Saturday, November 6, 2010

This is actually recent/now

Kay, literally just woke up a dream what have you. It was interesting enough to warrant putting in here before I forget it.

To start off, when it's cold I dream of snow(/ice age), and when it's too warm but not warm enough to wake me up, I dream about weird junk and one time, a forest.

It was too warm, so I got weird junk. The fact that the light was on and my laptop was still playing Snow White in the background for me while it happened, probably didn't help.


Kay, first it was dark. There was something about a car, then I was outside one of those big water tanks where the- I guess you would call it a street, but it was inside so it wouldn't be- was metal and warped so down was back behind me, and part of it to the left was missing so it was a ledge. My cats, and a third miscellaneous cat were in the background-y area/in the room thing.

Picture this thing, only make it bigger, out of thin metal, and paint it pale tan/cream. Then hack off the stilts and put it on the ground right next to me to my right.

Okay, so it was dark, but there was some kind of light source behind me. I wasn't really questioning things too much. Dani was saying stuff about publishing her book, and it led into details of having some other people run 'my father's?' company. Like one of the stipulations I had was 'no matter what I invent, if I think it's really good and important they have to make it.'

There was some guy I don't know know but I knew then kinda to the left who we were talking to about it, D was behind me on the ledge thing, he was up in front of me kinda off to the left where the metal was warped flatter but less stable.

The book thing coupled with the thing about the company got this freakish little teddy bear, maybe three feet tall to peek its head around the corner. It was just its head, but somehow I knew it was carrying a broom and had been sweeping around. It came in with a 'Yes, that would be especially good since I haven't finished my book (to publish) yet.'

I was like 'oh yeah? what's your book about?'

'My slavery.' He stated all innecent and still smiling. I had a shinai in my left hand and did the 'whip' thing and laughed.

'Cause I have you so whipped.' And he kept smiling all serenely and said something to the effect of 'No, I'm enslaving you later.'

Kay, we have to stop now, and describe this three foot, living teddy bear.

Kinda a dark brown teddy bear, alive.... sweeping up with a broom, only having its head peek around the corner... that doesn't sound so creepy. Until you add the facts that he smiled like Russia the entire time (Hetalia), like, where he's smiling, but he doesn't actually mean it. Then he had these big brown eyes with a point of light in them that acted as the pupil that kept flashing/flushing red like he was getting ready to take us all out, but was keeping it back while nothing else in how he was standing or anything changed.

So, no fangs, couldn't see anything but the head, but it was some bastardized version of this bear here. If you think of Care Bears, kinda like their cousins, that are other animals... but still the same nightmare fuel.

Okay, so now you know the bear. Haven't seen this bloody thing in years, and I had a weird dream about the original when I first saw this pic too, same threatening/non-threatening sort of thing too. That is another story however, as the dream is not over.

It started getting light, and I was now in one of those big open areas like in the mall, with a big carpeted staircase in the middle of it with four different starts at the bottom joining up into two main ways up that split off into the different ways as they got higher.

Here's where I grabbed my cats, and Steven grabbed random miscellaneous cat who was #3 in the cat group.  Erica was there, and so was K. (I don't talk to the first one, I say hi to the second occasionally, and I'm like always at K's house so this bunch doesn't make a whole lot of sense.)

It started getting windy (again, we are inside some kind of building), and not your normal windy, the wind was spinning around in a circle in the room, clockwise. So what did us three decide to do? We didn't go into the townish/shoppish looking places off to the sides the looked like they belonged in France(and the Norwegian Em was in one of them), no, we decided to all go UP the stairs because that was obviously the safest choice. We all took different choices, me still carrying the cats, but I followed K cause I didn't know where those other two were going. But suddenly I was carrying not cats, but invisible puppies. I could see them at times, they were cute hounds or something one was dark brown with speckles of grey and silver and the other was err, the same but lighter. (I can't see as well out of my left eye during dreams apparently.)

So I was carrying two invisible/sometimes visible puppies, and I looked over, and K was carrying those same puppies, only you could see them. Like, I couldn't see/feel that I was carrying anything most of the time, but I still knew I was. Anywhoo, by going up the stairs, we went down a big hallway with a dark green marble floor (I've seen this floor in two other dreams. o.o), then went down another set of stairs.

Some Indian chief guy that was like right there, because those stairs ended in a single room, explained it to us as the animals and their souls were getting split up, so K had been carrying the bodies/minds, and I was carrying their souls. That's pretty messed up. The puppies disappeared as soon as we got here, and there was a flimsy crate with a- I thought it was a baboon, but I guess it was a snow monkey- in it, and it was doing breathing exercises for meditation to get over its soul separated from the body thing, it talked like a human, and had a Jamaican accent.

What I learned from all this? Don't fall asleep after two cups of delicious coffee, a couple pieces of Halloween candy, at your computer when you're writing stories with Snow White as the background movie with Celtic Woman songs playing, with the heater up too high. That, and my subconscious is scared of Russia. And... is possibly racist with the monkey-Jamaican accent thing. Hahaha... kinda like Denmark.

Gotta post his racist moments in Humon's comics now. All copyright belongs to that awesome Dane. ...Oh snap, look at the second to last one. I didn't even remember that one. I'm not that bad everyone! I'm not that bad! It was just a dream!

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