Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving and~

My brother's not here. I'm learning Norwegian purling from a Norwegian girl's youtube video who learned it from her Danish grandmother. I'm going to make a scarf. I'm drinking some amazing tea, and I found a random video of a bunch of nations singing 'All You Need is Love' at the same time. All the Nordic countries got into it, except for Greenland... And somehow or another Andorra got into it. 3:17 Andorra 3:26 Greece. You'll know Denmark when you see it... It's quite eye catching. Just wait for the pigs to show up. Country names are in the bottom right corner.

I'll add more to this later. ... like the link to the video I forgot to stick on this.

Chris totally made it! Yay!!!!! ^-^ I got to introduce him to Humon's comics which he totally loved, and refreshed the note that he needed to check out Hetalia. While he was over he found a really super cute essay written by none other than my almost-kinda nephew, Sealand. It is too too cute.

My cat Tammy, the older more ornery one, who has not ever truly wanted anything other than fish in the two years I've had her, sat beside me and waited there with her scary little face until I thought to give her some turkey. She totally ate turkey. After awhile she left cause she decided that she'd had enough. I'm so proud of her. She ate something that came from something that didn't come from from the sea.

The scarf I'm making is going to (in theory) be an Irish design that got modified to be double sided by some person. It's also gonna be red. Let's see how this turns out.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. ^^

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I already know what I want to do when I retire. Isn't that sad? Well, when I do, I've decided, I am going into piracy. (This is super huge because I'm a ninja, and ninjas are not supposed to like pirates. We are mortal enemies, and still like half my friends are pirates.) Where did this come from you ask? I just really really want a Spanish galleon, for like, no reason. I just DO.

My friend Andorra, who is a pirate, thinks it's a great idea. She totally wants to do that too. We're gonna be a pair of like, eighty year old women, setting sail on a pirate ship. We've pretty much decided who we want as a crew. Some Danes and Norwegians, cause way long time ago they were vikings. Some Spaniards, cause they made the ship of kewlness. Then to top it off, an Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scott, for comedy relief. Then a Canadian to be like the doc since they're all nice and nonjudgmental and junk, besides it'd be funny to have a ship full of all these people around. We'd have added some Swedish people, but they'd get in fights with the Danes, and then there'd be lots and lots of Death because the Norwegians would join in then the Spaniards would try to break it up and all that would be left is a shipload of dead sailors, with the living counted as two little old ladies and a Canadian. And no one wants that. Oh yeah, and I also threw in someone from East-Germany so we'd have someone from 'Prussia'. Bwa.

We'll have everyone's flag on the ship, kinda like in this pic, and then a neat scary pirate flag or something so amazingly non-violent it can lure other boats up next to us then we raid them.

And it'll be all purty like this and everyone will be happy forever, the end! XD

Le gasp

MY BROTHER'S COMING HOME FOR THANKSGIVING TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!!!!! *more screams of joy and semi-threatening things thrown in for my 'beloved' neighbors* ^.^

I haven't seen him since my birthday (last month), and that was like for all of five minutes, and I hadn't seen him in forever before that so it's been a long long time. I'm gonna definitely ask when/where he's getting married (and if I'm invited). 

What else.... 

I'm cleaning my room over the break. That thing is awful. I'm also looking at scholarships for college. I want to learn a bunch of languages and be a linguist, but the scary to see about is where I end up after that. Lots of governmental junks want linguists. Air Force, CIA (I had a great great uncle or something in there, ma's side), Department of Defense and Homeland Security, National Security Agency, FBI, and yikes! Lot's of scary stuff in this, but it kinda makes sense. They need people to speak other languages so they can talk to other countries and keep up with all their affairs. 

I could also be a flight attendant, but that would suck monkey cakes right now. Too much lameness with security friskings, the radiation scanner, and bomb-threats. I could translate books and junk too. I guess....

Worst part of being a linguist, um, working with lots and lots of strangers, talking to strangers, and more or less being around strangers. You might not be able to tell, but I'm kinda shy of strangers. A little bit... It should be fine. It's not like I'm going to start hyperventilating then have a heart attack and die or anything. Just gonna turn red. 

That's as far as I've gotten so far.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just a second, my hair's shut in the door

My excuse for having to make them not rush off like our tails were on fire today. (/the title)

Here's an awesome fanfic of Canada as a manly-man, and a story that could have been told to me by Andorra.

We had a speaker in today whom gave the distinct impression he was expecting a bunch of runt kids who would say "Oh, we never knew any of that, which has happened in the last two years for we are college prep students and therefore shutins from society and have not lived through the past two years. We are shut off from all forms of communication. No, we didn't notice you never said two cents about the college you were being paid to represent or leave us with any sort of valuable information that might make up for your irritating voice, disrespect, and arrogant assumption that we don't see military quality shiz on a regular basis, SIR. Bloody meatbag of a monkey's gutterball. That was unacceptable. Varmit.

I've been up 12 am today, and it is now 5:09 pm. This man made me angry like only two other people have done before him. A speaker from the nuclear proliferation conference who gave such a 'general' overview of Korea and nuclear weaponry he might as well been saying 'I had months to prepare and decided to just whip this up last night because you're a bunch of dumb high school students'. Then, there was this girl there, in a pink hoodie. We don't talk about the girl in the pink hoodie. Congratulations sir, if there was ever a group so displeasing as yourself and these two I speak of together in one room, I might just call the Po-po on your blooming keesters.

That's enough of that. Moving on. I have a new favorite not-blog/blog thingy. Learn from My Fail. Let's have some of those. The ones that sound like they have great stories behind them. ^.^

When walking through the history department, don't whistle the annoying yet catchy song you picked up from a documentary but can't quite place. It was written for, and beloved by, Nazis.

When you see a harmless spider in your bedroom, get rid of it. It will not seem harmless when you awake at midnight with a spider on your face. 

When you see a deer in the road, stop. Don't move to the other side of the road to avoid it, you will hit it's friend and end up upside down in a ditch.

Falling down the stairs and breaking a toe is embarrassing. Falling down the stairs and breaking the same toe three months later is twice as embarrassing. Have fun explaining to your family why you're limping again.

When traveling to the U.S. to pick up a friend and bring her back to Canada for a visit, make sure there is not a state trooper standing behind you when you joke about smuggling her out of the country.

At night, Don't run to your car when it's cold. Water and ice look exactly the same in the parking lot.

You should never play with the little, oblong, red thing on your teacher's key chain. That is a spitfire. When you press the button, you will get a face full pepper spray, the room will have to be evacuated, and when you rub your eyes an hour later, it will sting anew.

Imagine how angry someone would be if you plowed through their house with a tractor. Now imagine if that house had ten thousand people living in it. Now imagine that all those angry people are bees.

No matter how proficient you may feel on crutches, never attempt to carry your hot tea in your pants. Even if it is in a travel mug.

At the mall never scare your wife and daughters as they come out of the restroom. The other woman with two daughters that come out first tend to freak out.

Before you call the cops because there is an intruder in your house, make sure it's not your own reflection from the mirror you just moved into the living room.

When using sugar to exfoliate your face do not, under any circumstances, fall asleep without rinsing your face. All the ants in your room will love you.

Make sure you put the fileting knife you're sharpening down before you swat at a bee buzzing around your legs. 

While frozen peas and frozen diced onions will both work equally well for a sprained ankle, only one of these will leave you with an onion-y b.o. smell that won't wash off for days.

When staying on a Navy base, wearing an Army sweatshirt probably isn't going to make you too many new friends.

If you decide to go downstairs in the morning without your glasses, try not to scream bloody murder at a "cockroach" on the floor. It's only an oblong prune that fell on the floor last night. And your neighbors will call the cops because they'll think someone got killed. 

Never tap your professor on the shoulder if he is facing the other way. Especially if he has noise canceling headphones on. You will end up with a broken nose and blood all over your shirt and essay.

Just because you hear a loud knocking early in the morning, it may not be the delivery man. It may be the police trying to arrest your neighbour, who will gladly think you are him trying to escape and tackle you instead. 

Tip: When updating your CV, proof read it. Your ideal job should read "one where I am free to explore." Not, "one where I am free to explode."

Don't buy and/or use generic branded surge protectors. They WILL fail, they WILL catch your house on fire, and without a way to get a hold of the manufacturer to claim the "$100,000 damage protection" that most of the name-brands carry, well, you'll be screwed.

When living in Mexico, remember the slight pronunciation difference between the words ENFERMO and INFIERNO. Telling the Spanish-speaking members of your church that your dad couldn't make it to the session because he is sick is a lot different than because he is in hell.

When you step on something sharp with your bare feet, don't rub your foot on your ankle to get it off; you will end up slicing your ankle open with a jagged piece of glass.

When you notice your office bathroom suddenly smells lovely, think before you lean over to inspect that new contraption on the counter. The motion sensor on an air freshener does not care that its trajectory aims directly into your eye.

“The good ones are always taken” can also refer to chairs. Be very suspicious of vacant ones.

If your friend goes to look down a glass elevator shaft and hits their head on the outer glass wall they didn't see, don't try to see what happened by doing the exact same thing. You will look that much more stupid.

When taking a pie out of a 375-degree oven, remember that the sticky goodness oozing over the side is also 375 degrees. Licking it off the oven mitt is not recommended. 

When rhapsodizing about the beautiful 4-month-old Siamese girl you just adopted, make sure everyone knows you mean a kitten before overenthusiastic co-workers start organizing a baby shower.

When jumping a six foot high fence while chasing a baseball, make sure it is not a 20 foot high fence on the other side.

Never place a trampoline beside an electric fence.

Before scaring someone, make sure they're not a Navy SEAL. You will be hurt.

The phrase "I had a drug problem," is not the correct way to explain that you were working out a interaction between your prescriptions.

Look both ways when crossing the street, even when the street is one-way. You know this, but the out-of-town driver going the wrong way might not.

If you are talking with a friend about a Calculus 4 course at University, never refer to it as C4. Especially at an airport.

If you dress up as a mugger for halloween, and two cops actually stop you on the street when walking home from the party you just went to, do NOT give in to that booze-driven-urge to "play the part just for a laugh" and fake an attempt to run away. Trust me, just don't.

Do not name a goldfish after your child, or his younger brother may come to school and tell his teacher that Brian died.

When shopping for a new couch don't ask the salesman how well blood comes out of the cushions. He may not know that you have a dog that tends to rip her diaper off when in heat. They will walk off not be seen again and no one else will help you either.

Just because the last 4 nights your trash was torn up by opposums does not mean that tonight, when you run outside screaming with a super soaker to scare them away, it will still be those opposums you originally saw. This time it will be a skunk.

When grabbing a gumball out of the bag your roomate left on the desk, make sure they are actually gumballs and not paintballs.

When reaching for the moisturizer on your desk without your glasses on, remember that you had been doing crafts before, and your bottle of glue looks remarkably similar to your bottle of moisturiser. Preferably before you smear it all over your face.

When about to jump out and scare someone, make sure they don't have an almost boiling cup of coffee in their hand, you WILL get a hot cup of lava in your face

Always. Take. Off. The. Poptart. Wrapper. The firemen now know you by name.

When you're a waitress and the table you're serving asks you to give a birthday shout out for their kid, never yell "Attention! This little girl is celebrating her 12th birthday today!" if there's the slightest possibility she's a boy. 

That's a wrap folks!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weirdest dream EVER

Okay, for the Hetalia-thing, I'm Greenland, right? Well I had a dream as Greenland. And my friend Andorra was lucky enough to be in it. For some reason, we were outside of Prussia's house, or some house Prussia was in. It was dark green with dark brown trim, green lawn, trees. Pine trees maybe? Dunno.

Gilbird was out on the front lawn and Andorra picked it up and hugged it before letting it back down and going inside. I stayed outside and was trying to pick up Gilbird. Gilbird, looked like a freaking featherless duckling but was still yellow like its feathers are supposed to be, not a baby chicken, and it kept snapping like an angry little snapping turtle. Couldn't pick it up, it wasn't happy that day for whatever reason.

This is the weird part. Although I was outside this nice green house with a nice green lawn with a cute angry duckling named Gilbird, there was a narrator narrating Denmark's mind-thoughts/what he was doing where ever he was, IN MY BRAIN.

He was in Nor's house, and I guess they were doing morning stuff. Short clip of seeing Den wake up Nor, my brain cut off everything in a completely straight line at Nor's neck. My subconscious has amazing editing skills (no, Nor wasn't wearing his hat). Then what wasn't seen but still implied somewhat was drinking coffee for Nor, and Denmark was leaving or something. I had a short mental image of him smiling all big coming out of a house. It was not Norway's house. It was like, one of those house's that's built right up against other houses cause there's no space in like, Britain or somewhere like it. (I watched Sense and Sensibility before I went to bed. I think it might have been the one to the left of the white one with black trim around the windows John and Fanny live in.) It was a dour grey-blue with off white trim. When he came out and I got the mental image of him, the narrator said this one line like right then, and it's the only part I remember him saying word for word.

"Denmark was very proud his slosh was an important part of Norway's economy."


I have never used the word 'slosh' in my entire life. I was sure it had something to do with buckets... I had to ask my mom what 'slosh' meant. It's like when you're carrying a bucket like a stupid drunkard and swinging it around and water falls out everywhere.

That didn't make sense, so I googled it. Basically I got that it can mean the bucket thing, or other stuff in it's different conjugations.

sloshed - besotted: very drunk or intoxicated or a combination of all of the above
sloshing - A motion or action that sloshes/the bucket thing 

Then there's this weird thing about slosh dynamics, which is a part of fluid dynamics, which is a part of physics, which has to do specifically with stuff like how gas reacts to its container in spacecrafts and rockets. When the ship moves the gas moves and you have to do all this crazy math to make sure it all doesn't blow up and cost you billions of dollars of research and who knows how much time and licencing issues and bleh.

Anyways, google makes the definition worded just so it doesn't really sound... right. Mine are much better and accurate. 

So, currently trying to figure out what kind of commodities Denmark exports and cross-referencing it with what Norway imports and trying to find a match that would be a big enough thing that it would be an important part of their economy. So far, I got nothing. The way it's worded makes me believe there's a specific thing my dream-narrator was talking about though. :/ Anyway, about the narrator. It almost sounded like Denmark, but it then again it definitely wasn't Denmark. It wasn't Nor, wasn't Ice, I think it was... the Faroes? Yeah, pretty much sounded like him. I think the Faroes sneaks into my house to tell me weird stuff while I sleep or something. He tells me stories. While I'm asleep. To make my dreams turn weird? O.o 

There was an oddly implied meaning of the word 'slosh' that I fear is the one the narrator was going for.... I'm going to beat Faroes with the nearest living creature next time I see him. >.<

Here's the closest thing to sane version of what was going on;

I'd just come from Nor's house, and Andorra had come from Spain's cause we'd been hanging with our bros before one of called up the other and we headed over to the green house which may or may not have belonged to Prussia.

Denmark, and maybe Norway, were on vacation in London or had a world meeting to go to there. Which explains why they were there.

Faroes was telling me weird stuff in my sleep, which explains the narrator and everything else.

The band Aqua is Danish?! ...I had no idea.

My big brother is getting married next month. I still haven't been able to talk to him about it, and... haven't actually.... gotten an invitation yet.

~have a nice day, San

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I think I made my Canadian friend sad. He's on Gaia, and I get on Gaia very infrequently now because I really don't like it anymore. Bloody gold rush, super-inflation, and tons and tons of new items that you can only buy with actual money led to price-y outfits without any style or magnificence thrown in, and yeah... really not too thrilled with social sites anyway. I never used my MySpace (had to make two because I forgot the first one), and Facebook I don't really use (ever) and I had to make two of those too because I forgot the password, then running through my list of 'what it might bes', made them think I was trying to hack my own account, and it got banned. So when I do get on Gaia, like maybe once a month, if that, if I feel like it, and it's wearing hard on the poor kid. If I was a psychiatrist, and I'm not, I'd possibly attribute it to the fact he's a WOW player and might not have a lot of friends in the real world, but I think he's just decided I'm a worthless jerk who's nice when they're around, but isn't around enough. Lame.

/change the topic

I heard a rustling of plastic in the kitchen and said over to it 'Cory, get out of the trashcan.' More rustling, got up to go see what she was doing. (Keep in mind Cory is the younger, crazy one.) She was in a plastic bag. She was playing in a plastic bag. Well, I got her out of it, and threw it away. She was super sad, but, there are child-safety laws to consider. Apparently, keeping bags away from children includes mentally impaired cats too.

You'd never guess what I found today. I found my dream house! Wanna see it? It's a shed. >w<

Now for the inside.

I have more pictures, but these are the main ones. I'm going to have this in my backyard one day. And, it's gonna have some kind of spiffy lock on it or something so creepers don't get in. Yay!

Time for the scariest most unexpected thing I've seen in awhile.

And onto a bit of humor for Denmark's random signs, and few things I found that gave me a laugh.

Note, Dane's are very good with English. They start learning it from like third grade on up through high school. I think if they meant Canadian, they would have said Canadian. They mean Canada. He's been getting through customs without being checked.

There's more, but not from Denmark and I'm tired.

Have a great night folks!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

o.o lame and win?

I went outside with my dog just now, and there was an awesome cloud shaped like Denmark. Like, EXACTLY like Denmark, only mirrored so it was flipped around. Looked around it, there were all the other countries North and East of Denmark there too! All mirrored and flipped around. (Russia faded into a giant blob/rest of the sky to the real-world North) And, this awesome cloud formation disappeared before I could get the camera/around two minutes later.

But, the camera had a low battery so I was like, whatever, I'm still taking a picture of the sky to see what I get cause the screen was black. It showed a great shot of a partially cloudy sky with the moon off to the left. The moon was behind clouds!!! How did I get a picture of it?! ..anyway...... fail for not getting a drastically amazing work of art, win at getting strange creepy pic of moon that I couldn't see. Hurray?

In Biology the ec question was 'Why are we having an assembly on Thursday?'. I was like, oh gosh, I know this. It's something patriotic. Umm, Veteran's Day? Then I was like, no, it's not that (yes it was), then I was like, oh, it's Remembrance Day! Uhhh, no. That's in Canada sweetheart. Both same day, same holiday, forgot. I am lame.

Time for some fun random pictures~

Look real closely. There's a person in there.

I google-image searched the word 'nifty'. The first picture I got was of toast.

The only other one that was interesting was dead in the middle. It was this.

That's all for now. Ta-ta!

*edit/add on

couple hours later, but this is important. I just for Heracles' fave site.

It is everything that is 'cat'.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

This is actually recent/now

Kay, literally just woke up a dream what have you. It was interesting enough to warrant putting in here before I forget it.

To start off, when it's cold I dream of snow(/ice age), and when it's too warm but not warm enough to wake me up, I dream about weird junk and one time, a forest.

It was too warm, so I got weird junk. The fact that the light was on and my laptop was still playing Snow White in the background for me while it happened, probably didn't help.


Kay, first it was dark. There was something about a car, then I was outside one of those big water tanks where the- I guess you would call it a street, but it was inside so it wouldn't be- was metal and warped so down was back behind me, and part of it to the left was missing so it was a ledge. My cats, and a third miscellaneous cat were in the background-y area/in the room thing.

Picture this thing, only make it bigger, out of thin metal, and paint it pale tan/cream. Then hack off the stilts and put it on the ground right next to me to my right.

Okay, so it was dark, but there was some kind of light source behind me. I wasn't really questioning things too much. Dani was saying stuff about publishing her book, and it led into details of having some other people run 'my father's?' company. Like one of the stipulations I had was 'no matter what I invent, if I think it's really good and important they have to make it.'

There was some guy I don't know know but I knew then kinda to the left who we were talking to about it, D was behind me on the ledge thing, he was up in front of me kinda off to the left where the metal was warped flatter but less stable.

The book thing coupled with the thing about the company got this freakish little teddy bear, maybe three feet tall to peek its head around the corner. It was just its head, but somehow I knew it was carrying a broom and had been sweeping around. It came in with a 'Yes, that would be especially good since I haven't finished my book (to publish) yet.'

I was like 'oh yeah? what's your book about?'

'My slavery.' He stated all innecent and still smiling. I had a shinai in my left hand and did the 'whip' thing and laughed.

'Cause I have you so whipped.' And he kept smiling all serenely and said something to the effect of 'No, I'm enslaving you later.'

Kay, we have to stop now, and describe this three foot, living teddy bear.

Kinda a dark brown teddy bear, alive.... sweeping up with a broom, only having its head peek around the corner... that doesn't sound so creepy. Until you add the facts that he smiled like Russia the entire time (Hetalia), like, where he's smiling, but he doesn't actually mean it. Then he had these big brown eyes with a point of light in them that acted as the pupil that kept flashing/flushing red like he was getting ready to take us all out, but was keeping it back while nothing else in how he was standing or anything changed.

So, no fangs, couldn't see anything but the head, but it was some bastardized version of this bear here. If you think of Care Bears, kinda like their cousins, that are other animals... but still the same nightmare fuel.

Okay, so now you know the bear. Haven't seen this bloody thing in years, and I had a weird dream about the original when I first saw this pic too, same threatening/non-threatening sort of thing too. That is another story however, as the dream is not over.

It started getting light, and I was now in one of those big open areas like in the mall, with a big carpeted staircase in the middle of it with four different starts at the bottom joining up into two main ways up that split off into the different ways as they got higher.

Here's where I grabbed my cats, and Steven grabbed random miscellaneous cat who was #3 in the cat group.  Erica was there, and so was K. (I don't talk to the first one, I say hi to the second occasionally, and I'm like always at K's house so this bunch doesn't make a whole lot of sense.)

It started getting windy (again, we are inside some kind of building), and not your normal windy, the wind was spinning around in a circle in the room, clockwise. So what did us three decide to do? We didn't go into the townish/shoppish looking places off to the sides the looked like they belonged in France(and the Norwegian Em was in one of them), no, we decided to all go UP the stairs because that was obviously the safest choice. We all took different choices, me still carrying the cats, but I followed K cause I didn't know where those other two were going. But suddenly I was carrying not cats, but invisible puppies. I could see them at times, they were cute hounds or something one was dark brown with speckles of grey and silver and the other was err, the same but lighter. (I can't see as well out of my left eye during dreams apparently.)

So I was carrying two invisible/sometimes visible puppies, and I looked over, and K was carrying those same puppies, only you could see them. Like, I couldn't see/feel that I was carrying anything most of the time, but I still knew I was. Anywhoo, by going up the stairs, we went down a big hallway with a dark green marble floor (I've seen this floor in two other dreams. o.o), then went down another set of stairs.

Some Indian chief guy that was like right there, because those stairs ended in a single room, explained it to us as the animals and their souls were getting split up, so K had been carrying the bodies/minds, and I was carrying their souls. That's pretty messed up. The puppies disappeared as soon as we got here, and there was a flimsy crate with a- I thought it was a baboon, but I guess it was a snow monkey- in it, and it was doing breathing exercises for meditation to get over its soul separated from the body thing, it talked like a human, and had a Jamaican accent.

What I learned from all this? Don't fall asleep after two cups of delicious coffee, a couple pieces of Halloween candy, at your computer when you're writing stories with Snow White as the background movie with Celtic Woman songs playing, with the heater up too high. That, and my subconscious is scared of Russia. And... is possibly racist with the monkey-Jamaican accent thing. Hahaha... kinda like Denmark.

Gotta post his racist moments in Humon's comics now. All copyright belongs to that awesome Dane. ...Oh snap, look at the second to last one. I didn't even remember that one. I'm not that bad everyone! I'm not that bad! It was just a dream!

Friday, November 5, 2010

My dogs are made of win

So, time to talk about my sexy taste in pets. I've had two dogs in my lifetime, and both of them have turned out to be amazingly aware spectacular guard dogs of eat your face off mr bad-guy.

Sadie, was a redtick hound, rescued from the animal shelter. When we got her you could count every rib on her body, they called her Cocoa like every other animal there, and we were told she'd been used as a puppy-mill. It was her last day to be adopted, or they'd put her down. She was a pet of the week. Well, after begging for months for a puppy, the mother figure let me and my brother come down and have a look at the hound since she was the same breed of dog her uncle's family had had or something.

I had rockin puppy eyes back then, and won the arguement with this line.

"If we don't get her nobody's gonna love her." Great Scots I was good. I can't pull something off like that off anymore. Not cute anough. XP

We got her, and we were the happiest kids ever. Because the old girl was so thin, she just became another kid in the house and ate the same stuff we did instead of nasty old dog food.

We'll skip on up to her moment of shining glory. Sadie didn't like men, she really didn't. But there were a few choicey few, she decided were A-okay, and would not growl at. The old guy Mr C. across the street was one of them. We aren't talking about him.

Our house was a sickly pallor of creamish something color trimmed with rotten bark brown, so the mother was like 'let's get this pad painted'. She highered some guys, and while it was getting painted, the head painter dude kept telling her all about how his 'wife didn't understand him' and whatever. Right at the end, after all the painting was done, he went to get his last check and he tried to pull this one over.

"Would you like to go out with me?"


Sadie was standing right beside my mama, and she got about two fingers in her collar before that old girl just went off. All the fur on her back was standing up, not just around her neck, all of her back fur, and she was snapping and barking and getting a bit of foam at her foam cause she was going to KILL that man.

He left.

Gotta love Sadie.

Okay, with my current old boyo. Spike. Got him at a local pet shop. Me and an old friend were walking around just hanging out, we went in and saw him and all the other things on Sunday, and I was twitterpated. Like right as I saw him I was like 'I want you.' There were a bunch of other cute dogs, and he was asleep, but he was already my dog. Went back on the next day and got him.

My brother came home to find the puppy sleeping next to me on the couch. Surprise! We have a dog again! (Sadie was rip for awhile then) He named him Spike. I guess after Cowboy Bebop's Spike Speagal.

To Spike's shining moment. There had been a series of rapes in the area, targeting old ladies (that's just nasty), and the mother was home alone except for dog. Well, she got him so he'd answer the door with her cause the guy hadn't stepped back away from the door after ringing the doorbell and he was like right there. He offered a 'coupon' for 100 dollars worth of free gasoline. IF she had reached out to take it, he could have easily grabbed her arm. BUT, Spike freaked out and she was having enough trouble holding onto him because he was up on his back legs snapping and going crazy really to rip that man's face off and tear his throat out.

"I'm not interested." She just said.

"You're not interested." He stated back, staring at Spike's snapping jaws. He's a big dog too. BIG DOG. <3

And that's that. We don't know if that was the guy or not, but Spike scared him off either way. Thing about him though, he's half blue heeler, half something else, and we're really suspecting that other half is wolf. Blue heelers are tiny, he is really big, and he has the ruff around his neck, the way of standing, and all of his teeth are huge in the back. It's like four teeth fused together on each side top and bottom. He's a big baby and a sweetheart though, so I don't know.

That's all for now. Ta-ta.

No, wait, I'm giving a shoutout to K's amazing cat Leo, who scoffed at her sister for some stupid comment, and then purred when I told him he was made of win. 

Now ta-ta. Broom haha. 

Rant/stuff I wrote awhile back when the internet was out

Hit my head on the door of an open cupboard while feeding the cats a few minutes ago. It was on the edge so it hurt a bit, but it's fine now.

Haven't written here for a few days now, and this post is actually written and saved to just my regular computer cause my interwebs are still down. I need to write though.

Kay, so starting with Saturday, best party ever. My b-day party was the rockin-est bestiest fun thing EVA. Yes, it deserves its own unreal words. Invited like, 27ish people, around eight or so showed up, and it was people I was either really close with or the really sweet quiet people I just adore, and everyone got along well and it was awesome! More than half the other people I had put in a rule list into the invitation for so they'd know I'd kick their bums outside and call their parents to come get them if they started being buts and en generale getting on my nerves. Nobody here did that. They were all awesome, and so was I.

I had Denmark's flag on my cake, because the cake people said that they couldn't do Greenland's one. They didn't have a template for either, but Denmark's was easiest. BUT, one of my friends gave me a mini Greenlandic flag they'd made themselves. Thankies K!!!

I also got a card with a handdrawn Italy on it. (Hetalia) I like art better than money, cause I was like OMG, it's Italy! and then a ten dollar came out of it, and I was still like OMG Italy!!! so yeah. XD There's that.

It was a costume party, and here's what we had;

I was dressed up as Alice B. Rabbit (Pandora Hearts)

D was an Irish bar tender/fem

K was pyramid head

A was a magician or something and got dubbed as our UK

K the 2nd was an organization 13 member (KH2)

E (only guy there) was Death, but without the mask he looked like a witch

Na was herself with stocking or something

Ni was the hardcore teacher chick from Fullmetal Alchemist

I'd Kake nani? (japanese for what)

No, I'd cake Nani. We're going to cake her. Not pie her, cake.

On to Sunday.

Had an okay horse riding lesson. My teacher lady person/ awesome italian is starting to show me stuff that I have to master before I'm legitately 'ready to canter'. I think she's doing it because the awesome arabian Finn (Like Finland in horse form is teaching Greenland how to ride. XD) totally started cantering again and I rode it out without screaming or freaking so yeah, already did that, but she wants me to still go through the same rules and things everybody else does. That's cool.

After that, me and the parentals went to a place to check out saddles and junk for the horse. I was super irritable and tired, mainly because I had arranged that it would only be my mutter who drives me around, but it was the ugly and her both. So as awesome as I am in the saddle, I don't like them watching me like clod eating spectators. And as much as I don't like the woman, I hate her ugly even more. Yeah, then we went to a public place and I had to behave myself again. Because even though I had to do stuff like, freaking schoolwork, they were all 'oh, it'll just be a little side trip'. /ignore Mask.

So basically what happened was, we drove 30 minutes to get there, spent 12 minutes looking at saddles while I was hte only one who knew anything about them and I was glaring at them the whole time and not wanting to be there, and then we left without getting one to see if it fit my horse. They told the guy 'oh, we didn't find anything'. Room full of saddles, more than fifty in both english and western styles. I found THREE that could have worked in that time, but they weren't paying attention to me anyway, just trying to look for themselves when they know nothing and ignore that I was glaring at them.

Hurray for wasting time!

When I finally did get home I couldn't settle down to do anything. It's really really hard to think about work when you have adrenalaine and anger in your blood. Anger = adrenalaine for me. The only thing I can equate it to is something like viking rage with the berserkers and blood rage. My brother used to have it really bad when we were kids, but he found some old japanese guy that taught him how to control it and whatnot, and it was really okay for him because there were(/are?) a bunch of schmucks around our area who fight and drink and there was one incedent he told me about where a bunch of the guys faked like they were going to gang rape some girl and he came and beat the tar out of them and 'saved her' and she was in on the whole thing and it was like this weird long rig to try and steal whatever money he had on him. He didn't have anything with him. So impressionable cute kid around 10 or so who can fight like a demon, but it was still a pretty girl. Poor him. So that's how he delt with it, (don't fret he's chill now and doesn't do stuff like that anymore) me on the other hand, I was scared to death to train or anything to get stronger for like the Presdent's test and whatnot you have to do when you're a kid, because I was completely concerned that if I ever lost it and started fighting I'd hurt someone. That would have been made even worse if I was stronger. I was a cute kid too, but my best friend at the time, Erin, was super quiet and like, drew people to be stupid somehow, so yeah, anyone tried to hurt her,  I'd have taken down whoever had done it. We're talking about a 6-8 year old.

It's a pretty good thing I think that I didn't train or learn to fight or anything and like suprressed everything for so long, cause now I'm pretty chill most of the time. It doesn't generally take much to put that away and ignore it. Oddly enough, I love running a lot now too. I'm just too lazy to do it that often.

If you're wondering, no, to my knowlege I don't know if I'm related to vikings. I do know that the whole being so mad your eyes can turn red thing is true though. I had my brother show me once, but he couldn't get mad enough to make them really really red because it was just me and him and no one to fight, but yeah, they had a reddish tone to them and instead of being freaked it was more like a thought that 'I bet I can do that too'. Proud to know I could've been like my brother, still scared I could have had eyes like that for some piece of dumb crap when I was a kid. Whew, so glad I didn't. Back to the viking thing now. If we are related to them, it'd have been like trading/rape or something with England, Scotland, or Ireland, because they got targeted a lot, but they also had trading towns and ports so there's that. We have a lot of Irish in us and a bit of the other two. Then we're also related to people out of Czechoslovakia, specifically Slavia now that it's split up, so I guess the same way the family name from there is greek, the female side of that family could have had ties up farther North.

I was blonde haired and blue eyed for the longest time and then both of them darkened a lot. (yes it's relevant, just wait a sec) My eyes are this weird grey green with the star around the black as a brown with just a tiny bit of gold in it you can only see in certain light. One time, when I got up, the brown star had receded entirely into the black and my eyes were green. They were super pretty, but there was nothing special about that day otherwise. When I woke up I felt completely normal and at ease. Not amazingly calm or anything. Just normal and fine. It'd be cool if I could get them to turn back.

I'm done with random speculations.


Hrm, I don't recall anything of note happening today. I fell asleep in one of my classes, and that doesn't make too much sense because it's a really super loud class. I guess I was tired. My whole left arm fell asleep, and my left hand was even more useless for about two hours. I think I pinched the nerves or something, because my elbow has hurt all day today. Oh well.


There was something de-funk-a-tated going on with all the clocks, and I was really tempted to just not say anything, go back to sleep, and just not go to school today. But, I wanted to take a shower, and that woke everyone up. I was about 2 minutes late, but that's not bad. I haven't really been late at all this year.

Learned near the end of the day that my baby sister is moving with her family to another state TOMORROW. I only found out about this today, from her. She was visiting people at my school/her old school, and we saw each other for less than a minute where I got this info. I almost started crying in math, and I don't ever get worked up enough to do that. She's the sister of my brother's gal, but we've been friends way long before that and adopted each other as family. Once our siblings get hitched we'll be sister in laws. I'm gonna miss L.

Got my ballot for Nov's election. I'm doing the mail one so I can look everyone up individually even though I've kinda laready done that to make sure I pick who I like. My dear, and darling mum, asked me this in her all knowing and flaunty manner of hers. "You can either just vote all republican except for this guy, or you could just do the same as -brainless ugly- and copy off of what I've written down."

"I'm picking for myself thanks."

Don't care if I agree with her choices or not, don't much care whatever her choices are, I'm going to decide stuff for myself please and thank you very much.

One surprise though, I was almost certain she'd have opened my ballot either to outline what she wanted in faint pencil or just to look at it. The envelope was intact, none of her tamperings present. Good.

Oh yeah, about the ballot thingy. I was a little concerned it'd be some kinda of weird thing you'd have to get used to over the years to figure out and do, but no, it's super simple and easy to follow, and it's less complex than a scantron test. I think it might be alluding to how dumb people have gotten in this awesome country on average, but then again, they don't want it to be so complex the amazingness that is me needs help understanding it.

Have a terrific day. Because it's getting close to Halloween, if you can't do that have a terror-ific day. Scare the pants off of all your friends and random strangers you pass by. Just make sure you don't get arrested.
Peace out, love Mask.

It is always yes never yah, and if you must say yah, don't drawl it out like you have a mental disability affecting your speech.

~My cat is trying to knock down a picture. She's so cute. <3

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I just voted!

I was wearing a star on my jacket that said Marshal Deadwood, a green and blue plaid shirt, brown pants, and purple boots. A couple old ladies thought it was cute. XD

Hmm, so what's been going on for the last few days?? Well, lots of stuff. I forget.

I might not have to go air force or army. It depends on scholarships and stuff. Since I want to learn a ton of languages I could be a regular translator or a guide for people traveling or something.

Thinking about joining the Sons of Norway. You don't actually have to be Norwegian to join up with those guys. It's pretty cool. I could start on learning Norwegian with them instead of only focusing on French (and later when I get to college whatever other language I go for, haven't decided yet). That'd be cool. Except.... I was looking at the first lesson thingy, and I was having a ton of difficulty getting the sounds right. Norwegian sounds nothing like English gents, and it feels weird to say stuff in it. Bah, it was weird to say stuff in French at first. I'll get over it.

Have a super fantastic gnome punting day.
