Friday, November 5, 2010

My dogs are made of win

So, time to talk about my sexy taste in pets. I've had two dogs in my lifetime, and both of them have turned out to be amazingly aware spectacular guard dogs of eat your face off mr bad-guy.

Sadie, was a redtick hound, rescued from the animal shelter. When we got her you could count every rib on her body, they called her Cocoa like every other animal there, and we were told she'd been used as a puppy-mill. It was her last day to be adopted, or they'd put her down. She was a pet of the week. Well, after begging for months for a puppy, the mother figure let me and my brother come down and have a look at the hound since she was the same breed of dog her uncle's family had had or something.

I had rockin puppy eyes back then, and won the arguement with this line.

"If we don't get her nobody's gonna love her." Great Scots I was good. I can't pull something off like that off anymore. Not cute anough. XP

We got her, and we were the happiest kids ever. Because the old girl was so thin, she just became another kid in the house and ate the same stuff we did instead of nasty old dog food.

We'll skip on up to her moment of shining glory. Sadie didn't like men, she really didn't. But there were a few choicey few, she decided were A-okay, and would not growl at. The old guy Mr C. across the street was one of them. We aren't talking about him.

Our house was a sickly pallor of creamish something color trimmed with rotten bark brown, so the mother was like 'let's get this pad painted'. She highered some guys, and while it was getting painted, the head painter dude kept telling her all about how his 'wife didn't understand him' and whatever. Right at the end, after all the painting was done, he went to get his last check and he tried to pull this one over.

"Would you like to go out with me?"


Sadie was standing right beside my mama, and she got about two fingers in her collar before that old girl just went off. All the fur on her back was standing up, not just around her neck, all of her back fur, and she was snapping and barking and getting a bit of foam at her foam cause she was going to KILL that man.

He left.

Gotta love Sadie.

Okay, with my current old boyo. Spike. Got him at a local pet shop. Me and an old friend were walking around just hanging out, we went in and saw him and all the other things on Sunday, and I was twitterpated. Like right as I saw him I was like 'I want you.' There were a bunch of other cute dogs, and he was asleep, but he was already my dog. Went back on the next day and got him.

My brother came home to find the puppy sleeping next to me on the couch. Surprise! We have a dog again! (Sadie was rip for awhile then) He named him Spike. I guess after Cowboy Bebop's Spike Speagal.

To Spike's shining moment. There had been a series of rapes in the area, targeting old ladies (that's just nasty), and the mother was home alone except for dog. Well, she got him so he'd answer the door with her cause the guy hadn't stepped back away from the door after ringing the doorbell and he was like right there. He offered a 'coupon' for 100 dollars worth of free gasoline. IF she had reached out to take it, he could have easily grabbed her arm. BUT, Spike freaked out and she was having enough trouble holding onto him because he was up on his back legs snapping and going crazy really to rip that man's face off and tear his throat out.

"I'm not interested." She just said.

"You're not interested." He stated back, staring at Spike's snapping jaws. He's a big dog too. BIG DOG. <3

And that's that. We don't know if that was the guy or not, but Spike scared him off either way. Thing about him though, he's half blue heeler, half something else, and we're really suspecting that other half is wolf. Blue heelers are tiny, he is really big, and he has the ruff around his neck, the way of standing, and all of his teeth are huge in the back. It's like four teeth fused together on each side top and bottom. He's a big baby and a sweetheart though, so I don't know.

That's all for now. Ta-ta.

No, wait, I'm giving a shoutout to K's amazing cat Leo, who scoffed at her sister for some stupid comment, and then purred when I told him he was made of win. 

Now ta-ta. Broom haha. 

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