Thursday, November 11, 2010


I think I made my Canadian friend sad. He's on Gaia, and I get on Gaia very infrequently now because I really don't like it anymore. Bloody gold rush, super-inflation, and tons and tons of new items that you can only buy with actual money led to price-y outfits without any style or magnificence thrown in, and yeah... really not too thrilled with social sites anyway. I never used my MySpace (had to make two because I forgot the first one), and Facebook I don't really use (ever) and I had to make two of those too because I forgot the password, then running through my list of 'what it might bes', made them think I was trying to hack my own account, and it got banned. So when I do get on Gaia, like maybe once a month, if that, if I feel like it, and it's wearing hard on the poor kid. If I was a psychiatrist, and I'm not, I'd possibly attribute it to the fact he's a WOW player and might not have a lot of friends in the real world, but I think he's just decided I'm a worthless jerk who's nice when they're around, but isn't around enough. Lame.

/change the topic

I heard a rustling of plastic in the kitchen and said over to it 'Cory, get out of the trashcan.' More rustling, got up to go see what she was doing. (Keep in mind Cory is the younger, crazy one.) She was in a plastic bag. She was playing in a plastic bag. Well, I got her out of it, and threw it away. She was super sad, but, there are child-safety laws to consider. Apparently, keeping bags away from children includes mentally impaired cats too.

You'd never guess what I found today. I found my dream house! Wanna see it? It's a shed. >w<

Now for the inside.

I have more pictures, but these are the main ones. I'm going to have this in my backyard one day. And, it's gonna have some kind of spiffy lock on it or something so creepers don't get in. Yay!

Time for the scariest most unexpected thing I've seen in awhile.

And onto a bit of humor for Denmark's random signs, and few things I found that gave me a laugh.

Note, Dane's are very good with English. They start learning it from like third grade on up through high school. I think if they meant Canadian, they would have said Canadian. They mean Canada. He's been getting through customs without being checked.

There's more, but not from Denmark and I'm tired.

Have a great night folks!

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