Monday, February 28, 2011

Farewell to Arms

The author bloody killed the baby. Best part? It was the same way my brother David died and I almost did with the whole umbilical cord wrapped around the throat thing. It was just in getting to the hospital quickly enough, like ten to twenty minutes decided that he was dead and I was a C-section. 

Chris was supposed to come over to hang out today, and then we'd go to some weird seminar thing on Friday and hear a lecture about something. He said today he won't be able to hang out this week at all. Sometimes I want two brothers so at least one of them might be free, but it'd be worse if both of them ignored me. Feeling like an only child is nreh. 

Random story about Chelsea from middle school. Her boyfriend was my best friend at the time's boy-best friend. So best friend who is a guy. This dope asked out Brittany while he was still 'going out' (kids in middle school don't go anywhere) with Chelsea. She never really complained about that. What she did complain about, was when he dumped her. (She should have dumped him.) She called me, everyday, after school, for weeks. To complain for hours that he had (and I quote, totally exact words here) "That he had no right to dump her" (she used 'me' instead of 'her', but yeah.) Creepy creepy. I think it's kinda worse than Belarus' affection for her brother, because this girl wasn't too much into the unwarranted affection part of the relationship I don't think. I think it was more like, he had no right because she owned him, and they were going to bloody well get married whether he liked it or not. -shudder-

Then in the Marriage of Figaro, a cute little soap opera by Mozart we're reading in Music Appreciation, we unwittingly stumbled upon the worst plot twist ever. This girl Marcellina, who I was playing (because I'm the oldest girl and therefore get to be the bitter old lady XD), who was trying to get Figaro to marry her because of some contract with not paying back a loan. (it was 2,000 gold pieces) Yeah, this chick turns out to be his mom. And they were totally fine with it too! They were like 'oh, we're related? Son! Mother! //huuuuug!!!' And then his father was randomly there too. And Marcellina was like 'okay, wedding thing off, go marry that Susanna girl you're so in love with'. Susanna was the only one who freaked out and kept asking 'you bloomin' serious? that -eerrrrrr- is your MOM?!!! 

I am now Justin's mom. Creepy. Creepy creepy.

I have the feeling I won't be living it down anytime soon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pet peeves and things/grrr

Anyone else hate people's little gross/irritating 'quirks' with a passion? Yeah, there are just those certain people, it doesn't matter it you're 'polite' to each other or not, you will not get along. And yeah, that happens a lot. I don't like people reading over my shoulder. If I invite you to read a book with me, or whatever I'm writing, we'll probably take turns reading it out loud or something and that's only happened a couple times since grade school. But seriously, if you read over my shoulder when I'm writing, you will get glared at. Bad table manners, sounding like a freaking hog when you're eating with all the slurping and grunting when you're eating something like pizza or anything else that wouldn't naturally cause those kind of noises, just no. Gross things are gross. I can live with random freaks leaning so far back their nasty hair is on my desk. I just won't bother to make my books avoid their heads when I move them or turn pages. If they want to be in my space that badly, go for it. I'm not apologizing if they get a paper cut on their head. Talking about vulgar things during any meal is a no too. Telling me the worst possible bit of news first thing in the morning every single freaking day or cursing someone out for being gay or a democrat or whatever else you might come up with is not for me either. Mostly it's just better not to talk in the morning. Learn how to eat quietly with table manners. And I don't care if you don't move your head before you get blood on my desk, just don't let it get on my books.

Here's a random police etiquette video. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh, maybe not?

Hah ha.. . so, thought about any change in my routine that could be causing the nails thing. Walking in the morning is a no, so the only other thing that's different is I've been using Bragg-amino sauce on some random stuff (especially rice) for the past week or so. I don't know how my brain got on the subject, but I remembered too much salt was bad for you, so I checked out if that could cause a heart attack. Yes, it can. Too much salt gives you high blood pressure = possible heart attack. So, checked the bottle of that weird junk I was told was healthier than soy sauce, and yeah, there's a freakish amount of sodium in it. Um, so as a random note: sugar makes me tired/mellow/hyper(just depends) and salt makes me sick. Weird. But it kinda makes sense I guess. My headaches have been a bit worse lately, not just from 6th, and yeah.

Bon nuit mes amis.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A doc eh?

Well, my fingernails are looking a little better, but still have that tint to them. Fun thing, they kinda do hurt now. My hands and especially my wrists are pretty ehh. It kinda reminds me when I was a kid, because my wrists hurt all the time when I was little. But they haven't been like this in years, at least since sometime in elementary. With an added thing, that random I couldn't get warm to go to sleep thing that happened last year is thrown into the mix too. I can fix it with a big pile of blankets so I'm comfortable enough to sleep, but it's pretty unnatural for me to have my room hot and then need blankets... Usually I keep my room nice and cold and leave the window open a crack or fully open year round. It doesn't affect the house much with my door closed because the furnace vent connected to my room has never worked. (Hurray for cold!)

Soooooo, that thing about having a stroke... that does not sound amazing. Not the sort of amazing thing I would want to do. So, I'm gonna see if I can get the jolly ol' mum of mine to take me to the doc.

In other news... haven't spoken to my brother since he got married. We don't see each other in person and don't enjoy talking over the phone. Lame huh?

Good bit of news. I told my mom that I was debating over just going to community college for two years after high school and doing really well there so I could transfer to the college I really want to go to, or I could would really hard for the next two years and then try to advocate for myself so they might let me in anyway even with my GPA being so low. She was all for the community college thing, saying 'both your cousins went to one to get their basic-required classes done so when they went to real college they would just be working on their major'. Hehe, yeah. The thing is, no. Thank you. No. I think I'd rather work hard now, because if I just go to community college my next college might not look at the amazing test scores I get in HS. Besides, Hunter got to run away to Idaho went he got out, I could use running away up North too even if I can't change states.

I'm now passing French. (Because I'm so amazing I can fix that in two days.) Fill in the blanks duckies. America -f  k- yeah!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Like the dead

You know CSI where the dead chick/guy's nails are all purple/blue at their base? Yeah, my nails have been looking like that all day. They don't feel any different, so I'm not too worried. It's pretty cool in a bad way. If anyone knows what might cause that, could you tell me what it is? If it's not better by tomorrow I'll either show them off to everyone and say I'm a zombie, or paint them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

German vs French

I got exposed to German as my first second language when I was twelve for one semester at school. Then in high school I got shoved into French. (Well actually, now that I think about it, all of fourth grade tried to get me to learn Spanish, and it just made me mad. I did not learn anything. I don't dig educational videos of an ugly man with a bad voice when I'm in the front. Still don't.) Anyways, now I'm still in French and that's the first language I've gotten pretty far with so far. I can read comic books meant for their equivalent of second or third graders. By the by, I got two of those. Hunchback of Notre Dame, and something about a revolution. The second ones the best because fourth sentence in: 'The French were revolting!'. Hahahah, yeah, when don't they do that? They do that nowadays too. Burning cars and rioting in Paris is just a fact of life sometimes.Where was I going with this... oh right. Basically, from what I've seen, German and French, are butchered illegitimate siblings of each other. They have words that are spelled the same that are pronounced and mean different things, and the languages are pretty much set up the same in respects to grammar and use of words. (Except German has to be special so all the nouns are capitalized. All. Of. Them.) It'd probably make more sense if I had any knowledge of Latin, but I don't.  

Fun things about French: we took like, months to learn the words cat, apple, hat, chair, and two others that I can't recall because I lost the paper with them on it two weeks into that class. Then another couple of months we had the alphabet the numbers one through ten and then we had some others tacked on til we reached a hundred somehow. AND, we learned four main verbs and a random scattering of other ones just because they kept showing up in the lesson. Oh yeah, and we learned colors, without ever learning shapes.

Fun things about German: learning about an average of twenty-five words a week, getting tripped up by French with random words, getting helped by French by being able to connect how they set up pronouns, getting to visit a library that looks like it's out of a teen zombie horror flick, the frogs people say are alive but only move when you aren't watching them, and having everything you learn sound like you're either getting ready to interrogate someone, or be interrogated. o.o

Bad thing that's happening; if I don't know a word in one language but I know it in another, my brain's been trying to fit them together as one language. So I have to stop whatever I'm doing and go look up the word in the proper one. Hopefully this won't get bad. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Gave the dog a bath. He's good with them as long as you can get him in the tub. This involves picking him up, because he's a big baby and needs to be picked up. picking up a sheep. XP Losing a ton of fur and having me get soaked was worth it though. Spike's clean and pretty again. Now just have to keep him extremely happy for the next few days while he gets used to it, so he doesn't go out into the melting snow and mud and roll around.

This is a very happy picture. Spike was miserable during the whole thing. And I was singing random happy songs because I felt like it. Poor thing. Wet dog hair is so nasty.


That whole thing with me waking up at fourish, yeah, well, right around 4:30 is when I go with Spike for a walk. It's been 20 degrees for awhile at that time, but today it's really warm out. It's 40 degrees out so we stayed out a bit longer. It was very nice. I like it, cause really, it's still nighttime, there are stars, there's no people out except for a few driving to work, and there are no other dogs for Spike to freak out about and drag me around to meet.  He's part blue heeler, part other thing. I'm pretty sure the other thing is either husky or wolf, because he loves snow, and he's way bigger than a blue heeler. Awesome Australian sheepdog meets American wolf. ^^

Random News with me

Just realized something within the past week. I am a morning person. o.o If I actually sleep, the time when I am most aware and strong on what I want to do, almost all my drive, is right in the morning. Good thing about that, I'm not the stereotypical kind that smile all the time and are optimistic about everything. You just got half your face scorched off? Well, at least you still have this side of your face. <3 Haha, no. I'm not going to smile at things that shouldn't be laughed at. (Unless it's a random dead-something joke; I have no poker face.) Being good with mornings doesn't mean I'm good with Mondays, or school, so everything else can deal with my decision to wake up at two to four in the morning.

I cleaned my room. (be amazed)

I found everything I was looking for except my plaid skirt.

I found out donuts from Walmart are not safe. One kind burned your mouth and throat, the other kind had brain killing nastiness in it. (transfat kills your brain) Don't take poison no matter how pleasing the container its in. XP

About the German lesson thingy today, I was under the assumption, I was making twenty flashcards because I would be tested over those specific words that I chose to learn. That was what you thought too, da? Well, without even looking at the cards, she handed me my 'accountability quiz thingy' to make sure I had learned stuff. I only missed one of the ten random words she picked, and then only two of the five 'extra credit' ones. I kept going 'gah! I know how to spell it in German, but what did it mean?' Then, we started going over the pronouns (they're the weird German siblings of je, elle, and il etc if you're in French). Basically, as soon as they were introduced, we went right on into the exercises with them. I didn't know how to pronounce them, and like, I still did pretty well, so I'm happy.

A box of tissues magically appeared where there was no box of tissues previously. Like, just now. (I'm the only one who's up, so I'm gonna say it's the fairies again, or just me being oblivious.)

And! Yes, there are totally fairies -or something- in my house. Cory chases stuff that isn't there, but Tammy makes out like she sees stuff moving where there isn't anything moving. Cats can see stuff we can't. I guess it could be random ghosts or something. Both me and my brother were scared to go downstairs alone as kids, and so were both Erin's kid brothers when they came over. It's still kinda creepy, but that's where my bathroom is, so I have to go down there everyday anyway. I always thought there were two scary old ladies down there, but, that could have just been because my mom has these really old hat boxes with really old lady hats down there, and like, half of them were for funerals or something. o.O

San out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Say what?

I thought my neighbor's were fighting or something. I was hearing a sharp high pitch noise, but it wasn't loud enough to figure out what it was for about ten minutes. It wasn't screaming, it was laughter. Freakishly loud, high pitched, and completely bonkers-happy laughter. I couldn't tell if the person was male or female from it, but I was gearing it loud and clear from between two closed windows, theirs and mine, and all the space in between our houses, like they were right next to me. It was almost like listening to the Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji, and I was like... okay then. Better than having a neighbor who laughs like a chicken I guess. Haven't that girl for awhile.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We grew up by the sea

There are stories about farm children who pretty much raised all the rest of their siblings when their parents were sick and held the farm together. My grandpa was one of those kids. His -something like eight or nine- other siblings, and both his parents got sick at the same time, so he ran the farm and took care of them. *can't remember how old he was*

That's fantastic. I firmly believe being around younger children is good for a kid. Give them a little responsibility and trust to look after something living. However. This comes with some boundaries. As a parent, don't give your seven year old and her seven year old friend the responsibility of watching the four year old and one year old baby brother every time they're together. They are friends and want to hang out and play, not watch over the kiddos. Don't shirk responsibility just cause the girls are old enough to be aware of how to watch something.

Next, when your daughter and her friend are eight years old, and you decide to sign your name to watching someone else's whelp, don't sign the girls' names to it too.

This is why I'm great with children, they love me, and I just get so bleh afterwards.

There's one word for this; Logan.

Ellen (Erin's mom) took on the responsibility of 'watching' Logan, not babysitting (she wasn't getting paid or anything), just you know, watching him so his parents could go fool around and pretend they didn't have a child. They ignored this kid like crazy. The one thing we had in common, was that he and I both grew up by the sea. End commonness. So this kid was like three, couldn't talk, grunted for things, screamed to get what he wanted, had no concept of right and wrong, and almost no understanding of word meanings in conversations around him. He used to walk up and down the shore all by himself, when he wasn't doing that he'd get sat alone in front of a television.

I wasn't aware of stuff like reporting to proper authorities. What I knew was, I hated being left with some kid who couldn't go to the restroom and pooped his pants while he walked if he didn't have a diaper on.

Been wondering what happened to that kid lately. Did he stay like that? Is he alive? Did he go join a pack of wolves or get driven out into the middle of nowhere and left there for the wolves to take him in like I told my mom should be done? (I was an adamant little tyke.)

Well, turns out Dani knew him, and she hated that kid too. Worst kid ever, she knew him when he was older, I'm going to guess he was eight or so at the time. Still grunts, screams, no talking.

It's horrible that that's what his parents have turned him into. It must have killed him to leave the sea and get stuck in this so not seaside place. It didn't kill me because there was a gigantic storm to come home to and I got to see snow for the first time. He should be.... twelve right now, or just about there. I almost think I should like, track him down and see if he's gotten to a good place or if not, report the situation and try and get that kid into a place where he can learn and grow, and be involved more in life than just 'being watched'.

We both grew up by the sea and got transplanted into a landlocked area. Even if there wasn't anything we had in common, he needed to have been taken out of that situation, and Ellen 'watching him' while she  did work with him a little, he needed more than that. I don't think he's gotten it.