Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm almost certain that's illegal

So, I registered to vote in November's election thingy on Oct 4, it didn't go through because there are more girls than just me with my exact name, middle name included with some of them. Because of the confusion, I didn't go on their list for people to vote and this all unknown to me until today.

What I had planned for today, was seeing that my horse got back from the trainer's safely and got settled back home happily. (Btw, he's totally fine, rolled as soon as he got put up and he's been gone for a month and a half.) Did that, but instead of just returning home, like I was thinking we would do, we turned on the wrong street. Well, I looked from the back of my jolly old mum's head, to the ugly's.

"Where are we going?"

"Oh, we have to drop off your brother's ballot."

... That's fine. Yes, it's something kinda important, so yeah, has to be done. Mind TELLING me beforehand so I don't get irritated with you? I sat back and stayed quiet. We got to the office, and right before the ugly went in to drop it off I hear this.

"Oh, and while you're in there, ask about her too. You said you didn't see her name come up on the list, right?"



The F did you just say? Why haven't you said anything about this?

So I stayed quiet again, and the ugly came back and said that, no indeed, I wasn't on their list because of name confusion. I've googled myself before and found a lawyer and some kind of surgeon or mechanic, so I already knew that there was more than one girl with my name. They on the other hand, were baffled by this concept that my name, as plain as it is,  was really common. Anyway, because they didn't tell me any of this, when I got in there I didn't have my school ID, my social security number(need the last four digits if you don't have a driver's licence), and I don't have a driver's licence anyway. I was going out to see a horse, you freaking think I carry that stuff around with me 24/7 and can produce it on demand?

At least the lady who was handling it was nice. She was chill and just told us the times we could come in tomorrow and next week because places like that don't do Sundays. Gonna see her tomorrow and get this taken care of.

However, there was something my mutter did that just irked me, and I guarantee was borderline against the law if it wasn't straight up illegal. She got handed the form by the nice lady whose name I can't remember, sat down beside me instead of handing it to me, and proceeded to poise her pen like she was going to fill it out and turn to me for the answers of the questions. This was my reaction.

"The hell are you doing woman?" And I put my hand out in the unspoken 'hand that over'.

She looked at me like 'of course I'm filling it out, I fill everything out', and apparently whatever look I gave her was enough that she did eventually hand it to me without touching it so I could do it myself. After a full fourteen or so seconds. Count up that high slowly and that's how long it took. And this was with me giving her a cold eye.Yeah. *is slightly grr*

The other thing that irked me, was that you only needed the last digits of your social security if you didn't have a driver's licence. The woman could have looked me up even if I didn't have it with me and this could have been done today. However, because my brother stopped being ' a good son' in our mutter's eyes once he got his driver's licence and could go places without calling on her, therefore she is doing everything in her power to make sure I don't get one. Yes, I'm 18 and can get one now without her bloody sayso, but the problem is, even when I do, and I am going to, my truck, is disassembled in the garage. The engine is playing puzzle, and the rest of it she and ugly have turned into a shelf. A shelf, that is piled three feet to four feet high in any given place you look.

I'm going to donate all that stuff to goodwill or throw it out. Then I'm going to get a mechanic out here, and get my truck put back together.

At least my baby's back home now. Peace out duckies.

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