Thursday, October 21, 2010


It's almost ten cause I had to sleep when I got home. I did end up going to bed at five this morning, and it was a good thing I did or I would have been a total zombie today. That's not good. Cause I had two tests today. No clue how I did on the one, but the other was luckily postponed since I'd been sick so much. I don't get sick a ton, but enough.

I learned something today. Or maybe it was yesterday, can't remember. There's a vein or a nerve or something in your wrist that if you get cut or ripped you can bleed to death. It's like in a really specific spot too. No, not suicidal, but it's really interesting to me. Cause my brother used to always tell me that if a mosquito bit me there I would die. Always. Like, when he was eight, he was telling this to a five year old me. I was so scared a mosquito would bite me on the wrist when I was a kid I slept with my hands under the pillow pads down so there'd be no chance of it happening.

How the heck would he have known something like that when he was a kiddie? I don't know, but where my room was, I always got bit a ton by spiders and whathaveyou, legs and arms mostly, and I can't help but wonder if him telling me this actually prevented it from happening. Thanks bro.

My grand old mum remembered it was my birthday. She asked me what I wanted for dinner this morning, and she never does that. Didn't say 'happy birthday'. At all. But, I got fish. FISH! I also got a wooden parasol. This is very strange to me, because I asked for three things, none of which were a wooden parasol. Two rabbit dolls, the white and black rabbits from Pandora Hearts, which would either have to be made or the materials gotten for me so I could make them, and a camera. Yeah the parasol's pretty spiffy, and I'm probably going to use it instead of just leaving it in my room, but why? I guess the idea was 'hey she's into oriental stuff, let's get her this'.

My party's on saturday. Gonna be at a swanky pizza joint.

I'm drinking glögg right now. It's a Nordic drink, and it was totally made in Sweden. (I love World Market!!) It's non-alcoholic, don't worry. It kinda tastes like cider in a way, only not. It's good in a strange way. It definitely tastes like a Christmas thing. 

For Hetalia stuff, I'm Greenland, so this is pretty amazing for me right now.


Yoicks, I exited out of this page while I was still writing. Google must love me cause this post was still all here. Erm, to wrap things up, here's a picture of the rest of the Nordic nations.

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