Wednesday, November 10, 2010

o.o lame and win?

I went outside with my dog just now, and there was an awesome cloud shaped like Denmark. Like, EXACTLY like Denmark, only mirrored so it was flipped around. Looked around it, there were all the other countries North and East of Denmark there too! All mirrored and flipped around. (Russia faded into a giant blob/rest of the sky to the real-world North) And, this awesome cloud formation disappeared before I could get the camera/around two minutes later.

But, the camera had a low battery so I was like, whatever, I'm still taking a picture of the sky to see what I get cause the screen was black. It showed a great shot of a partially cloudy sky with the moon off to the left. The moon was behind clouds!!! How did I get a picture of it?! ..anyway...... fail for not getting a drastically amazing work of art, win at getting strange creepy pic of moon that I couldn't see. Hurray?

In Biology the ec question was 'Why are we having an assembly on Thursday?'. I was like, oh gosh, I know this. It's something patriotic. Umm, Veteran's Day? Then I was like, no, it's not that (yes it was), then I was like, oh, it's Remembrance Day! Uhhh, no. That's in Canada sweetheart. Both same day, same holiday, forgot. I am lame.

Time for some fun random pictures~

Look real closely. There's a person in there.

I google-image searched the word 'nifty'. The first picture I got was of toast.

The only other one that was interesting was dead in the middle. It was this.

That's all for now. Ta-ta!

*edit/add on

couple hours later, but this is important. I just for Heracles' fave site.

It is everything that is 'cat'.

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