But, the camera had a low battery so I was like, whatever, I'm still taking a picture of the sky to see what I get cause the screen was black. It showed a great shot of a partially cloudy sky with the moon off to the left. The moon was behind clouds!!! How did I get a picture of it?! ..anyway...... fail for not getting a drastically amazing work of art, win at getting strange creepy pic of moon that I couldn't see. Hurray?
In Biology the ec question was 'Why are we having an assembly on Thursday?'. I was like, oh gosh, I know this. It's something patriotic. Umm, Veteran's Day? Then I was like, no, it's not that (yes it was), then I was like, oh, it's Remembrance Day! Uhhh, no. That's in Canada sweetheart. Both same day, same holiday, forgot. I am lame.
Time for some fun random pictures~
Look real closely. There's a person in there.
I google-image searched the word 'nifty'. The first picture I got was of toast.
That's all for now. Ta-ta!
*edit/add on
couple hours later, but this is important. I just for Heracles' fave site.
It is everything that is 'cat'. http://www.infinitecat.com/cat-comics/pages/comic042.html
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