Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer is finally here!

I was planning on getting tons and tons of sleep, playing with Rowan, writing a ton, and generally ignoring everyone. Now I'm planning on getting people together for Ren-fest, trying to think of a costume, going to sleep at around 11 and waking up at ten to seven everyday. It's so weird! My sleep patterns are suddenly normal. Usually it's all over the place.

I'm going to see that pirate movie, the fourth Caribbean one this Tuesday. Cool. I've also found some nifty Icelandic videos with phrases for me to learn that sound like nifty gibberish. Also nifty. Anything new with me? Not really. I found an Icelandic kids' commercial for cheese, and the song is unbelievably catchy. I would have completely been caught by it when I was a kiddo.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Birthday! I'm giving you the End of The World!

Okay, apparently, somebody predicted October 21, of 2011, this year mind you, is supposed to be the end of the world. This is really interesting, because there's this guy who's a friend of the family, who thinks the calculations from everyone saying the world was going to end in my mom's high school years (she's like 56 or something, sooo, thirty-five-fortyish years ago??) And he's a christian, and one of those guys who are like, super into numbers and math-related goo.

So, might be missing the Dec 21, 2012, barbecue.

In other news, it's supposed to be the destroyed by fire part that's happening for my birthday. Bigger and more interesting than fireworks... . but still, really? And um, the rapture is supposed to be tomorrow apparently. May 21st, 2011. So, on a Saturday. Cool beans. I'll go clean my room so it can be orderly for other people to raid it afterwards.

Thank you Jesus, this is um, a very thoughtful gift.

This is the May 21 and Oct 21 page.

I'm not going to say I'm even attempting to understand the finer lines of how they figured this out, but whatever. I figure you're supposed to be prepared for the end at any time, but still make arrangements and preparations just in case you're stuck here for the normal lifespan of a human.

~Happy almost-rapture? Sankari <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Viking Button

No, I'm not talking about 'click' vikings pop up. I'm talking about a button, like on a shirt. I fell in love with two little buttons on a super-hideous bathing suit dress thing today. I would have totally gotten that thing just to take the buttons off and use them for a vikings costume.

Nope, my mom would not have any of that.

If I got it, I'd have to use the bathing suit too.

Well, that wasn't happening. So I looked around a bit more. There was a cute black shirt, with that same viking button on it, only it was huge. Like, it was more like the clasp for a cloak, than a button. But the shirt was cheaper than the bathing suit, and it was cute.

However, as much as I love that button, as much as I'd adore it as the clasp of a cloak I have not yet made, I also really like it on that shirt. I don't think that viking button is coming off anytime soon. It's my cute black shirt with a viking button.

In other news; Osama Bin Laden was finally killed. Then his body was dumped into the ocean within two hours of death on Obama's orders. Really now. That's more of an honor thingy or something in that culture, and really, we should have kept it. We haven't even gotten DNA results back to make sure it was really him.

Since Easter, we have been getting random snow. It snowed a bit today too.

My brother and Sam came over for Easter for a bit. My brother yelled: "Beth, there's shuriken in the bathroom!"

Me: "Sorry!" Been meaning to put those things away, but I keep forgetting to wash them.