Friday, November 5, 2010

Rant/stuff I wrote awhile back when the internet was out

Hit my head on the door of an open cupboard while feeding the cats a few minutes ago. It was on the edge so it hurt a bit, but it's fine now.

Haven't written here for a few days now, and this post is actually written and saved to just my regular computer cause my interwebs are still down. I need to write though.

Kay, so starting with Saturday, best party ever. My b-day party was the rockin-est bestiest fun thing EVA. Yes, it deserves its own unreal words. Invited like, 27ish people, around eight or so showed up, and it was people I was either really close with or the really sweet quiet people I just adore, and everyone got along well and it was awesome! More than half the other people I had put in a rule list into the invitation for so they'd know I'd kick their bums outside and call their parents to come get them if they started being buts and en generale getting on my nerves. Nobody here did that. They were all awesome, and so was I.

I had Denmark's flag on my cake, because the cake people said that they couldn't do Greenland's one. They didn't have a template for either, but Denmark's was easiest. BUT, one of my friends gave me a mini Greenlandic flag they'd made themselves. Thankies K!!!

I also got a card with a handdrawn Italy on it. (Hetalia) I like art better than money, cause I was like OMG, it's Italy! and then a ten dollar came out of it, and I was still like OMG Italy!!! so yeah. XD There's that.

It was a costume party, and here's what we had;

I was dressed up as Alice B. Rabbit (Pandora Hearts)

D was an Irish bar tender/fem

K was pyramid head

A was a magician or something and got dubbed as our UK

K the 2nd was an organization 13 member (KH2)

E (only guy there) was Death, but without the mask he looked like a witch

Na was herself with stocking or something

Ni was the hardcore teacher chick from Fullmetal Alchemist

I'd Kake nani? (japanese for what)

No, I'd cake Nani. We're going to cake her. Not pie her, cake.

On to Sunday.

Had an okay horse riding lesson. My teacher lady person/ awesome italian is starting to show me stuff that I have to master before I'm legitately 'ready to canter'. I think she's doing it because the awesome arabian Finn (Like Finland in horse form is teaching Greenland how to ride. XD) totally started cantering again and I rode it out without screaming or freaking so yeah, already did that, but she wants me to still go through the same rules and things everybody else does. That's cool.

After that, me and the parentals went to a place to check out saddles and junk for the horse. I was super irritable and tired, mainly because I had arranged that it would only be my mutter who drives me around, but it was the ugly and her both. So as awesome as I am in the saddle, I don't like them watching me like clod eating spectators. And as much as I don't like the woman, I hate her ugly even more. Yeah, then we went to a public place and I had to behave myself again. Because even though I had to do stuff like, freaking schoolwork, they were all 'oh, it'll just be a little side trip'. /ignore Mask.

So basically what happened was, we drove 30 minutes to get there, spent 12 minutes looking at saddles while I was hte only one who knew anything about them and I was glaring at them the whole time and not wanting to be there, and then we left without getting one to see if it fit my horse. They told the guy 'oh, we didn't find anything'. Room full of saddles, more than fifty in both english and western styles. I found THREE that could have worked in that time, but they weren't paying attention to me anyway, just trying to look for themselves when they know nothing and ignore that I was glaring at them.

Hurray for wasting time!

When I finally did get home I couldn't settle down to do anything. It's really really hard to think about work when you have adrenalaine and anger in your blood. Anger = adrenalaine for me. The only thing I can equate it to is something like viking rage with the berserkers and blood rage. My brother used to have it really bad when we were kids, but he found some old japanese guy that taught him how to control it and whatnot, and it was really okay for him because there were(/are?) a bunch of schmucks around our area who fight and drink and there was one incedent he told me about where a bunch of the guys faked like they were going to gang rape some girl and he came and beat the tar out of them and 'saved her' and she was in on the whole thing and it was like this weird long rig to try and steal whatever money he had on him. He didn't have anything with him. So impressionable cute kid around 10 or so who can fight like a demon, but it was still a pretty girl. Poor him. So that's how he delt with it, (don't fret he's chill now and doesn't do stuff like that anymore) me on the other hand, I was scared to death to train or anything to get stronger for like the Presdent's test and whatnot you have to do when you're a kid, because I was completely concerned that if I ever lost it and started fighting I'd hurt someone. That would have been made even worse if I was stronger. I was a cute kid too, but my best friend at the time, Erin, was super quiet and like, drew people to be stupid somehow, so yeah, anyone tried to hurt her,  I'd have taken down whoever had done it. We're talking about a 6-8 year old.

It's a pretty good thing I think that I didn't train or learn to fight or anything and like suprressed everything for so long, cause now I'm pretty chill most of the time. It doesn't generally take much to put that away and ignore it. Oddly enough, I love running a lot now too. I'm just too lazy to do it that often.

If you're wondering, no, to my knowlege I don't know if I'm related to vikings. I do know that the whole being so mad your eyes can turn red thing is true though. I had my brother show me once, but he couldn't get mad enough to make them really really red because it was just me and him and no one to fight, but yeah, they had a reddish tone to them and instead of being freaked it was more like a thought that 'I bet I can do that too'. Proud to know I could've been like my brother, still scared I could have had eyes like that for some piece of dumb crap when I was a kid. Whew, so glad I didn't. Back to the viking thing now. If we are related to them, it'd have been like trading/rape or something with England, Scotland, or Ireland, because they got targeted a lot, but they also had trading towns and ports so there's that. We have a lot of Irish in us and a bit of the other two. Then we're also related to people out of Czechoslovakia, specifically Slavia now that it's split up, so I guess the same way the family name from there is greek, the female side of that family could have had ties up farther North.

I was blonde haired and blue eyed for the longest time and then both of them darkened a lot. (yes it's relevant, just wait a sec) My eyes are this weird grey green with the star around the black as a brown with just a tiny bit of gold in it you can only see in certain light. One time, when I got up, the brown star had receded entirely into the black and my eyes were green. They were super pretty, but there was nothing special about that day otherwise. When I woke up I felt completely normal and at ease. Not amazingly calm or anything. Just normal and fine. It'd be cool if I could get them to turn back.

I'm done with random speculations.


Hrm, I don't recall anything of note happening today. I fell asleep in one of my classes, and that doesn't make too much sense because it's a really super loud class. I guess I was tired. My whole left arm fell asleep, and my left hand was even more useless for about two hours. I think I pinched the nerves or something, because my elbow has hurt all day today. Oh well.


There was something de-funk-a-tated going on with all the clocks, and I was really tempted to just not say anything, go back to sleep, and just not go to school today. But, I wanted to take a shower, and that woke everyone up. I was about 2 minutes late, but that's not bad. I haven't really been late at all this year.

Learned near the end of the day that my baby sister is moving with her family to another state TOMORROW. I only found out about this today, from her. She was visiting people at my school/her old school, and we saw each other for less than a minute where I got this info. I almost started crying in math, and I don't ever get worked up enough to do that. She's the sister of my brother's gal, but we've been friends way long before that and adopted each other as family. Once our siblings get hitched we'll be sister in laws. I'm gonna miss L.

Got my ballot for Nov's election. I'm doing the mail one so I can look everyone up individually even though I've kinda laready done that to make sure I pick who I like. My dear, and darling mum, asked me this in her all knowing and flaunty manner of hers. "You can either just vote all republican except for this guy, or you could just do the same as -brainless ugly- and copy off of what I've written down."

"I'm picking for myself thanks."

Don't care if I agree with her choices or not, don't much care whatever her choices are, I'm going to decide stuff for myself please and thank you very much.

One surprise though, I was almost certain she'd have opened my ballot either to outline what she wanted in faint pencil or just to look at it. The envelope was intact, none of her tamperings present. Good.

Oh yeah, about the ballot thingy. I was a little concerned it'd be some kinda of weird thing you'd have to get used to over the years to figure out and do, but no, it's super simple and easy to follow, and it's less complex than a scantron test. I think it might be alluding to how dumb people have gotten in this awesome country on average, but then again, they don't want it to be so complex the amazingness that is me needs help understanding it.

Have a terrific day. Because it's getting close to Halloween, if you can't do that have a terror-ific day. Scare the pants off of all your friends and random strangers you pass by. Just make sure you don't get arrested.
Peace out, love Mask.

It is always yes never yah, and if you must say yah, don't drawl it out like you have a mental disability affecting your speech.

~My cat is trying to knock down a picture. She's so cute. <3

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