul humor in them, and replace it with a higher quality literature than simple fanfiction of shows or books I enjoy. I'm also going to take more time before I respond in conversation to think about what's about to leave my mouth. Usually it's when I'm not thinking before I speak that I'm rude. I'm also going to listen to different bands as, while most everything I listen to is completely clean, I've been listening to the same music for years and stale things create a stagnancy in your mind and mental health that translates into your physical body and reactions to things.

This sounds like it's going to make me very very busy, however, even with all this, what I really want to keep track of and make time for are my friends and God. I want to continue reading the Bible and make it a more regular part of my life, have time to hang out with the people I love, and make sure I'm not falling away from Him with all this business.


To wrap this post up, I'll tell you guys a joke.

A feminist - Don't wear bras! It's another the way 'The Man' is keeping you down!

My brother - Really? I thought it was how the man was keeping you 'up'.

Haha, have a good New Year folks.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

That's... not creepy

Okay, so I'm generally up at night so I can have the house to myself and be a happy housecat, and tonight I realized I know more about my neighborhood than my mom, her husband, but not my brother cause he always knows stuff. (like for real)

Okay, so the milkman usually comes at around 2:05 am so he can get his job done and not have to see anyone. He's been coming earlier for a few weeks, more around 1:15ish am, and I'm guessing it's to get done faster so he can get home. It's been cold, I don't blame him. But, I've been thinking how much fun it would be to jump out of the house and scream 'HI milkman!' right as he come up, like Spongebob did to his mailman one time.

But sadly, I don't think I will. These aren't the days of those fun sweet old men you grew up being around your whole life. Black and white pictures films and old memories are mostly what we have left of that.

So, I have to admit the facts. This is a person whom I don't know, who does his job with an amazing regularity and always comes around at nearly the same time to about three or four minutes early or later every week, and does not see people during this. Yes, he could be a regular gent, be all nice, and not have a heart attack at the sight of a random teen jumping out and greeting him like her best friend at two in the morning, but then again, he might very well have a heart attack. He might get mad and chide said teen and tell her momma on her. But more than likely, he would just freak and then try and laugh it off after he is presented with the cupcakes of sorriness. After all, I don't know why he got the job. Could be he's a night owl too, but then again, could be cause it's one of the jobs that does not involve a lot of interaction with other people. 

And then again, there have been people trying the door all tonight. Usually I just ignore it, but it's happened at least eight times tonight, and I'm getting pretty skeptical of leaping out at strangers and/or walking around at night like I might have done a few years ago.... a couple times.

Now for the other interesting, and unrelated, pics that came up when I google-image searched spongebob jumping out mailbox.

This is Tales of Monkey Island. Some game or other.

Have a nice day folks.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's too silly! I love it!

I found a website completely dedicated to telling men how to be real men. Just read one of the articles, if the title is in any way hinting at funny to you, it will be. Yeah it's informative and probably something I'd love to have shoved into the brains of most teen guys, especially the ones who think they're snazzy dressing like 'gangstas' or whathaveyou, but to a girl, it's just silly and fun to real.

How to be Manly 101

So far, I like be like James Bond9 different ways to start a fire without matches, guys who died from shaving, and surviving a bear attack. And much much more as I continue reading this blark encouraging men to be men. (Oh goodness.... Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!)  Because yes, I would respect a guy who knew/did some of this, just because it's better than what most guys do now.

Let's take the time to appreciate this world's most manly men that I can think of right now. (some of them are dead, sadly)

Chuck Norris is an American icon. You can't be a man without trying to emulate him in some way.

Bruce Lee.

This man trained like ten hours everyday or some crazy thing like that. The camera people had to slow him down on the cameras so you could see him fight in the movies. He died, but still lives on as a crazy manly man.

Sean Connery.

Our original James Bond and still a lady killer with that voice. If he weren't so old.... nevermind. more pic of him.

Okay, then we have Steve Irwin.

He ran around dangerous places in the world to pick up and touch wild animals that should not be picked up or touched. Oddly enough, he got away from most of it relatively unscathed to the point where his show was pretty much family friendly. That in itself is a very manly way to live and die. Do stupid stuff and wait for it all to catch up with you. (rest in peace sweetheart)

Both the Old Spice guys.

The first is because he's gorgeous and awesome, the second because that dude was ripped and looked like he could carry two machine guns and rip bricks in half.

John Wayne

He portrayed what life as a real American man out in the Wild West should behave like. Kinda wished he was my grandpa when I was a kiddo.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Served as our president for sixteen years, he was there during the Great Depression and WW2. He also started out looking like a very young man and ended up looking like a very old grandfather after it.

Private Jack White.

He was awarded the Victoria Cross. This is what he did.

Blackbeard the Pirate

He terrorized people, looted, did pirate stuff, and kept two lit fuses sticking out from under his hat to scare his enemies. I was always told he put that junk in his beard too, but I don't think that's right. It'd catch fire.

I am lazy!!!~~~ Here's a bunch of ninja, samurai, even a priest. (My cat is bothering me. It's not as easier to type when something furry with claws is demanding you to feed them. Good thing she's declawed.)


They do this. (story with the skull) I'm not entirely pleased since this was a Scott, and I'm part Scott, but it's still note-worthy for that kind of head damage.

Then there's a man of mine out of the Halley clan that was alive around four hundred years or so ago and cleaved a man's skull in two with either a sword or an axe. Can't remember him too well or find the article on him again.

So much more manliness I can put down, but I am done for the day. I am le tired. (Yay for butchering french and english all in one sentence!)

Huge pool of political comics, take in small doses

Monday, December 27, 2010


Went pretty well. Had my brother and his wife over for Christmas dinner, they're doing well. The wife and now mother in law, my mom, were civil and polite. I got lots of socks, a couple pajamas, a jewelry box, a random necklace with earrings, and a ring. The ring was really nice (I highly suspect the awesomeness of Black Friday), and when I opened it I joked to my mom 'what, did some guy ask to marry me and tell you to give this to me?'. Of course not, but later, after Chris and Sammy left, she did tell me something kinda errr. 'Well, I had had a guy all picked out for you, but you didn't like me talking about him.'

Oh NO She Didn't. I knew she was trying to get me and the guy I liked together, but admitting it like that is just wrong. I was almost thinking it was like a subconscious effort on her part, but no, she was all for getting me and him together. That's really creepy. I don't care if I like him. If anything happens it will not because of her. Creepy woman.

AND!!! Found some new music I like.

Irish stuff with an odd video.

Some English stuff. Smoke Fairies vid is weird and fun all at once(like a druggie's point of view). Here's The Hotel Room by them.

Charlie Winston's Like a Hobo

The Gadsdens, who are also from England. It's kinda catchy.

American stuff. Josh Ritter's The Curse.

This one is from the game Bard's tale, also very American, and also a couple bad words... like maybe one per sentence.

~Lave San

PS, Lave is a real word, just not used correctly. I was going for a Southern accent there. XD

Thursday, December 23, 2010

This is important enough to be its own post!

Maria found real-life France and Turkey. Guess who I just found. Fem-Canada.

This woman is an actress on the show Mad Men. Her name, is January Jones. Oh I win so much. Hahaha.

Now to check out the old picture on Mr Downing's wall, along with its sister pics.

The moral of the pictures are supposed to be no matter what you do, from far away it all ends up the same way and you die. My opinion, is that the artists had a great way to turn random women into skulls for the sake of art. Peace out yo.

!wait! I have another picture, and it's pretty. Dig the gorgeous tree.

Night! ^^

He thought I'd be blonde

My dad did. I was a blonde for the longest time before my hair darkened over time. Funny, I figured Denmark would have thought the same, but I didn't think my dad would. No, he's not Denmark, but he did look scarily like an Italian version of Russia. (tan coat, black scarf, and smiling) XD Okay, this made me think of something when I was five.

Right after I moved here, after the parents' divorce, I was in kindergarten for two years. The first one I didn't have a lot of memories of even back then. I was told I was held back because I was too short, but now I'm thinking it might have been because they thought something might be wrong with me. I had friends, kind'ave. I had other kids I hung out with, but I couldn't remember their names for anything. So skip that first year, and act like it just went straight to the second.

I've been cutting my own hair for no reason for a long time. I still do it today, and I did it back then. I didn't do it well back then, and it's usually better now.... if I don't get crazy with it. During the summer, right before school started, I gave myself a magnificent haircut. This haircut, was very short in the back, and had to be fixed before school. I turned out having a short boys' haircut. I met this girl Erin, we were both blonde, both girls, and liked the colors blue and purple, and were stuck sitting together during the majority of the day. Of course we became friends since you really don't need much in common when you're six to hang out.

Thing was, my hair was cut super short and I wore my brother's handmedowns all the time. Erin perceived me as male, and was shocked into the truth when her best friend came to school wearing a pick dress with yellow flowers. (I also remember thinking back then I wish I had been born a boy so I could wear pants all the time, and never have to wear dresses or skirts again. Glad we don't live in medieval England, cause I don't have to wear that stuff anyway here.) Remembering this got me to thinking; did my brothers and Denmark think I was a boy? Some kids it's just hard to tell with, I know I personally try not to make assumptions on gender because of clothing alone. Like below is Prince Felipe Propero. Poor kid got shoved into a dress when he was little.

This is some random kid that it's just hard to tell the gender of.

I'll ask Tlior later. He's probably the only one who won't beat around the bush with it or make it into an awkward moment.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

There's a reason

-Why you're not supposed to leave plastic bags around children and babies. It's because they can get their heads caught in them, suffocate and die, right? Well, this also appears to apply to my youngest cat Cory. She was found in a snow drift last year by a friend of mine, and Cory likes to play with plastic bags. More so, IN plastic bags. I've had to take two of the things away from her tonight alone. I don't know where she keeps finding them.

Keep plastic bags away from kiddos, babies, drunk college students, and Cory. And um, whales too...

Today, me and a few other people on Gaia made the BEST Trolling song ever. It's to Deck the Halls. The first two lines were from two people who started it, and the rest is from me and this one girl. We rock! 

Tis the season to be trollin'.
Fah la la la la, la la hurr durr (all the rest is what me and Neko wrote)

Don we now our troll apparel,
Fa la la la la la derp derp derp

Troll the CB with a mule
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

See the flaming posts before us,
Fa la la, la la la, herp a derp

Smack a Claus and fight some reindeer
raandom rahahandom rahandom~

Troll with me in merry measure,
Trollol lol lol, lol lol lol, lawl lawl laaaaawl~

We'll be banned from Gaia with pleasure
trolly trolly troll, troll troll troll troll

Fast away the Rick Roll passes,
Never gonna give you up up up

Bringing anger to your loved ones,
haters gonna ha-a-a-a-ate

This is a story all about how
My life got turned UP-SIDE-DOWN!

There was fire, brimstone and ashes
Don't eat the fruitcake it weighs nine pounds

Sing we troll-ous, all together!
Tra la la la la, la la la la~!
Headless of the Ba-an Hammer,
Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol~!
Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol~!

(Now we end our song of trolling
We'll pickpocket blind hobos!)

Have a great Christmas! (mistletoe is poisonous, isn't it?)

~Derp derp derp XD

Lunar Eclipse

Not everything I thought it would be, but still cool. First one I've ever seen. I always imagined that because the moon would be red, everything outside would be bathed in red light, and that all I would need to do to see if there was one happening is look out the window. The moon was pretty red-orange, and it didn't do the whole get dark in like five minutes thing I thoiught it'd do because of pinky and the brain, but still pretty snazzy. I woke up everyone in my house at around 12:30 to celebrate Yule and look at the awesome red moon. They were not pleased with me, but hey, it hasn't happened on the winter solstice for almost four hundred years, so they can deal.

Just go back from the dentist too. Any of my friends know it's pretty hard to make me cry and I don't tend to do it around people. (does not like the attention) Well congratulations, I'm scared of the dentist. And needles. So this new guy had a fun time trying to figure out what to do with me because it took like three seconds under the light for me to start crying. Had to have my mom hold my hand the whole time. >.<

Doc's an okay guy though. He made a couple jokes at the end like 'Beth, you're not gonna be mad if I did the wrong tooth, are you?' and 'Haha, now it looks like someone socked you in the face'. (Yes, it does.) He did a good job and everything. My body just processes drugs really fast so I had the normal dose for people and plus half that amount on top of it, and I was still starting to feel things like temperature and what was happening right at the end.

Hope ya had a great ... Yule. Is it Yule-tide festival or just Yule? Don't know. Too lazy to look it up again now. Did find out something interesting about it though. Iceland has something called the Yule-cat, that goes around eating people if you don't help your town get ready for the festivities. Its description is rather like the Cheshire Cat's from Alice and Wonderland, only bigger. Isn't it great?

~I have to go put up a tree, Greenland

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I'm slightly miffed. The wedding went great. I got to go out with my dad and aunt today to hang with my horse for awhile. The ranch was in the same general direction as where they needed to be going to get to the airport which was good too. Then they left and my horse riding lesson went great too. And no, there were only like fifty or so people at the wedding so the guy I like wasn't there.

It would have all been wonderful and hunky dory, except for what my mom kept saying all of Saturday and Sunday to me. 'It's not gonna last.' 'They already have two strikes against; for this this and this' and my personal favorite, when I asked her if she was going these kind of snips during and about my wedding she went into that "earnest" look of hers. (note, it is FAKE earnestness) "If you really love him, and you both love the Lord, I will be behind you one-hundred percent" But if I disapprove in any way I will. I don't like subliminal messages lady. I'd rather hear what you say than what you aren't saying. Tell me the TRUTH!!!! Chris and Sammy are exactly THIS. They love each other and both love the Lord. Yes, they could have done more waiting, been better at planning, whatever, but they still meet all the criteria and I'm really happy for them.

Why is she the only one complaining about it? She hates Sammy. Sammy still tries to be nice, but man! I don't even want to bring home a guy even if I find a nice one now. If I ever get married, I'm going to be a runaway bride and elope. (Unless something weird happens like I fall for someone while in another country and random guy goes for me too and proposes. It'd be like, sure! I'd love to get married. Just, let's not invite my mom if any of yall speak English...)

Here's some famous eloping spots for fun.

!0. Gretna Green, Scotland

Both Reno and Las Vegas in Nevada (bleh)

Then Gatlinburg Tennessee

Poconos Pennsylvania 

Niagara Falls 

Central Park in NY and The Eiffel Tower, oddly enough... and the last aand scariest one/possibly most awesome and unexpected we have;


I'd go to the one in Paris rather than California since they have a real castle up there. 

But, just because it isn't famous for eloping, doesn't mean you can't use it. Like me, I probably wouldn't really pick any of these. Probably find me in an obscure town in the Nordic nations, Ireland, Scotland, or even Canada. Point is, I'm out. 

~Have a restful break

Friday, December 17, 2010


My brother's getting married tomorrow!!!!

Today was the first time years I've seen my dad and auntie Pam. It was so weird, and like yeah! The aunt is made of awesome, found out my cousins who didn't show are in college and one's graduating this May. They got over their drinking problems and the one who's graduating is even engaged to get married to! I am so so proud of them!!! So, about my dad, he's surprisingly cool, but in a way that I know he has some qualities that if I was around him for too long, I would pick up on those things more and more and we'd possibly have a cow over them.

I'm going to wear a green turtle neck with white jeans to the wedding. I'm not a brides' maid or anything cool like that.

Here's the thing, the guy I like may or may not be there tomorrow. It's Saturday, I don't know if he and his family were invited or not, and like, argh! I haven't actually seen the guy in like, errr... maybe since May or so? I have no clue. He might already have a girl or there's a ton of stuff of going on. Big thing I'm worried about, is because my mom kept trying to get me to date him for the longest time *blatantly refuses to do anything she's all for*, she might like, point him out to everyone and say that's who she wants me to marry or some blargh like that.

I don't want my dad and aunt who I haven't seen since I was eight or nine investigating who I'm crushing on. Eh, I think I might have deterred my mom from going off and doing that maybe. I gave her hell for gossiping about everyone in the church to me, including about the guy, so she doesn't do that as much... least when I'm in the room.

Time for a short jot down of creepiness. When I am joking around, or just kinda laughin, and I go off in an accent, it can be British, Irish, or something kinda Russian, if I go off in the Russian one, my voice sounds almost exactly like Katya's. She was this awesome girl who was a foreign exchange student from the Ukraine.  Russian funny accents are cool, but not when it makes me sound like I stole her voice. o.o

~Wish me luck, and not to trip randomly tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I don't know what to think

I just tried herring, which is totally like, one of the things Danes and the other Nordics including my brothers Ice and Nor would eat, and it's good in a weird way. It doesn't really taste like fish, it's kinda game-y? It's good and disgusting at the same time. Um it's um, it's not fish-tasting, and it smells like dog treats. It kinda tastes like expensive catfood, and because it was in oil and water the oil got caught in my throat and I coughed it up. Not the fish, just the oil in my throat. I'm weird that way, kinda like an owl. If it's not supposed to go into my body it won't.

This is just another exciting conclusion to my dark. Next, let's try fermented poisonous shark! Hahah... no.

In other news, Ice seems to think I've been up to something. I did borrow some of his socks the other day, but they've already been through the wash and returned. It got me thinking though. He's my big brother, but I've never played a prank on him. Sure I'll jump out from behind furniture or doors to try and scare him, which, by the way, stopped working after the first time I did it. I need to think of a really good Holiday prank, something not dangerous, but something that will get both my brothers good. And maybe Denmark too. Oh oh oh! and Santa and Sweden too if I can think of something for all of them.
Think I should play dead? Or cause it's really only Ernir who thinks I'm up to something, I could get him a weird present for Christmas. Like a turtle. A giant turtle. ... A tortoise? No, no, just a huge freaking turtle. Wait, do turtles and puffins get along? Eh..... I don't know. I could rearrange all the furniture in the house while they're asleep. But I think I'm the only one who would be bothered by it and everyone else would ignore it and leave it alone.

I need pranks.

~Have a great day! Don't be violent to that guy you don't like! He might be a cop in disguise.