Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Le gasp

MY BROTHER'S COMING HOME FOR THANKSGIVING TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!!!!! *more screams of joy and semi-threatening things thrown in for my 'beloved' neighbors* ^.^

I haven't seen him since my birthday (last month), and that was like for all of five minutes, and I hadn't seen him in forever before that so it's been a long long time. I'm gonna definitely ask when/where he's getting married (and if I'm invited). 

What else.... 

I'm cleaning my room over the break. That thing is awful. I'm also looking at scholarships for college. I want to learn a bunch of languages and be a linguist, but the scary to see about is where I end up after that. Lots of governmental junks want linguists. Air Force, CIA (I had a great great uncle or something in there, ma's side), Department of Defense and Homeland Security, National Security Agency, FBI, and yikes! Lot's of scary stuff in this, but it kinda makes sense. They need people to speak other languages so they can talk to other countries and keep up with all their affairs. 

I could also be a flight attendant, but that would suck monkey cakes right now. Too much lameness with security friskings, the radiation scanner, and bomb-threats. I could translate books and junk too. I guess....

Worst part of being a linguist, um, working with lots and lots of strangers, talking to strangers, and more or less being around strangers. You might not be able to tell, but I'm kinda shy of strangers. A little bit... It should be fine. It's not like I'm going to start hyperventilating then have a heart attack and die or anything. Just gonna turn red. 

That's as far as I've gotten so far.

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