Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weirdest dream EVER

Okay, for the Hetalia-thing, I'm Greenland, right? Well I had a dream as Greenland. And my friend Andorra was lucky enough to be in it. For some reason, we were outside of Prussia's house, or some house Prussia was in. It was dark green with dark brown trim, green lawn, trees. Pine trees maybe? Dunno.

Gilbird was out on the front lawn and Andorra picked it up and hugged it before letting it back down and going inside. I stayed outside and was trying to pick up Gilbird. Gilbird, looked like a freaking featherless duckling but was still yellow like its feathers are supposed to be, not a baby chicken, and it kept snapping like an angry little snapping turtle. Couldn't pick it up, it wasn't happy that day for whatever reason.

This is the weird part. Although I was outside this nice green house with a nice green lawn with a cute angry duckling named Gilbird, there was a narrator narrating Denmark's mind-thoughts/what he was doing where ever he was, IN MY BRAIN.

He was in Nor's house, and I guess they were doing morning stuff. Short clip of seeing Den wake up Nor, my brain cut off everything in a completely straight line at Nor's neck. My subconscious has amazing editing skills (no, Nor wasn't wearing his hat). Then what wasn't seen but still implied somewhat was drinking coffee for Nor, and Denmark was leaving or something. I had a short mental image of him smiling all big coming out of a house. It was not Norway's house. It was like, one of those house's that's built right up against other houses cause there's no space in like, Britain or somewhere like it. (I watched Sense and Sensibility before I went to bed. I think it might have been the one to the left of the white one with black trim around the windows John and Fanny live in.) It was a dour grey-blue with off white trim. When he came out and I got the mental image of him, the narrator said this one line like right then, and it's the only part I remember him saying word for word.

"Denmark was very proud his slosh was an important part of Norway's economy."


I have never used the word 'slosh' in my entire life. I was sure it had something to do with buckets... I had to ask my mom what 'slosh' meant. It's like when you're carrying a bucket like a stupid drunkard and swinging it around and water falls out everywhere.

That didn't make sense, so I googled it. Basically I got that it can mean the bucket thing, or other stuff in it's different conjugations.

sloshed - besotted: very drunk or intoxicated or a combination of all of the above
sloshing - A motion or action that sloshes/the bucket thing 

Then there's this weird thing about slosh dynamics, which is a part of fluid dynamics, which is a part of physics, which has to do specifically with stuff like how gas reacts to its container in spacecrafts and rockets. When the ship moves the gas moves and you have to do all this crazy math to make sure it all doesn't blow up and cost you billions of dollars of research and who knows how much time and licencing issues and bleh.

Anyways, google makes the definition worded just so it doesn't really sound... right. Mine are much better and accurate. 

So, currently trying to figure out what kind of commodities Denmark exports and cross-referencing it with what Norway imports and trying to find a match that would be a big enough thing that it would be an important part of their economy. So far, I got nothing. The way it's worded makes me believe there's a specific thing my dream-narrator was talking about though. :/ Anyway, about the narrator. It almost sounded like Denmark, but it then again it definitely wasn't Denmark. It wasn't Nor, wasn't Ice, I think it was... the Faroes? Yeah, pretty much sounded like him. I think the Faroes sneaks into my house to tell me weird stuff while I sleep or something. He tells me stories. While I'm asleep. To make my dreams turn weird? O.o 

There was an oddly implied meaning of the word 'slosh' that I fear is the one the narrator was going for.... I'm going to beat Faroes with the nearest living creature next time I see him. >.<

Here's the closest thing to sane version of what was going on;

I'd just come from Nor's house, and Andorra had come from Spain's cause we'd been hanging with our bros before one of called up the other and we headed over to the green house which may or may not have belonged to Prussia.

Denmark, and maybe Norway, were on vacation in London or had a world meeting to go to there. Which explains why they were there.

Faroes was telling me weird stuff in my sleep, which explains the narrator and everything else.

The band Aqua is Danish?! ...I had no idea.

My big brother is getting married next month. I still haven't been able to talk to him about it, and... haven't actually.... gotten an invitation yet.

~have a nice day, San


  1. Well a slosh can be a REALLY alcoholic drink or... several other things i won't mention lol. Yay for Andorra.

  2. Also about the Faroes... check this latest not hetalia comic out... odd little coincidence.
